Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 2nd May 2017 of The Moultons Parish Council at Moulton Community Centre.

Present:Cllrs Cooper, Hahn, Henderson, Meade, Poll, Thorpe, Walters, Wright, Wakefield and Woolf.

  1. Chairman’s welcome.
  1. The outgoing Chairman Cllr Cooper welcomed everyone. Cllr Cooper thanked everyone for their support over his past term of office.

Public forum.

  1. Apologies for absence.
  1. Apologies had been received from Cllrs Benton and Tibbs. Reasons given and accepted by all.
  1. Declaration of interests.
  1. None received.
  1. Election of Chairman.
  1. It was proposed by Cllr Cooper and seconded by Cllr Poll that Cllr Simon Meade become the new Parish Chairman for 2017/18. AGREED by all.
  1. Declaration of acceptance of office.
  1. Cllr Meade duly signed the Acceptance form.

At this point the new chairman Cllr Meade presided over the meeting.

  1. Election of the Vice Chairman.
  1. It was proposed by Cllr Cooper and seconded by Cllr Walters that Cllr Andrew Woolf become the new Parish Vice Chairman for 2017/18. AGREED by all.
  1. Declaration of acceptance of office.
  1. Cllr Woolf duly signed the Acceptance form.
  1. Appointment of the Burial Board.
  1. Cllrs Meade, Wakefield, Cooper and Thorpe accepted this role.
  1. Appointment of the Allotment Group.
  1. All Councillors accepted this role.
  1. Appointment of the Management Group.
  1. Cllrs Meade, Woolf and Cooper. It was proposed by Cllr Wakefield that we also offer this role to Cllr Benton, which was seconded by Cllr Meade. Clerk to speak to Cllr Benton.
  1. Appointment of representatives from groups and outside bodies.
  1. South Holland Parish Voluntary Car Scheme.Cllr Meade.
  2. Moulton Charitable Incorporated Organisation.Cllr Henderson.
  3. Moulton Chapel Youth & Community Centre Committee. Cllr Poll.
  4. Moulton Seas End recreational Trust.Cllrs, Thorpe and Wright.
  5. Moulton Seas End Village Hall Committee.Cllrs, Thorpe and Wright.
  6. Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils.Cllr Hahn.
  7. Moulton Harrox Educational Foundation. As there were two candidates it was agreed to have a secret ballot.

The secret ballot having taken place, it was confirmed that Cllr Cooper be the representative.

  1. To consider co-option for vacant seats.
  1. The Clerk confirmed that if no one had applied direct to SHDC regarding the Moulton vacancy for Councillor, then after 9th May we as the Parish Council can co-opt.
  1. Police matters.
  1. ASB=3, Criminal Damage=3, Theft=1, Violence-0, Burglary-0.


▪ Oxcroft Bank, Moulton Chapel.

▪ Hallgate, Moulton.

▪ Washway Road, Moulton Marsh.

▪ Washway Road, Moulton Marsh.

▪ Red Cow Drove, Moulton Marsh.

▪ Eastgate, Moulton.

▪ Moulton Chapel Road, Moulton Chapel.

▪ Washway Road, Moulton Marsh.

Cllr Woolf had been approached by locals regarding the parking of vehicles on the grass verges of people collecting school children. Cllr Woolf said that he had spoken to the PCSO and that a police presence at school times willincreased.

Standing orders were ‘suspended’ to allow District Cllr Casson to add to this descussion.

Standing orders resumed.

  1. Notes of the meeting of the Council held on 11th April 2017 be accepted as a true copy. Proposed by Cllr Wright and seconded by Cllr Hahn that these be accepted as a true copy. All AGREED.
  2. Clerk’s report.
  1. Clerks report was read out and accepted. Some of which applied to various Wards.
  1. Cemetery & Churchyard & Allotment matters.
  1. Cemetery: Nothing to report. Cllr Woolf had been approached by a member of the public regarding the depth of the neatly cut hedge on the right hand side of the cemetery gates. Clerk said that she would speak to the Cemetery keeper who knows the house owner to see if anything can be done.
  1. Churchyard. Clerk can now report that Marcus Goose had now completed the works on the trees in Moulton Churchyard and all is looking good. Clerk also suggests that these be looked at again in September and set out a 3 year plan for works to grounds and trees within.
  1. To consider a date for the cemetery inspection. It was agreed that an inspection take place after the next Parish meeting in June.
  1. To consider an allotment inspection. It was agreed to put on hold a date as such and wait a while longer for the season to develop.
  1. Highways matters.
  1. Clerk read out a list of works done to various areas of highway around the Parish.
  1. Planning Matters.
  1. No planning report to bring to the meeting, but the application by Naylors Farms for workers accommodation will be discussed by the ward Cllrs and report back to the Clerk.

The Parish Council had been asked to review the street name of the new Ashley King development in Broad Lane. The suggested name of Cedar Road wasn’t suitable and the name needed to be in keeping with Moulton. After a lengthy discussion it was suggested that we offer the name LOWTHER to SHDC. Mr LOWTHER, was a pilot in WWII, he was the head teacher at Moulton school and he was also the Parish Clerk.

  1. Financial matters.
  1. A approve the finance report for the month of April 2017. It was proposed by Cllr Hahn and seconded by Cllr Wright that the finance report be accepted. AGREED by all.
  1. Moulton Chapel.
  1. To consider updates from Moulton Chapel. Cllr Wakefield reported that the weekend flower parade was a success, but the stated that the overflowing bin by the bus shelter wasn’t a nice thing to see. Clerk said that the Cemetery Keeper also empties the bin when he cuts the churchyard grass. Standing orders were suspended to allow District Cllr Casson to report that SHDC will not be erecting anymore dog poo bins, and dog walkers were to use the normal bins provided. Standing orders were resumed. Clerk said that she would liaise with the parade organisers for next year and make sure that this area gets a good tidy up the day before it starts.
  1. Moulton.
  1. To consider updates from Moulton. Cllr Henderson (MCIO rep) reported that they were trying to raise funds to be able to update the central heating system and lighting. Both the Village Hall and Community Centre are in constant use and the heating bill is large. A new system will hopefully reduce the monthly cost. They had received some funding from the National Lottery so works can now commence.
  1. Moulton Park.
  1. To consider an update regarding Moulton Park. It was on the agenda that the subject of Moulton Park be discussed in closed session at the end of the meeting.
  1. Moulton Seas End.
  1. To consider an update from MSE. Clerk can MSE ward Cllrs can now report that works on the chain fencing surrounding the play area had now been completed and it looks good. Our thanks to Liam at Woodgate Fencing.
  1. A list of recent correspondence was made available.
  2. Councillors reports & items for inclusion on the next agenda.
  1. Nothing requested.
  1. Date of the next meeting.
  1. It was confirmed that the date of the next Parish meeting will be on 6th June 2017 at6.30pm to be held in Moulton Seas End Village Hall. After close of the meeting, Cllrs would inspect the allotments.
  1. To resolve whether to exclude the public, press and police for consideration of other matters.
  1. It was resolved to ask the public to leave the premises.

The general meeting closed at 8pm.