Personal Development Plan Assessment Rubric: MY EDUCATION

Modified Version

Adapted from Ash & Clayton, 2009, including modified source: Paul, R & Elder, L. 2001. The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking. The Foundation for Critical Thinking. Santa Rosa, CA.

Identifies / Explains / Integrates
Your Major / Does not identify an actual or potential major / Identifies my actual or potential major(s)
Identifies my reasons for pursuing (or considering) it/them / Describes my major AND explains my reasons for pursuing (or considering) this major / Considers the relationships among my own personal characteristics and strengths and the academic skills, strengths, and/or personal qualities required for success in this major – in what specific ways is it and/or is it not a good fit for me?
Enhancing Your Academic Experience / Does not identify at least two college enhancement activities / Identifies at least two college enhancement activities I would like to undertake / Explains these college enhancement activities AND what I will learn from them / Integrates the desire to complete the enhancement activities with overall goals for college and career
You as a Student / Does not identify any academic challenges or successes this semester / Identifies at least one academic challenge and one success faced this semester / Explains actions, changes and strategies used to face challenges and/or create academic success / Anticipates academic challenges and successes that may be faced in future semesters AND how you plan to be successful
Resources / Does not identify campus resources and people / Identifies campus resources I will use and people I will work with to support my success in college / Explains these campus resources/people AND how they will contribute to my college success / Considers the significance of the benefits I will derive from these campus resources and/or people in terms of my success in college – why are they important to me?
my Undergrad
Experience / Does not provide a two year academic course plan / Provides a basic list of courses for less than the next two years / Provides a complete list of courses for next two years / Provides a list of courses as well as how they fit into the academic plan (requirement, general education, elective) for the next two years
Integration / Provides no connections among my personal characteristics & strengths and my choice of major and activities and my plan for undertaking them / Rarely provides (minimal) connections among my personal characteristics and strengths and my choice of major & activities and my plan for undertaking them / Occasionally provides (adequate) connections between my personal characteristics & strengths and my choice of major & activities and my plan for undertaking them / Consistently provides (strong) connections between my personal characteristics & strengths and my choice of major & activities and my plan for undertaking them
Clarity / Provides no specific details and never defines terms used / Rarely provides specific details or defines terms used / Occasionally provides specific details and/or defines terms used / Consistently provides specific details and defines terms used
Depth / Never addresses “why” questions; never considers complexities; always over-simplifies / Rarely addresses “why” questions; rarely considers complexities; usually over-simplifies / Addresses few of “why” questions; considers little of the complexity of the issue(s); occasionally over-simplifies / Thoroughly addresses “why” questions; considers the full complexity of the issue(s); rarely over-simplifies

May add or subtract points from the overall score to address writing mechanics