13th TCI Annual Global Conference

Pre-conference cluster tours: November 22–26, 2010

Cluster Tours from Nov 22 – 26 2010

Cities Covered:

  • November 22, Mumbai – Financial Cluster
  • November 23, Bangalore – IT Cluster
  • November 24, Chennai – Auto Cluster
  • November 25, Hyderabad – Knowledge Cluster
  • November 26, Ahmedabad – Pharmaceutical Cluster

Day 1: November 29, Monday

0900-1100Cluster 101:

Advanced learning workshop on cluster development and cluster management including introductory session

1100 – 1130 hrsCoffee Break

1130 – 1330 hrsCluster 101 (continued)

1330 – 1400 hrsInformation session on cluster tours to be held on November 30

1400 hrsLunch & Individual Delhi Tours

Day 2: November 30, TuesdayRegional Analysis: Capturing Insights from Successful Clusters

Cluster tours:

The second day is dedicated to cluster tours in the New Delhi region.

Choice 1:
Automobile Cluster and IT Cluster in
Gurgaon / Choice 2:
Media Cluster in Noida with Apparel Cluster in New Delhi

Day 3: December 1, Wednesday

Time / Details / Speakers/Panel / Time / Details / Speakers/Panel / Time / Details / Speakers/Panel
0930-1100 / Opening ceremony)
1100-1230 P / Facilitating global outreach of European and Indian innovative clusters*
Opening session
Session 1: Innovative cluster policies / - Speaker Delegation of the EU to India
- Speaker TCI/Institute for Competitiveness India
- Speaker European Commission (policies towards world class clusters in EU)
- Speaker DST
- Speaker EURADA (role of clusters in regional development in the EU)
- Speaker EIT (European Knowledge Innovation Communities)
- Speaker MSMEs / 1100-1230 P / Panel: Collaboration and clusters / - Arvin D. Jelliss: "Industry Clusters, Collaborative Innovation, and Regional Development: Tourism, Wine, and Food in the Niagara Peninsular, Canada"
- Werner Pamminger: "European Cluster Collaboration Platform - a starting base for cluster organizations to discover new horizons of excellence and to explore new opportunities of collaboration"
- Michael Steiner & Michael Ploder: "Multidimensional networks: the changing character and framework of inter-firm collaboration" / 1100-1230 P / Industry focus: Education clusters 1 / EDUCOMP
1230-1330 / Lunch
1330-1430 P / Session 2: Management practices for the internationalization of clusters / - Speaker European cluster (what it takes to be a globally competitive cluster, e.g. Sophia Antipolis)
- Speaker Indian cluster (e.g. IKP Knowledge Park)
- Speaker European Cluster Observatory (seeing the whole picture: how cluster mapping can facilitate internationalization)
- Speaker existing cooperation between an European and an Indian cluster (lessons learned, possible inspiration) / 1330-1430 P / Panel: Prosperity / - Mark T Mccord: "The Road to Prosperity is Paved with Innovation: Embracing the Prosperity Value Chain"
- Indira Singh: "What is the Role in Creating Prosperity in the New Economy?" / 1330-1430 P / Industry focus: Education clusters 2
1430-1515 / Keynote address
1515-1645 P / Session 3: Tools for international cooperation between clusters / - Speaker European Commission (clusters in the EU research and regional programs)
- Speaker Member States of the EU (e.g. Germany)
- Speaker Region in Europe (e.g. Catalonia)
- Speaker India (national level, e.g. Ministry of MSME)
- Speaker India State (e.g. Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh) / 1515-1645 P / Industry focus:
Learn & Unlearn: Opportunities and Challenges in Clusters:
Automobile Sector / Deepika Joshi: "Determinants of Competitiveness: A Study of Indian Auto Component Industry"
Mr Sunil Kant Munjal
Hero Corporate Services
Mr Sidharth Lal
Managing Director
Eicher Motors Ltd
Mr Deep Kapuria
Hi Tech Gears / 1515 – 1645 p / Panel: Lessons from Asia / Marina Sheresheva: "Emerging Business Clusters in Russian Toys & Baby-Goods Industry"
- KyeongAe Choe: "City Cluster Economic Development in Fast Growing Urbanization in South Asian Contexts" and
- Dr. Mukhallad Omari & Kawthar A. Al-Zo'ubi: "Building the Competitive Advantage of
1615-1645 P / Closing session: Setting up an information help desk for European and Indian clusters / - Poul V. Jensen, director, European Business and Technology Centre (EBTC)
- Speaker Foundation of MSME Clusters
1645-1700 / Coffee break
1700-1830 P / Presentation of clusters (European and Indian clusters) / - / 1700-1830 P / Industry focus:
Learn & Unlearn: Opportunities and Challenges in Clusters: Manufacturing Sector / Mr Jayant Davar
Sandar Locking Devices
Dr Surinder Kapur
Sona Koyo Steering Systems
Mr Bishwambar Mishra
Mahindra Swaraj
Mr Ashok Taneja
Shriram Piston & Rings / Panel: International Clusters / Gerd Meier zu Köcker, Lysann Müller, Zita Zombori: "European Clusters Go International -Current Status and Key Success Factors"
- Albert Sole: "Internationalization initiatives within Clusters: both the means and the end"
- Tommy Roxenhall & Akmal Hyder: "Internationalization of regional innovation networks"
Late evening / Gala dinner supported by the EU

