For returning leaders:Welcome back to Service Unit 72 and the new Scout year.Thank you for continuing your service.

For new leaders:Welcome to Service Unit 72.Thank you for volunteering!

It's the beginning of the year so we have lots of information for you.

Please note: this message is being sent to all registered (2016-17 Scout Year) Adults with a 01, 02, or 03 code in ebiz as of Friday, Sept 30, 7:58 AM ET (Leader, Assistant Leader, Support Volunteer respectively).

TroopAnnouncements(if your troop wants to present at a leaders meeting - use this link:Meeting Presentation Request)

·  60320 Cadette ServiceHoliday Craft Fair- December 11, 2016

·  60320 CadetteFather/DaughterSquare Dance - February 2017

·  60392 AmbassadorFashion Youniverse

o  Ambassador Meaghan Crowley is working on her Gold Award dealing with Self-Esteem in the Fashion industry. This program is geared toward 6-13 year old girls. She is willing to run a meeting. The girls can have a fashion show to be proud of their own individual style. The canalso earn a badge in conjunction with Dove and WAGGGS.

·  Information will be postedto the website soon for the above events

Events & News

·  Placement

o  We have a new Daisy and a new Brownie Troop with an additional Daisy troop near starting.

o  There are currently 30 girls on the waitlist. If you have openings, please letGeorgieknow ASAP.

§  We manage Troop vacancies through your responses on the Troop Status report. if you did not complete for 2015-16, this is very overdue. It will only take you 5-10 minutes to complete.

o  Since June, we have placed over 51 girls (48 troop and 3 Juliettes)

·  Nuts

o  Sales begin on 10/1 and end on 10/23

o  Training was held on 10/12 and 21. There is also a Council recorded training session.

o  Nut Managers must be registered and background checked.

o  If you did not pick up your materials, pleasecontact the Nut team.

·  Website Photo Contest - we need your pictures!

o  Details for thewebsite photo contesthave been posted.

o  If you are a new leader, keep this in mind throughout the year as you take pictures of troop events

·  Publicity and Community Engagement

o  Wehave a new Service Unit team role which is being filled by Karen Briegs.

o  Karen has met with the Township and they are very interested in Scouts helping with town activities. A number of them are being posted on website service page

§  If girls are looking for Bronze, Silver, or Gold Awards, the township has a number of project ideas. Girls should meet with Township Administrator: Anthony Fererra, and/or Township Clerk: Pam Borek.(girls should prepare and run meeting!)

YOUR STORIES NEEDED: If you are doing troop events, participating in special assemblies, or have something interesting to share, Karen is looking for regular stories to submit to the Beacon. Pleaseemailher with details and pictures.

·  Media Releases

o  After over a year of discussing with Council we have a path forward on a Service Unit Media release.

o  This is different than the release checked in eBiz for registration. That release is for Council (GSHNJ) or National (GSUSA) media and does not cover local scenarios.

o  Leaders need to manage Media release similar to Health History forms. Please have parents sign and store with Troop records.Adults are required to have one on file too.

o  SU events will have a media release confirmation added to the registration forms.

o  These will be added to website Tools for Leader shortly.

§  Under 18

§  18 and over

·  Service

o  Erica explained service is optional, not required, but avery important part of Scouting.

o  Girls can earn theCouncil's Hearts of Servivce patch and rocker

o  You can find out about service a few ways:

§  At least one email a month

§  website page on Service

Please share all service opportunities with your Troop and parents. Events are indicated if they can be done individually or as Troop.

o  If you have signed up for a service event and you have to cancel, please communicate to someone involved with the event.

o  We need to work on getting Girl Scouts more visible in the community.Let’s try for some great service this year.

o  Upcoming Service (all on website!)

10/27: Halloween party - activity stationsat the Municipal Building 4-6:00 PM

10/15: Family Fall Festival – Craft and activity stations at Woods Road School 4:00 PM (Cadettes and older)
10/8: Clothing Drive, South Branch Reformed Church - assist loading truck from 2:30-4:30 PM (Cadettes and older)

o  If you have service questions, please don't hesitate toask Erica

·  Storage Unit

o  Our storage unit, which is donated, has a number of items available for trioop use:

§  Camping Gear

§  Craft supplies

o  Pleaseemail SU Managersfor access info

·  Event Updates

o  Welcome BackDeWittevent went well despite the temperature. Council will be developing marketing materials and publishing by Dec. Camp will be open for 2017 Summer camp!

o  Fall Camping: Everyone had a great time competing in games, cooking their meals, sleeping in tents/yurts, and hanging out by the campfire.

·  Display Case

o  We have a display case in the municipal building. Susan van Pelt is always looking for items to change up the dsplay. If your Troop or a Scout wants to be featured,please reach out to Susan.

·  Service Unit Team Members Meeting Requests

o  Tara and Heather are happy to join you, whether it is for a rededication or a bridging, or just a regular meeting.We want you to know that we are available. please give us a week's notice and we will make every effort to attend your event.

·  Important papers

·  Are you taking your Troop somewhere besides your meeting space? You need to ensure you havepermissionslipsfor every Girl.

·  Are you going on an overnight or doing a high risk activity? You need to ensure aTroop Trip formis submitted30 days in advance.

·  Do you have the latest Health info for your Troop? You should ensureHealth History formsare updatedannuallyand forms are stored securely and with you during all activities/trips (also secured during event so no health info is accidentally shared)

Open Team positions

·  We have a few open positions and would love for you to join the SU team.If you would like to consider one of these roles, please reach out toTara or Heather

o  Camporee Coordinator or Committee - Tentatively scheduled for the weekend of 5/19 - 5/21

o  Outdoor Skills - as was explained, you can write your own job description here. :-)

o  Level Events Coordinator - Coordinate support for each level event (e.g. Bunco for Cadettes, Circus Place for Juniors)

o  New Role: Leader Support Coordinator – This role will be critical to assisting new leaders get their troops started (room location, meeting ideas, journey help, etc).They will connect new leaders with“buddies” and ensure the partnership gets things moving in the right direction.

o  Parent Facebook page Moderators - our current Facebook page is for Leaders only. We will consider a Parent page BUT we need a few leaders to help moderate it.