Coto Laurel, Puerto Rico

Name: ______Date: ______

3rd grade Social Studies

Test review #1 Mrs. E. Sánchez

Test #1 Tuesday, February 9, 2016.

I. Answer the following questions.

1.  What is the name of the sailor that arrived at “Borikén”?

2.  Which is the date that Christopher Columbus reached Puerto Rico?

3.  Who was the colonizer of Puerto Rico?

4.  What is the name of the Spaniard drowned by the Tainos?

5.  Write the flora introduced by the Spaniards.

6.  Write the fauna brought by the Spaniards.

7.  Write the economic activity developed by the Spaniards.

8.  Write the festivity left by the Spaniards.

9.  What did the Indians had with the Spaniards?

II. Match.

______encomienda a. Scientist who investigates the planets and the universe.

______hacendado b. legacy of the Spaniards.

______astronomer c. Tainos received the Spaniards.

______cartographer d.To dominate a territory through the use of weapons.

______conquer e. cacique that died.

______San Germán f. second town founded by the Spaniards.

______Spanish g. language left by the Spaniards.

______17 h. ships used to reach Puerto Rico.

______kindly i. a system of work.

______Agüeybana j. owner of a farm or hacienda.

______dances k. Person who is responsible for making and studying maps.

III. Choose the correct answer.

1.  Which are the names of the 3 ships of Christopher Columbus?

a.  La Niña, La Pinta and the Santa María

b.  La Nena, El Pinto and Saint Merry

c.  La chiquita, la mediana y la más grande

2.  What was the musical instrument left by the Spaniards?

a.  Drums

b.  Maracas

c.  Guitar

3.  Which were the 2 types of rebellions made by the Tainos?

a.  Passive and active

b.  Cruel and nice

c.  Friendly and shy

4.  Which two bodies of water surround Puerto Rico?

a.  Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea

b.  Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea

c.  Atlantic Ocean and Red Sea

5.  What country did Christopher Columbus want to reach?

a.  Europe

b.  Africa

c.  India

6.  What municipality is thought that the Spaniards came through?

a.  Guánica

b.  San Juan

c.  San Germán