Year 9 Science / Ecosystems / Term 2
LG 1 / Multi-cellular organisms rely on coordinated and interdependent internal systems to respond to changes to their environment.
SC1 / I can identify multicellular organisms.
SC2 / I can describe the main purpose of the nervous, circulatory, digestive, skeletal and excretory systems in multicellular organisms.
SC3 / I can describe the three types of adaptations (Physiological, Structural and Behavioural) and how they allow multicellular organisms to respond to changes to their habitat.
LG2 / Students will understand how ecosystems consist of communities of organisms.
SC4 / I can state the meaning of and identify differences between the terms community, population and organism.
SC5 / I can explain why the study of ecosystems is important.
LG3 / Students will understand how abiotic factors shape communities and populations.
SC6 / I can define and describe abiotic factors giving examples of how these effect populations of organisms.
SC7 / I can explain “tolerance range” and give examples.
SC8 / I can interpret a graph of tolerance range and use it to explain the population and / or distribution of species.
LG4 / Students will understand how interdependence shapes communities and populations.
SC9 / I can define interdependence relationships including symbiosis (parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism), predation, and competition giving examples.
SC10 / I can identify and justify interdependence relationships within a given habitat.
LG5 / Students will understand the process by which matter and energy flow through an ecosystem.
SC11 / I can define, draw, and explain the difference between a food chain and a food web.
SC12 / I can identify and describe the role of producer/ autotroph, consumer (1st, 2nd, 3rd order), herbivore, carnivore, apex predator, heterotroph, decomposer within an ecosystem.
SC13 / I can use an energy pyramid, biomass pyramid, and/or population pyramid to explain matter and energy flow within an ecosystem
SC14 / I can describe the importance of photosynthesis and provide reasons why energy is lost in food chains/webs.
LG6 / Students can understand the impacts introduced species have on the Australian environment. (ASSIGNMENT)
SC15 / I can define, describe and differentiate between invasive, introduced and pest species. TASK A
SC16 / I can list the structural, behavioural, and physiological adaptations of a species; and explain how these help them survive in their habitat. TASK B
SC17 / I can describe and explain the effect an introduced species has had on an Australian ecosystem. TASK C
SC18 / I can justify (using tolerance curves or interdependence relationships) the population and / or distribution of a species within the Australian environment. TASK D

B:\Curriculum\Science\SCIENCE - JUNIOR\ACARA Based Units (2012 +)\Year 9\Unit 1 & 2 Chemistry\Unit Planner\LGs and SCs.docx