Kewill Imaging Installation Guide

Kewill Imaging Installation Guide

[Revision 1]

Publication Date: July, 2008

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Kewill Imaging Installation Guide

Summary of Installation Steps

1. Prerequisites

2. Determine the LOB (Large Objects) archiving interval.

3. Install the Kewill Imaging schema on the Oracle database server.

4. Install WinZip on the Kewill Imaging server, if needed.

5. Install Java JRE on the Kewill Imaging server.

6. Install Java SDK on the Kewill Imaging server.

7. Install full Oracle 10g Client on the Kewill Imaging server.

8. Install Apache Tomcat on the Kewill Imaging server.

9. Install the Apache Tomcat admin plug-in on the Kewill Imaging server.

10. Install the Imaging Web Service and Imaging Client on the Kewill Imaging server.

11. Install TPSImageConverter on the Kewill Imaging server.

12. Install the Alliance Documents service on the Kewill Imaging server, if needed.

13. Install the AutoIndex service on the Kewill Imaging server.

14. Install the AutoIndex2 service on the Kewill Imaging server.

15. Install the Kewill Imaging Scanner Upload service on the Kewill Imaging server.

16. Install Imaging System Manager on the Kewill Imaging server and/or administrator workstations.

17. Install the Kewill Imaging Password Manager on the Kewill Imaging server and/or administrator workstations.

18.Install Oracle SQL Developer on the Kewill Imaging server.

19.Establish initial admin logins in Kewill Imaging.

20. Initial setup tasks in Kewill Imaging.

21. Start services on the Kewill Imaging server.

22. Test deployment of the Imaging Client to user workstations.

23. Install TPSImageMoveD on the Fax Sr. server, if needed.

24. Install TPSITIWS on the Internet Tracking/eVENT server, if needed.

Kewill Imaging Installation Guide

Introduction / This document outlines the installation of Kewill Imaging. It refers to other documents in the Kewill Imaging documentation set.
  • For an introduction to Kewill Imaging, see the document entitled Kewill Imaging - Feature Summary.
  • For base technical requirements for Kewill Imaging, see the document entitled Kewill Imaging - Technical Requirements.

Summary of Installation Steps

Overview / The table below shows a summary of the steps involved in installing the Kewill Imaging application. The detail of each step can be found after the table.
Step / Action / Comment
1 / Before you install Kewill Imaging, review the Prerequisites for the installation. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
2 / Determine the LOB archiving interval. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
3 / Install the Kewill Imaging schema on the Oracle database server. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
4 / Install WinZip on the Kewill Imaging server. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
5 / Install Java JRE on the Kewill Imaging server. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
6 / Install Java SDK on the Kewill Imaging server. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
7 / Install full Oracle 10g Client on the Kewill Imaging server. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
8 / Install Apache Tomcat on the Kewill Imaging server. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
9 / Install the Apache Tomcat admin plug-in on the Kewill Imaging server. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
10 / Install the Imaging Web Service and Imaging Client on the Kewill Imaging server. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
11 / Install TPSImageConverter on the Kewill Imaging server. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
12 / Install the Alliance Documents service on the Kewill Imaging server, if needed. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
13 / Install the AutoIndex service on the Kewill Imaging server. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
14 / Install the AutoIndex2 service on the Kewill Imaging server. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
15 / Install the Kewill Imaging Scanner Upload service on the Kewill Imaging server. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
16 / Install Imaging System Manager on the Kewill Imaging server and/or administrator workstations. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
17 / Install Kewill Imaging Password Manager on the Kewill Imaging server and/or administrator workstations. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
18 / Install Oracle SQL Developer on the Kewill Imaging server. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
19 / Establish initial admin logins in Kewill Imaging. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
20 / Do the initial setup tasks in Kewill Imaging. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
21 / Start services on the Kewill Imaging server. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
22 / Test deployment of the Imaging Client to user workstations. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
23 / Install TPSImageMoveD on the Fax Sr. server, if needed. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.
24 / Install TPSITIWS on the Internet Tracking/eVENT server, if needed. / Click here to go to the detail section of this document.

