Wednesday June 8th.

Present:Anna Liepe, Joanna McCann, Litz Aguilar-Centeno, Sally Holyland, Stephanie Zonca, Joanna Moody, Lynne Rilley, Ruth McBurney, Jane Hawley, Laurence Penn, Kate Waine, Amanda Szewczyk-Radley, Jenny Taylor, Trish Littler, Wim Oppenheimer, Toria Palmer, Daniela Jones, KarenBellass, Shila Khan, Alicia Pavario, Claire Weir.

Apologies:Claudia Wordsworth, Sarah Rayment, Julia Weiner, Caroline Toner, Bill Nathan.

Welcome: Lynne (chair) welcomed everyone, followed by quick self-introductions of those present. Contact email:


At the moment we have £12,000 in the bank.

The SMSA accounts are soon to be audited by independent auditors, the cost of which will be £1500.00

TheSMSA financial situation is“much healthier” than it looked earlier in the academic year. Well done to everyone for efforts leading to improved finances.

Wish list:

Troy’s request for weighted cones and tapes, 2 large torches

(total cost = £686.00 school to contribute 50%)SMSA to pay £343.25


Stage extension for both infant and junior hallsSMSA to pay £1485.00

Approved SUBJECT to storage for extension being sourced and agreed with Troy

Cake Sale update:

There is to be one cake sale slot for every class each term, this may not always be a Friday. This will mean x3 cake sales per class per year.

Money raised at a cake sales, can be spent at teachers discretion. In addition teachers are very welcome to submit a ‘wish’, via the SMSA link teacher (Tony or Fran) in the normal way, these wishes will be discussed/approved at the SMSA monthly meetings.

NB: Prizes for summer/Xmas fairs will now have to come out of takings and not cake sales as previously.

Sponsorship Committee Update:

Collection of panto sponsorship funds is nearly completed.

Anscombe were delighted with panto involvement and they definitely want to be involved again next year.

TCM estate agents, to sponsor this year’s summer fair, they require to have ~20 boards advertising TCM and the summer fair to be erected outside parents houses. Volunteers required please contact Alicia.


Trish Littler: Governing body is now re-formed, functioning and responsibilities distributed with Bill Nathan continuing as Chair and Jeremy Wells as vice Chair.

Premises – Mr.Tilneys house is being renovated. Its future use is yet to be decided.

ITC Policies– Working party established to consider how best to teach the children about safety on the internet.

Findings from the homework survey to be issued shortly

The Governors are considering introducing link governors to support the teaching of specialist subjects

Modern languages – whilst it is not a statutory requirement, St Michael’s children already enjoy the benefits of regular language specialists, who work with the teachers.

Haringey schools not receiving inner-London per pupil budget (means half a million pounds less income for a school such as ours due to NOT being considered as inner London). NB: Featherstone has invited responses to the consultation at Look for fair funding for school item on her website

Gardens update:

St.Micheals is going to be part of ‘National school grounds week’ (June 13-17) This will mean that the children will spend time doing their lessons in the school grounds.

Lessons include poetry writing, leaf collages and tree surveys. In addition two children led assemblies are planned

Alicia outlined that the Saturday gardening sessions are going well– next one is this SaturdayJuly 18thall welcome – two hours (10-12ish) –soup will be provided. Activities include weeding, digging etc. No gardening experience needed! Young children can either help or do some colouring in the green room etc.Reps – please encourage parents to come to these very enjoyable Saturday gardening sessions.

Please keep in touch with what is going on in the gardens by looking at the gardening noticeboard in the top playground.

Year 5 children to bag the herbs, and organise selling at cake sales

The compost bins that were purchased last year, are not functioning as well as they should be. Kate W to contact Patricia W(who bought them) and ask her to come and inspect and recommend how to resolve.

Chair thanked Alicia and her gardening team for all their hard work and fantastic results on so many fronts.


New website is live and the shopping site has been updated. This site raises approx £160 per month. A lot of time has been invested in setting this site up, it is a relatively easy way for parents to raise meaningful funds for the school. However it was recognised that it is difficult to get parents in the habit of starting their internet shops from the SMSA website. The plan to encourage parents to do this is twofold

  1. Shortly there will be two banners for the school advertising the website. One is to be placed on the railings in the top playground, the other banner will be used at SMSA events.
  2. Free stickers for computers to be given away (possibly at the summer fair)

Please contact Laurence Penn if there is any content that you would like to go on the

website, particularly photos.

Review of events:

1) FOOTBALL FUNDAY (Sunday May 15th)

A very impressive £1275.00 raised.

Another excellent afternoon with approx half the school being involved.

The cakes and tea stall was very popular and the new BBQ team worked extremely well.

Thoughts for future events;

  1. Refereeing- it was suggested that ahead of the event a consistent and beginner friendly set of rules should be agreed with both referees.
  2. Sportsmanship- the importance of sportsmanship, to be increased by the managers. For example team managers to ensure that teams shake hands at the end of matches.

2) Fun Run: (Sunday June 12th)

The organisation is in hand

Approx. 160 entries to date, which is down on last year - this was thought to be because there is less time this year, between the event and half term.

T – shirts to be sold after school in the top playground.

Approx. 5 marshals short – class reps to do all they can to recruit.

On the day help is required on the refreshments stall – please volunteer.

3) Summer Fair –Saturday July 2nd.

Class allocation of stalls to be by ballot, to ensure that it is completely fair, with the exception of the Cake and Tea cafe, this busy stall will be run by year 6 classes, as the children can help serve.

Stalls include Electric Go-Karts, Donkeys, Bungee jumping, T- Cup ride and Bouncy castle. These rides are not be run by parents. The owners of this ride will donate a % of their takings to the SMSA. This worked very well last year.

Every class to organise a hamper. The Sponsorship team are working hard to get local businesses to donate prizes to make these hampers even more desirable!

The sponsorship committee are inviting non St Michael’s stalls to participate at the fair e.g. independent craftspeople. Classreps please ask parents if they would like to take a stand.

4) SMSA AGM – 6th July

All welcome. It is the meeting when all positions on the SMSA committee are elected.

This year Sarah, Jenny and Kate are stepping down, as their terms of office [as laid down by the constitution] end this year.

A flyer outlining the meeting and voting forms to be sent to all parents.

The updated constitution and job descriptions will be posted on the SMSA website

5) Camp out –Saturday July 9th.

To be run along the same lines as last year. 60 pitches, sold on a first come first serve basis.

1 parent per 4 kids

Midnight curfew

All welcome, pitches on sale in office shortly



PANTO 2011 DVD FIRST VIEWING – 27th or 28th JUNE



CAMPOUT July 9th


AOB:The SMSA still needs a treasurer(s) to replace Jenny and Sarah. Accountancy skills or at least a familiarity with spreadsheets would be helpful! This is a crucial job and if you are interested, please contact Jenny Taylor and Sarah Rayment in the first instance. ;

Music evening will be held in the Autumn term

Mrs SR to update regarding the schools Bird box &