Handout 1

Peer Editing Procedures

Reading the Papers Orally

  • Each student in the group is required to read his own writing clearly and slowly.
  • Other students in the group are to listen carefully but not to comment on the writing for the time being.
  • The group leader will read his/her paper first. Afterwards, he will thank the group for listening.
  • The person to his right will then read, thanking the group when he is finished, as well.
  • This process will continue until all members of the group have read their own papers aloud.

Note:As you read your own paper, take the opportunity to note any part of your composition that needs revision. You might find something you may not have noticed from just reading silently!

Trading Papers

  • When all members of the group have finished reading, pass your compositions and your response sheets to the person to the right.
  • This is when your job as an editor begins! Sign the form on the top of the page.
  • Read the paper silently, paying close attention to spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Keep in mind the rules we’ve been studying.
  • Complete the Peer Editing Response Form, making notes in the appropriate table. If you need more room, continue your notes on the back of the form.
  • DO NOT mark on the writer’s paper. Remember to make all notes on the response form.
  • Once you have thoroughly checked the first paper, pass that paper and the Peer Editing Response Form to the person to your right. You’ll be getting the new one from your left. As you edit this paper, make your notes on the response form under EDITOR 2. Don’t forget to sign the form.
  • Continue this procedure until you have edited all papers in your group and your own paper makes its way back around to you.

Peer Editing Self Evaluation Form

  • Complete the Self Evaluation Form.

Turning in Your Group’s Work

  • Each student will turn in the following (in this order):
  • Rough draft
  • Peer Editing Response Form
  • Peer Editing Self Evaluation
  • Each group leader will collect the stapled sets, will place them in the group editing folder, and will turn the folder in to the teacher.

Ground Rules

  • First of all, NO APOLOGIZING!

Everyone gets a little nervous when first showing written work to others, but remember that all drafts are works in progress and, therefore, there is no need to apologize for anything that is written in a draft.

  • Pay attention to what the other writer is saying, just as you hope he or she will pay attention to what you are saying.
  • Your role is to help the writer express ideas clearly and effectively.
  • Remember…..giving good feedback means making comments that really could help the writer with his or her next revision. Your job is to ask questions, to make comments, and to offer the kind of feedback that YOU would find interesting.