1. Prerequisites

Overview of Prerequisites / Before you install Kewill Imaging, the following table lists the items that must be established at the customer site.
Number / Prerequisite / Comment
1 / An Oracle database server to host the Kewill Imaging schema.
2 / An Oracle database server hosting the Kewill Customs, Alliance Import, and/or Alliance Export schemas if Kewill Imaging is to integrated with those products.
3 / A Windows 2000 or above Server to host Kewill Imaging.
4 / One or more Windows 2000 or above workstations as deployment points for the Imaging Client.
5 / One or more Windows 2000 or above administrator workstations as hosts for the Imaging System Manager application and/or Kewill Imaging Password Manager application. / This is optional.

2. Determine the LOB (Large Objects) archiving interval.

Large Objects Archiving / A key decision for the long-term storage of Kewill Imaging’s Large Objects (LOBs), e.g., document images, is the time interval for LOB archival storage. Time interval choices are:
  • Quarterly,
  • Semi-Yearly, and
  • Yearly.
[See the document entitled Kewill Imaging - Import Storage Plan for more details.]

3. Install the Kewill Imaging schema on the Oracle database server.

Kewill Imaging schema / The latest Kewill Imaging baseline schema must be installed on the Oracle database server by the Kewill or customer DBAs.The Kewill Imaging baseline schema is provided by the Kewill DBAs and is distributed to the customer either via FTP or CD/DVD media.
Kewill Imaging integrated with Kewill Customs or Alliance Import / If Kewill Imaging is integrating with Kewill Customs or Alliance Import, then GRANTs must be created in the Kewill Customs or Alliance Import schema for the following tables to allow the Kewill Imaging schema to have READ access to them:
Corresponding SYNONYMs must be established in the Kewill Imaging schema.
Kewill Imaging NOT integrated with Kewill Customs or Alliance Import / If Kewill Imaging is not integrating with Kewill Customs or Alliance Import, then the above tables must be established as local table placeholders in the Kewill Imaging database by running SQL script Import_Tables.sql, found in the Database folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, on the Kewill Imaging schema.
Synonyms in the Kewill Imaging schema corresponding to these tables must be removed.
Kewill Imaging integrated with Alliance Export / If Kewill Imaging is integrating with Alliance Export, then GRANTs must be created in the Kewill Customs or Alliance Import schema for the following tables and views to allow the Kewill Imaging schema to have READ access to them:.
Corresponding SYNONYMs must be established in the Kewill Imaging schema.
Kewill Imaging NOT integrated with Alliance Export / If Kewill Imaging is not integrating with Alliance Export, then the above tables and views must be established as local table placeholders in the Kewill Imaging database by running SQL script Export_Tables.sql, found in the Database folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, on the Kewill Imaging schema.
Synonyms in the Kewill Imaging schema corresponding to these tables must be removed.
DBAs must provide this information / Once the Kewill Imaging schema is established at site, the DBAs must provide the following information:
  • Oracle server address
  • Oracle listener port
  • Oracle SID
  • Oracle user name
  • Oracle user password
These credentials are required for configuring Kewill Imaging to communicate with the Oracle database.

4. Install WinZip on the Kewill Imaging server, if needed.

WinZip / If the Kewill Imaging server does not handle Zip files, then WinZip must be installed on the Kewill Imaging server.
  1. On the Kewill Imaging server, run winzip81sr1.exe, found in the Applications folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, to install WinZip 8.1 SR-1.
  2. Accept all defaults during installation.

5. Install Java JRE on the Kewill Imaging server.

Java JRE /
  1. On the Kewill Imaging server, run jre-1_5_0_12-windows-i586-p.exe, found in the Applications folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, to install Java JRE 1.5.12 on the Kewill Imaging server.
  2. Choose Custom setup, select all features for installation.
  3. Accept all defaults for the remainder of the installation procedure.

