Modern Slavery Spotlight – Training and Raising Awareness Group Work

Areas/topics of training

What is modern slavery?

The different types of modern slavery ie domestic servitude, trafficking, labour market exploitation etc.

Identification of modern slavery victims – indicators

How to support victims – what are the right/wrong questions to ask? Who are the specialist agencies working with victims, where can I can signpost/receive support from?

National Referral Mechanism (NRM) -what is the NRM? How does it work? What is the process of making referrals? What does it offer? What are the person’s rights once being referred into the NRMie rights to mental health support, right to remain while case is processed, right to housing etc? What are the consequences of referring someone into the NRM ie how may this affect a person’s immigration status? What do the proposed changes to the NRM look like? The need to be open and honest

Employment/human rights, including cash in hand work, minimum wage

How to access/navigate systems eg NRM, ACAS telephone help line/website, Gang Masters and Labour Abuse Authority.

What can I do in my project?

Display posters in reception area eg around the minimum wage – St Martin’s in the Field poster.

Increase awareness of the indicators of modern slavery and how best to support victims to both staff and clients.

Build up useful resources ie projects, information (see below).

Embed modern slavery assessment into the initial client assessment – start to record data on modern slavery. Make sure staff and clients are aware where the data is going “informed consent”.

Useful Information

The Trafficking Survivor Care Standards, produced by the Human Trafficking Foundation with input from several NGOs, is a useful resource and will beadopted as a minimum standard of victim support under the new NRM reforms.

FLEX has produced a guide which explains a client’s Support entitlements under NRMin the UK to potential and actual victims of trafficking. The guide is available in several languages on FLEX’s website. Paper copies are also available as well.

Improving the identification and support form modern slavery victims - this resource was published following the findings of a comparative research project by FLEX and international partners on the identification and support of victims of trafficking.

FLEX filmwhich aims to build awareness of the reasons why people fall into exploitation and shows the solutions proposed by FLEX to end exploitation.

Housing Justice –video on modern day slavery and homelessness.

Homeless Link Support

To write a briefing/circulate any information about updates to the NRM

Homeless Link webinar and training to look at the training needs highlighted above eg types of modern slavery, identification, NRM etc.

Useful Numbers and Websites

Gang Masters and Labour Abuse Authority reporting number - 0800 432 0804.
ACAS – free helpline number:0300 123 1100 (Monday to Friday 8am-6pm).
Unchosen– Stay Safe from Slavery
Homeless Link - Modern Slavery Resources (includes know the signs poster)
Salvation Army –Spot the signs of modern slavery