S1 Pupil Council There will be a meeting of the S1 Pupil Council in the Meeting Room beside Mr Webster’s office at 9:00 on Wed 9th Dec. All reps should attend. (AW)

Christmas Concert Congratulations and thank you to all pupils who took part in the concert on Monday evening and provided yet another fabulous evening’s entertainment. Feedback from the audience has been very positive. Well done everyone. Orchestra rehearsals will resume after the Christmas holiday. (HW)

ESOL CLASSES For Information: Siobhan Mackie, ESOL Teacher is off sick. There will be no more ESOL classes until the New Year. Thank you. (Nabil Ramzy)

Elgin Academy Christmas Video It’s that time of year again folks, last years christmas video accumulated over 4100 views on Youtube – let’s see if we can beat that figure this time round! I’m looking for as many groups and individuals as possible to appear - the filming will be done in room B36 (Computing & Business Studies base) against the “green screen” – you’ll be singing/miming the popular “Let It Go” from Disneys “Frozen” in a karaoke style. Remember it’s not to be taken too seriously, you don’t have to be able to sing, it’s just a bit of yuletide festive silliness, not the X-Factor! Please see Mr Perry if you’re interested and we can arrange a convenient time, it will take around 10 minutes to do the filming.

Fundraising Festive Fun Join us this December to raise money for TEXT SANTA!

Secret Candy Canes Monday 14 – Friday 18th: Monday and Tuesday will be in the Library - Wednesday to Friday in the hall at break – Come and buy a candy cane for a friend, which will be delivered anonymously on the last days of school! (£1 Per candy cane). (S6)

Christmas Jumper Day Friday 18th – wear your favourite Christmas jumper over your uniform for £1 in aid of TEXT SANTA! Please hand your money into your registration teacher. (S6)

Hockey Club: Team lists are up outside B29 for Saturday's match. If you are involved please tick your name to show you have read the information. Full team attendance at Hockey Club on Thursday is advised (captains please speak to your teams). Hockey Club is stillon as normal on Thursday for EVERYONE (weather dependent). Thanks (SS)

Scotland Rugby Internationals: After Scotland’s great performance in the Rugby world Cup,

this is a reminder that all orders for rugby tickets at Murrayfield to see Scotland play England and France should be given to Mr Kelly by this Friday. We cannot apply for tickets after December 16th, so there will be no spare tickets nearer the days of the matches. Any questions see My Kelly in G 13. (PK)

Programme of Events – Steve Frew motivational speaker – 14/12/15

Time / Activity / Focus / Location
Period 1 / Motivational Talk – S3 / Focus on raising attainment and further developing growth mind set / Assembly Hall
Period 2 / Motivational Talk – S4 / Focus on raising attainment and further developing growth mind set / Assembly Hall
Period 3 / Motivational Talk – S5/6 / Focus on raising attainment and further developing growth mind set / Assembly Hall
Period 4 / S4 Coaching and Leadership class / S4 Wider Achievement Coaching Basketball to Bishopmill P7.
Northern Scot. / Games Hall
Period 5 / S4 Coaching and Leadership class / Leadership and Team Building Activities / Games Hall/Small Hall

For Period 5, I need the following pupils to report to the PE department at the beginning of P5 and I will register them. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. These pupils should (!) know about the following arrangements. However, if any do appear in your class, please send them to me in the PE department.

Jake Bremner, Ryan Bufton, Shane Cameron, Kieran Chisholm, Mhairi Cooper, Ross Coull, Robert Dunk, Tarrance Estroccio, Liam Gallagher, James Gray, Calum Greig, Jordan Henderson, Ethan Hew, Angus Hinnigan, Brogan Innocent, Ross Kelman, George Linfoot, Bailey Mone, Finlay Pender, Shoaib Rasul, Ben Reid, Stuart Reid, Emma Smith, Daniel Tayerera and Moray Taylor. (PMcA)

Happy Un-Birthday Alice! Next week, Elgin Academy will enjoy a tremendous three-day celebration of 150 years in Alice in Wonderland. Wednesday is Alice in Literary Land, with games, riddles and quizzes. Alice will make a special appearance to tell us about some of her adventures. Thursday is Alice in Numberland, with a number of activities on offer and the Mad Hatter will be around to add some fun to the event too. The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party is the final fling, on Friday. Through the keyhole, there will be: Four stalls of amazing activities; Accessorise with Alice competition; Lots of curious characters (some you may think you recognise). Also at the Mad Party, will be incredible food and drinks, with upside-down tea cups, chess, caterpillar crash mats and mock turtle jelly too. There will be two sittings at the Tea Party, with all sorts of nonsense planned. Tickets are £2.50 each and will be on sale from Monday interval at the library door. First come first served. AND, Wonderland cupcakes will be on sale, at morning interval each day next week. On Monday and Tuesday, the cake sale will be in the library and every day afterwards, in the hall.

This will be a fantastical extravagant ending to our end of term. Don’t miss it!

Speaker’s Corner this week sees Mr Gray in the spotlight. Mr Gray’s talk is Setting Up a Slice of The Great Barrier Reef in Your Living Room. Sounds like a must-see event! All in the library, from 1.20pm on Friday.


Novelties Book Club Party time and books and tinsel and fun today! In the library at lunchtime

S3 Personalisation and Choice – Additional Physical Education The following students have not yet returned the completed tear off slip from the letter regarding additional PE in S3. All slips should be returned no later than Wednesday 9th December 2015 via your registration teacher. Many thanks for those already in. (KJG)

Daniel Campbell, Louise Curtis, Tymoteusz Feledyn, Dani Fikloczy, Joe Gentleman, Owen Jeffrey, Szabolcs Kovacs, Rhys McInnes, Fionn O’Driscoll, Damian Ofat, Eloise Pender, Morven Ross, Mackenzie Smith, Ciaran Stone.

S1/S2Cookery Club Cookery Club will run on Thursday this week. Please sign up in the HE department by Wednesday. It will cost £1.00 please bring a tub. (KA)


HIGHER ENGLISH (OTHELLO) S5/6 Higher (Mr Terron’s class) are reminded to bring in all their Othello materials for Thursday. (DT)

Chemistry Nat 5 Supported study – 3:30-4:30pm Thursday G27

Higher Supported Study 3:30-4:10pm Wednesday G27

Christmas Party the price for the S5/6 Christmas Party tickets is £5, and they are now on sale form anyone in the social events committee. They are also available on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunchtime from 1pm in Mrs May’s room. The closing date for buying tickets is Friday 11th December and cannot be bought on the night. The party is on Tuesday 15 December from 7pm – 10pm. Smart dress is required.