6. Install Java SDK on the Kewill Imaging server.

Java SDK /
  1. On the Kewill Imaging server, run jdk-1_5_0_12-windows-i586-p.exe, found in the Applications folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, to install Java SDK 1.5.12 on the Kewill Imaging server.
  2. Accept all defaults during the installation procedure. However, when prompted to reinstall the JRE, respond “No”.

7. Install full Oracle 10g Client on the Kewill Imaging server.

Oracle 10g Client /
  1. Copy, found in the Database folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, to the Kewill Imaging server.
  2. Extract the contents of, preserving directory structure, to a folder on the Kewill Imaging server.
  3. Run setup.exe in the folder to start installation of the full Oracle 10g 10.2.1 Client on the Kewill Imaging server.
  4. Select all features for installation, and otherwise accept all defaults for the installation.

8. Install Apache Tomcat on the Kewill Imaging server.

Apache Tomcat / See the table below for the steps for installing Apache Tomcat on the Kewill Imaging server.
Step / Action
1 / On the Kewill Imaging server, run apache-tomcat-5.5.26.exe, found in the Applications folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, to install Apache Tomcat 5.5.26 on the Kewill Imaging server.
2 / Choose a Full install.
3 / Accept the default Destination Folder.
4 / When prompted for the HTTP port, leave it at its default of 8080 unless the customer requires a different port.
5 / For the Administrator login, leave the login as its default of “admin” with a blank password.
6 / Accept the default JRE path (it should be C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_12; if it is not, then change it to C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_12).
7 / When prompted to start Apache Tomcat, respond “Yes”.
8 / Right-click the Apache Tomcat icon in the Windows system tray on the Kewill lmaging server.
9 / Select the Configure menu item.
10 / In the Apache Tomcat Properties screen, select the Java tab.
11 / In the Maximum memory pool box, enter 1024.
12 / Select the General tab.
13 / Click the Stop button to stop Apache Tomcat.
14 / Click the OK button to close the Apache Tomcat Properties screen.

9. Install the Apache Tomcat admin plug-in on the Kewill Imaging server.

Apache Tomcat Admin plug-in /
  1. Copy, found in the Applications folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, to the Kewill Imaging server.
  2. Extract the contents of the Zip file, preserving its directory structure, to a folder on the Kewill Imaging server.
  3. Copy the contents of the apache-tomcat-5.5.26 subfolder in that folder to folder C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5 on the Kewill Imaging server.

10. Install the Imaging Web Service and Imaging Client on the Kewill Imaging server.

Imaging Web & Imaging Client / The table below shows the steps involved with installing the Imaging Web Service and Imaging Clinet on the Kewill Imaging server.
Step / Action
1 / Copy file Imaging.xml found in the Applications folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, to folder
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\Catalina\localhost on the Kewill Imaging server.
2 / Copy folder web_1.1.6, found in the Applications folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, to folder C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation on the Kewill Imaging server.
Rename the copied folder to web, resulting in folder C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\web.
3 / Edit file C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\web\client.jnlp on the Kewill Imaging server with the Windows Notepad editor. Make the following changes to the file:
  • In two places, change “localhost” to the name of the Kewill Imaging server.
  • In two places, change “8080” to the port specified in the Apache Tomcat installation.

4 / Save the file.
5 / Edit file C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\web\WEB-INF\classes\hibernate.cfg.xml on the Kewill Imaging server using the Window Notepad editor.
Make the following changes to the file:
Change tpsdevoracle:1521:orcl
oracleserver is the Oracle server address.
oracleport is the Oracle listener port.
oraclesid is the Oracle SID.
6 / Change <property name="hibernate.connection.username">imgtab</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.username">oracleuser</property>
oracleuser is the Oracle user name
7 / Change <property name="hibernate.connection.password">imgtab</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.password">oraclepassword</property>
oraclepassword is the Oracle user password
8 / Depending on the LOB archiving interval, insert the contents of the following file, found in the Applications folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, into the session-factory section after all other items in the session-factory section:
Quarterly: Quarterly.txt
Semi-Yearly: Semi-Yearly.txt
Yearly: Yearly.txt
9 / Save the file.
10 / Copy file C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\web\WEB-INF\classes\hibernate.cfg.xml on the Kewill Imaging server
to file
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\web\WEB-INF\conf\hibernate.cfg.xml, overwriting that file.
11 / Right-click the Apache Tomcat icon in the Windows system tray on the Kewill lmaging server.
Select the Start service menu item to start Apache Tomcat.

