/ SGSL Board of Directors Meeting
Panthorn Park Field House
Tuesday, July 12, 2016 @ 7:30 PM


Members Present / Members Absent / Guests /
St. Amand, Nicole / Arduini, Bob / Carol Pietrowicz
Farr, Peter (Secretary) / Biedler, John ** / Carmelo Rizza
St.John, Jim (President) / Cowen, Pete (Player Agent) / Candice Baral
Insogna, Dennis / D'Andrea, Mike ** / Craig Panarella
Konopka, Mike (President) / Daniels, Rich **
Rogers, Kevin (Field Maintenance) / Decker, Ken
Ierardi, Rich / Dellavecchia, Dan
Macala, Paul / Falk, Paul **
Longo, Dan (Treasurer) / Ferrante, Jim
Muro, Bob / Furniss, Andrew
Rocha, Mark / Greco, Vinny
St. Amand, Eric / Kelly, Dave
Zazzaro, John / Lukanik, Michael
Zesut, Bill / Marotto, Donna **
Sarantides, Jim / McQuatters, Rick(Player Agent)
Michaud, Brian
Mason, Glenn
Mirando, Rick
Oldham, Dave **
Olsen, Dean **
Parks, Ralph **
Paterson, John
Pearson, Jason
Picard, Ron
Przybylski, Bruno
Ricciardi, TJ **
Rizzuto, Doug
Sarantides, Amy
Tardif, Frank
Valentukonis, Dave
White, Bruce **
White, Mike
White, Michelle **
Wright, Steve (Equipment Manager)
Zaczynsky, Ron
Zesut, Janet
** Membership status unknown


President Mike Konopka called the meeting to order at 7:42 p.m. and welcomed all Board members and guests.


Secretary Pete Farr conducted a silent roll call.

Motion to approve the June minutes was made by: Jim St.John, 2nd by Dan Longo.


Treasurer Dan Longo

Dan covered current balance in accounts as well as reviewed current profit/loss balance sheet.


Equipment Manager Steve Wright

Equipment is in good condition. Steve was able to secure catcher’s gear at liquidation prices for next season. Steve is also looking for volunteers to help organize and clean the equipment.


Field Maintenance Manager Kevin Rogers

Discussed hot water heater for upper bathrooms, Kevin had water heater but needed someone to install. There was an issue with a toilet in the lower bathroom that needed to be addressed. There are a few repairs that are needed to the sprinkler system, Kevin said they would be taken care of out of the Lightning budget. Mike Konopka mentioned that we needed to address the bolt on the shed up near the farm division fields.


Pete Cowen and Rick McQuatters

Nothing to report, neither in attendance.


President Mike Konopka

Discussed painting proposals for park buildings – discussed that the money was budgeted but still needed to go before the board for approval since the expense was greater than $1500. Paul Macala presented three bids from competing painters. The lowest bid was from Ed Beaupre at $3000. Board vote was in favor to approve Ed Beaupre to do the work.

The board was advised that Sandlot this summer had 105 players from Majors and Minors players participating, big turn outs for the weeks it was held up to that point.


President Mike Konopka

Fundraising and Scholarship Management

Paul Macala advised the board that he and Frank Tardif are resigning their

responsibilities for fundraising, scholarships and the Athena Tournament. Paul stated that

they still would assist Kevin Rodgers with Maintenance. Paul suggested that maybe Ed

Beaupre or Kevin could come down to the Athena Tournament and see what needs to be


As the topic of scholarships was brought up, John Zazzaro asked for further detailed information regarding the scholarships as to the application and selection process, who was eligible, who decides or determines who receives the scholarship, who approves the recipients of the scholarship and so on. He, as well as others, was unaware of the selection process.

After a brief spirited discussion, John Zazzaro made a motion that there should be prerequisite criteria for scholarship applicants. The prerequisite criteria being that the applicants be Southington residents, alumni of SGSL, and are above average students. The motion was seconded by Jim St. John.

Motion to a approve three (3) $1,000.00 committee/merit based scholarships made by John Zazzaro and seconded by Dan Longo

Mike Konopka brought to the board an inquiry from Mark Rembish regarding the possibility of other skills clinics being able to use our fields on July 25 & July 28, 2017 sponsored by Diamond Kings. Board was in agreement that the park not be used for profit which is different than just promoting an event. Topic was tabled for a later date.

Guest Carmelo Rizza made a request to the board that the back parking lot be paved, especially near the upper farm fields because during the season, the area gets pretty filled with cars, as there is not a lot of room to maneuver creating a dangerous situation.

Kevin Rogers stated that he would make an attempt to talk to the town Park & Recreation Department regarding this suggestion or find a creative alternative solution to ease the

congestion in the lot during the season.


Carol Pietrowicz and Candice Baral were voted in unanimously as new board members. Carmelo

Rizza was introduced as a prospective new member.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made and accepted at approximately 8:37 p.m. Motion made by Jim St. John, 2nd by Pete Farr. Next meeting will be held at the Panthorn Park Field House on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by Peter Farr (Secretary)

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