Will abstract of Bartholomew SIGRIST
- I Bartholomew Sigrist of Antrim Township, Cumberland County, PA.
- Very sick and weak in body but of sound mind and memory.
- 8 July 1777 do make this my last will and testament.
- To my beloved wife Susanna 300 pounds, plus one horse or mare and two cows.
- Also the feather bed and possession of my plantation whereon I now live until my two oldest sons Henry and Solomon shall be of mature age.
- To my son Henry five pounds for his prerogative right.
- The rest of my children, namely Solomon, John, Michael, Peter, Catharina and Elizabeth.
- My son Peter is to live with Michael Zuck* during his infancy.
- I appoint my trusty friends Col. John Allison, Fredrick Boyer and Samuel Boyer to be Executors.
- Witnesses: Michael Zug, Lawrence Dar, Joseph Miller.
- Proved 27 Feby. 1778 [or 1779]
Will abstract of Henry Hinkle
- May Town in Donegall Township, Lancaster County.
- Henery Hinkle made this last will and testament 12 September 1781.
- Sick and weak of body.
- To my wife Matalin all my real and personal estate “for the use of her own Children begoten of my body untill the youngest surviveing child arrives at and to the age of twenty years.”
- At the expiration of that time, the whole of the Real and personal effects to be sold and all of my children then surviveing “lawfully begotten of my body” to have an equal share.
- I appoint Jacob Shereman and Walter Bell both of Donegall Township to be Executors.
- Witnesses: Daniel Orth and Ulrich Danner.
- Proved 14 September 1782.
Will abstract of Solomon Siegrist
- I Solomon Sigerest of Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Yeoman.
- Sick and weak in body, but of sound mind and memory.
- To my loving wife Margaret all my person estate and the plantation.
- I appoint my said wife Margaret whole and sole Executrix.
- Signed 18 December 1770.
- Witnesses: Lorentz Siegrist, Bartel Siegrist, Emanuel Carpenter.
- 14 January 1782, appeared Lorentz Sigrist the only surviving witness to the will, who stated that Bartel Segrist and Emanuel Carpenter are both deceased since signing as witnesses to the will.
- Proved 14 January 1782; Letters Testamentary granted to Margaret Segrist the Executrix.
- The Codicil to the will was written in German and therefore could not be recorded, but is endorsed as follows: [verbatim] “Be it remembered that on the fourteenth Day of January Anno Domini 1782 appeared before me Christian Starkey (who being conscientiously scrupulous of taking an Oath) on his Solemn affirmation saith That some years before the Death of Solomon Segrist he understood from him in Conversation that he had made a Will, That this Affirmant was well acquainted and intimate with him, and that on the fifth Day of December last about Twilight he was at the House of the said Solomon where he lay in his last Sickness. This affirmant conversed with the said Solomon about settling his affairs and making his will during the Time he continued with him. The said Solomon told him he did not know whether he could do it as he had not taken the Oath of Allegiance. This affirmant replied that he thought he could notwithstanding make his Will. Upon this the said Solomon directed him to draw the Will and mentioned the particular Bequests to him, telling him at the same Time that as to the Rest, his former Will should stand as he had therein directed. Thie Affirmant then committed the same to Writing (as within) in an adjoining Room in the same Words as were delivered to him by the Testator. This affirmant then carried the Will or Codicil, so drawn out to the Room where the Testator lay, and told him he had drawn the Writing out as he had directeed, and was going to read it to him but the Testator told him he was then too weak to execute it, but that he would execute it the next Morning early, but before Day-light the said Solomon expired. This affirmant further saith that during his Conversation with the said Solomon respecting his Will and the Directions given in Consequence thereof that the said Solomon was of sound and perfect Mind Memory and Understanding to the best of this Affirmant’s Knowledge Observation and Belief.”
Will abstract of Bartholomew Segrist
- I Bartholomew Segrist, Yeoman, of Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
- In good health and perfect memory.
- To Eve my loving wife 100 pounds, two cows, the best feather bed and bedstead, all kitchen furniture, a close press, a chest and spinning wheel.
- Unto my said wife the House wherein I now dwells with Kitchen & Cellar and one third of the Garden and the fruit of the Orchard.
- To my two sons Laurence Segrist & Solomon Segrist the plantation and land whereon I now dwell containing 301 acres.
- Nineteen pounds which my son Bartholomew owes me.
- To my three sons Bartholomew Lawrence and Solomon and my Grandsons John and Solomon.
- Unto my three daughters Barbara the wife of Michael Zug, Eve & Susanna.
- My daughter Eve is not capable to maintain herself “because she has not her common sences.”
- I appoint my Son-in-Law Michael Zug and my trusty friend John Landes of Cocolico Township to be my Executors.
- Signed 11 September 1767.
- Witnesses: Eml. Carpenter Junier, Maria Zimmerman, Emanuel Carpenter.
- Proved 6 December 1768, Letters Testamentary granted to Michael Zug and John Landes, executors.
Will abstract of Eve Segrist, Lancaster Co. PA Willbook 4, volume 2, p. 580:
- I Eve Seegrist of Earl Township, Lancaster County, PA.
- Aged and weak in the Temporary Life
- My son Laurence, my daughter Susanna, my deceased son Bartholomew's daughter Catharine to be the Heirs of my estate
- My deceased son John's sons John and Solomon have already received their share
- I appoint my son Laurence Executor of this my last will and testament
- My daughter Susanna shall have my wearing apparel
- [signed] Eve "her X mark" Seegrist
- Witnesses: Saml. Carpenter, John Sensenie
- Proved 31 December 1792 and Letters Testamentary granted to Lawrence Seegrist the Executor.