11. Install TPSImageConverter on the Kewill Imaging server.

TPSImageConverter /
  1. Copy file found in the Applications folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, to the Kewill Imaging server.
  2. Extract the contents of that Zip file, preserving its directory structure, to a folder on the Kewill Imaging server.
  3. Run setup.exe in the folder to install TPSImageConverter.
  4. Accept all defaults during installation.
Note that the executable path of TPSImageConverter must be C:\Program Files\TPSImageConverter\TPSImageConverter.exe for the Alliance Documents, AutoIndex, and AutoIndex2 services to work properly in their default configurations.

12. Install the Alliance Documents service on the Kewill Imaging server, if needed.

Alliance Documents / If Kewill Imaging is receiving documents from Kewill Customs, Alliance Import, and/or Alliance Export, then the Alliance Documents service is required.
Step / Action
1 / Copy folder ImagingService-AllianceDocuments found in the Application folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, to folder C:\Program Files on the Kewill Imaging server, resulting in folder C:\Program Files\ImagingService-AllianceDocuments.
2 / Edit file C:\Program Files\ImagingService-AllianceDocuments\conf\hibernate.cfg.xml on the Kewill Imaging server using the Window Notepad editor. Make the following changes to the file.
3 / Change tpsdevoracle:1521:orcl
oracleserver is the Oracle server address
oracleport is the Oracle listener port
oraclesid is the Oracle SID
4 / Change <property name="hibernate.connection.username">imgtab</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.username">oracleuser</property>
oracleuseris the Oracle user name
5 / Change <property name="hibernate.connection.password">imgtab</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.password">oraclepassword</property>
oraclepassword is the Oracle user password
6 / Depending on the LOB archiving interval, insert the contents of the following file, found in the Applications folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, into the session-factory section after all other items in the session-factory section:
Quarterly: Quarterly.txt
Semi-Yearly: Semi-Yearly.txt
Yearly: Yearly.txt
7 / Save the file.
8 / Run C:\Program Files\ImagingService-AllianceDocuments\bin\InstallService-NT.bat to establish the Alliance Documents service in the Windows Service Control Manager.

13. Install the AutoIndex service on the Kewill Imaging server.

AutoIndex / The table below shows the steps involved with installing the AutoIndex Service on the Kewill Imaging server.
Step / Action
1 / Copy folder ImagingService-AutoIndex found in the Application folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, to folder C:\Program Files on the Kewill Imaging server, resulting in folder C:\Program Files\ImagingService-AutoIndex.
2 / Edit file C:\Program Files\ImagingService-AutoIndex\conf\hibernate.cfg.xml on the Kewill Imaging server using the Window Notepad editor.
Make the following changes to the file.
3 / Change tpsdevoracle:1521:orcl
oracleserver is the Oracle server address
oracleport is the Oracle listener port
oraclesid is the Oracle SID
4 / Change <property name="hibernate.connection.username">imgtab</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.username">oracleuser</property>
oracleuser is the Oracle user name
5 / Change <property name="hibernate.connection.password">imgtab</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.password">oraclepassword</property>
oraclepassword is the Oracle user password.
6 / Depending on the LOB archiving interval, insert the contents of the following file, found in the Applications folder of the Kewill Imaging distribution media, into the session-factory section after all other items in the session-factory section:
Quarterly: Quarterly.txt
Semi-Yearly: Semi-Yearly.txt
Yearly: Yearly.txt
7 / Save the file.
8 / Run C:\Program Files\ImagingService-AutoIndex\bin\InstallService-NT.bat to establish the AutoIndex service in the Windows Service Control Manager.

14. Install the AutoIndex2 service on the Kewill Imaging server.