Rheumatologic Dermatology Society (RDS) Annual Meeting

Saturday, November 7, 2015 8am to 5pm

Mission Bay Conference Center at UCSF

Fisher Banquet Room West

1675 Owens Street, Suite 251 San Francisco, CA


8-8:30Continental breakfast (Fisher Banquet Room East)


David Fiorentino (Stanford University)

8:45-9:30Update on the cutaneous lupus classification project

Joe Merola (Brigham and Women’s Hospital)

9:30-10The Vasculitis Clinical Research Consortium

Peter Merkel and Rob Micheletti (University of Pennsylvania)


Novel targets fortherapy in dermatomyositis


Jan Dutz (University of British Columbia)

10:45-11:15Interferons in dermatomyositis

Steve Greenberg (Brigham and Women’s Hospital)

11:15-11:30Activity of type I and type II interferons in dermatomyositis skin is correlated with characteristic pathologic features

Hayley Leatham, Kerri Rieger, Lorinda Chung, Shufeng Li, Brandon Higgs, Yihong Yao, KavitaSarin, David Fiorentino

Stanford University, Department of Dermatology

11:30-11:45The Janus kinase inhibitor tofacitinib is an alternative treatment option for refractory cutaneous dermatomyositis

Drew Kurtzman, Natalie Wright, Janice Lin, Alisa Femia, Henry Townsend, Mital Patel, Ruth Ann Vleugels

Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Dermatology

12-1Lunch (Fisher Banquet Room East)

Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus

1-1:15Activation of T-Follicular Helper Cells and B Cells in Ultraviolet Light-Induced Murine Model of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Misha Zarbafian, Mehran Ghoreishi, Jan Dutz

University of British Columbia, Department of Dermatology

1:15-1:30Immunohistochemical characterization of acute and chronic

discoid lupus erythematosus skin lesions

Jack C. O’Brien, Gregory A. Hosler, Benjamin F. Chong, MD

University of Texas, Southwestern, Department of Dermatology

1:30-1:45Belimumab for the treatment of recalcitrant cutaneous lupus –

a pilot project

Priyanka Vashisht, ManpreetSethi, Melanie Rohr, Debbie Lim, Michelene Hearth-Holmes

University of Nebraska Medical Center, Division of Rheumatology

Paraneoplastic skin disease

1:45-2Myelodysplastic syndrome presenting as generalized

granulomatous dermatitis

Samuel J. Balin, David A. Wetter, Paul J. Kurtin, Louis Letendre, Mark R. Pittelkow

Mayo Clinic, Department of Dermatology

2-2:15Evidence-Based Malignancy Screening in patients with Dermatomyositis

Anthony P. Fernandez, FabrizioGalimberti, Yumeng Li

Cleveland Clinic, Department of Dermatology

2:15-2:30Outcomes of malignancy screening practices fordermatomyositis: data from two U.S. cohorts

Hayley Wheeler, Courtney Schadt, Sarah Chisolm, Deborah Fretwell, Lorinda Chung, Jeffrey Callen, David Fiorentino

Stanford University, Department of Dermatology

University of Louisville, Division of Dermatology


2:30-2:45Changes of disease activity and damage over time in morphea


Jack C. O’Brien and Heidi T. Jacobe

University of Texas, Southwestern, Department of Dermatology

2:45-3Epidemiology and treatment of post-irradiation morphea: a

retrospective analysis from three large tertiary care centers

Renee Fruchter,Drew Kurtzman, Daniel R. Mazori, Natalie A. Wright,

Mital Patel, Ruth Ann Vleugels, Alisa N. Femia

Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Dermatology

New York University, Department of Dermatology


Instruments for skin assessment in dermatomyositis

3:15-3:30Evaluation of the Reliability and Validity of the Cutaneous

Dermatomyositis Disease Area and Severity Index (CDASI) and the Cutaneous Assessment Tool-Binary Method (CAT-BM) Among

Pediatric Dermatologists, Rheumatologists, and Neurologists in

Juvenile Dermatomyositis

Janice Tiao, Neelam Khan, Rui Feng, Emily M. Berger, John Brandsema,

Carrie C. Coughlin, Elizabeth A. Kichula, Melissa A. Lerman, Svetlana

Lvovich, Patrick J. McMahon, Lisa G. Rider, Adam I. Rubin, Lisabeth V.

Scalzi, Douglas M. Smith, Alysha J. Taxter, James R. Treat, Sabrina W.

Yum, Joyce Okawa, Victoria P. Werth

University of Pennsylvania, Department of Dermatology

3:30-3:45The Cutaneous Dermatomyositis Disease Area and Severity Index

as a primary efficacy endpoint in a Phase 2 clinical trial of IMO-

8400 in patients with dermatomyositis

David Fiorentino, Mark Hurtt, Julie Brevard, Victoria Werth

Stanford University, Department of Dermatology

IDERA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

University of Pennsylvania, Department of Dermatology


3:45-4Good Syndrome - An adult onset immunodeficiency associated


Jan Dutz

University of British Columbia, Department of Dermatology

4-4:30Website update

4:30-5RDS business meeting

Nominations and membership: Nicole Fett (Oregon Health Sci U)

Amendments to bylaws: David Fiorentino (Stanford)

Other business