Day 4: December 2, Thursday

Time / Details / Speakers/Panel / Time / Details / Speakers/Panel / Time / Details / Speakers/Panel
0830-1000 / TCI board meeting
1000-1130 P / Panel: Learning Clusters / - Riitta Rissanen: "Links between business competence and learning networks – theoretical model"
- Klaus Haasis: "Learning Clusters in Creative Environments" / 1000-1130 P / Panel: Facilitating global outreach of America, Latin America, Africa and Indian innovative clusters / - / 1000-1130 P / Panel: Lessons from Europe / Dieter Rehfeld: "Balancing Bottom-up and Top-down Cluster Activities – The Case of North-Rhine-Westphalia"
- César Camisón: "Effects of cluster shared competences on knowledge creation and absorptive capacities: lessons from Spanish cases"
- Trajanoska Nikolina: "Clustering in the Republic of Macedonia"
1130-1215 / Keynote address
1215-1230 / Coffee break
1230-1400 P / World Bank panel: Competitiveness and poverty / Tamal Sarkar: "Poverty Alleviation and Clusters"
Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia
Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission
Dr Jean Dreeze
Honorary Professor, Department of Economics
Delhi School of Economics
Dr Subir Gokarn
Deputy Governor
Reserve Bank of India
Ms Usha Thorat
Deputy Governor
Reserve Bank of India
Dr Sandeep Pandey
Founder & Chairman
Asha Ashram / 1230-1400 P / Workshop: Cluster Managers Encounter Group / Klaus Hassis / 1230-1400 P / Industry focus:
Sustainable IT and ITeS Clusters / CISCO
Mr P Rajendran
Mr S Gopalakrishnan
Infosys Technologies Ltd
Mr Ravi Venkatesan
Microsoft Corporation
1400-1445 / Lunch
1445-1615 P / World Bank panel: Public policy implications of competitiveness / Dr Arun Maira
Planning Commission
Mr V Govindarajan
Member Secretary
National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC)
Mr R Gopalan
Additional Secretary
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Mr Sam Pitroda
National Knowledge Commission
Government of India / 1445-1615 P / Panel: Cluster Innovation / - Lise Andersen, Madeline Smith & Emily Wise: "Examining Open Innovation Practices among International Networks of Clusters"
- Alexander Bode: "Clusters as incubators for innovation"
- Iftikhar AhmadDurrani: "Bee model of clustering using mindmaps & social network technologies" / 1445-1615 P / Industry focus:
Sustainable IT & ITeS Clusters: What works / Mr S Ramadorai
Vice Chairman
Mr Ravi Aggarwal
President – IPG
HP India Sales Pvt Ltd
Mr Shanker Annaswamy
Managing Director
IBM India Private Limited
Mr Deepak Puri
Chairman & Managing Director
Moser Baer India Pvt Ltd
1615-1630 / Coffee break
1630-1715 / Keynote address
1715-1815 / Ifor-Lars "duet / Ifor Ffowcs: "Dispelling Some Myths of Cluster Development"
Lars Eklund: "Developing Open Dialogue as a Practical Competitiveness Tool"
Late evening / IFC Star Globally Competitive Indian Awards 2010 with gala dinner supported by Marriot

Day 5: December 3, Friday

Time / Details / Speakers/Panel / Time / Details / Speakers/Panel / Time / Details / Speakers/Panel
0900-1030 P / Industry focus:
Climate Change and Inclusive Competitiveness / Mr Bishal Thapa
Managing Director
ICF International
Mr Jotdeep Singh
Rabobank International
Mr Debashish Mazumdar
Vice President – North
Wartsila India
Mr Deepak Mallik
Managing Director
Continental Carbon India Ltd / 0900-1030 P / Panel: Urban Clusters / KyeongAe Choe: "Analytical framework towards Competitive Clusters Local Economic Development [CCLED]: Application to Delhi city-region, India" / 0900-1030 P / Panel: Cluster Management / - Daniel Stürzebecher: "Improving Competitiveness and Innovation through better cluster management"
- Gerd Meier zu Köcker: "New Approaches towards Cluster Management Excellence"
- Irena Rezec: "Development Challenges in Networking/Partnering/Clustering Management"
1030-1115 / Keynote address
1115-1245 P / Industry focus: Infrastructure Competitiveness (Green vs Brown Buildings) / Dr Arun Jaura
Eaton Corporation
Mr Vipin Sondhi
Managing Director
JCB India
Mr Pradeep Singh
Managing Director
IDFC Projects
Mr P Rajendran
NIIT / 1115-1245 P / Panel: Cluster Strategies / - Barry Anthony Ishmael: "The path to innovative industries: the formulation of appropriate government policy and strategies for creating competitive clusters in small developing countries"
- Lluís Ramis: "Clusters: how to successfully combine the Process Facilitation and Development of a Cluster with the winning business strategies for the future."
- Les OReilly: "Achieving a Sector Driven Strategic Agenda – A Cluster Success"
- Khalil A. Arbi: "Comparative analysis of marketing externalities and process knowledge spillovers among various industrial clusters"
1245-1415 P / Panel: State-of-the-art cluster development in India / 1245-1415 P / Panel: Clusters in the Future / - David Wittenberg: "Clusters Today and Tomorrow"
- Joan Martí Estévez: "Clusters 2.0: How to think positive and think big in a crisis period?"
- Albert Sole: "Long-term sustainability of Cluster initiatives: The Cluster Innovation System"
1415-1430 / Closing ceremony
1430 onwards / Lunch

Moderators for panel discussions to be decided

Program is subject to last-minute changes

P=Parallel sessions