MAY 10, 2004
Time and Place of Meeting
The May meeting of the Suffolk County Community College (SCCC) Title III Task Force took place on Monday, May 10, 2004 at 3:30 p.m. The meeting was held in the Alumni Room of the Brookhaven Gymnasium on the Ammerman Campus.
The following people were in attendance: Asberine Alford, Dee Laffin-Wright, Michelle Cummings, Lois Mignone, June Ohrnberger, Lanette Raymond, Art Lundahl, Shonda Wilson, Randy Manning, Jian Zhang, Catherine Wynne, Maureen Bybee, Tina Good, Princess Williams, and Tim McHeffey.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of the April 12, 2004 meeting were reviewed. One change was made.
The following announcements were made:
- The last Taskforce meeting will take place in September 2004.
- Dr. Alford will discuss with Dr. Canniff the possibility of some type of appreciation ceremony for members of the College community who participated in implementing Title III activities and members of the Title III Task Force.
- No more conferences will be sponsored.
- Four Taskforce members attended the League of Innovations Conference in San Francisco. Their reports will be published on the Title III website.
- An e-Portfolio workshop is being planned and will probably be held on the Grant Campus.
Program and Course Reviews. Dr. Laffin reported that eight program reviews have been completed this academic year, and seven are scheduled for next year. Several modifications of the program review process are under consideration. One area that will be re-examined is the use and emphasis on current, graduate, and non-returning student survey data. Survey development and data collection and analysis frequently require a disproportionate amount of time and energy in relation to report demands. Since the usefulness of survey results vary dramatically, the process is being revisited.
Faculty Resource Website
Dr. Laffin also announced that the “faculty resource” page of the Title III website was now fully operational. Taskforce members were encouraged to promote the use of this important faculty resource with their colleagues.
First Year Experience. Dr. Zhang reported that the April 30 and May 4 First-Year Experience workshops were very well attended. More than 90 faculty members participated in these professional development activities.
Comprehensive Assessment Plan. Prof. Raymond reported on the IR office’s work activities directed at assessing the achievement of the Title III grant goals and objectives. This will be a major portion of the final Title III report. Prof. Raymond explained that, for example, on-line surveys associated with Title III sponsored workshops have, and will continue to be circulated to collect assessment data. This data, along with other information collected, will be used as a basis for the assessment initiative. She suggested that workshop leaders attach the IR developed assessment survey to the “thank you” letters sent to participants after the activity is completed. She volunteered to share a survey example with Dr. Zhang, who may chose to use it to collect assessment information about the recent First Year Experience workshops.
Great Teachers’ Summer Institute. Prof. Cummings reported 37 people have registered to attend the Great Teachers’ Summer Institute. The retreat information has been sent out to the participants and includes a “fluid” agenda. Retreats and other activities using the Great Teachers’ Movement philosophy incorporate flexible agendas so that retreat activities can be easily modified to accommodate individual participant’s experiences and needs. The retreat/summer institute will be held Monday, May 17 through Wednesday, May 19, 2004 at the Cenacle Retreat House in Ronkonkoma, New York.
HIA Conference at Grant Campus. Dr. Manning discussed doing a poster session displaying program review and assessment posters at the Business and Technology Trade Show and Conference sponsored by the Hauppauge Industrial Association (HIA). The conference will be held on May 20 at the Grant Campus. He stated that there is no fee for workshop attendance; however, the keynote address will be delivered by Ken Schmidt of Harley Davidson Motorcycle Company and the fee for attending that session is $60.00. He distributed HIA brochures, and stated he would look into the possibility of complimentary tickets for the keynote address. Tables will be provided at the HIA Conference to display program review posters
Dr. Alford stated that Title III had not sponsored a Student Services Workshop and a discussion followed about the possibility of a student services workshop during the summer. Prof. Lundahl stated that there will be a five-hour workshop on student services on May 27, 2004, which will focus on Crisis Intervention and another on June 8, 2004, with a focus on Dangerous Students.
Prof. McHeffey discussed having a training program on how to deal with difficult students which would involve video taping different scenarios of how to deal with difficult students. He will speak with Dr. Alford about the possibility of funding from Title III for this project.
Dr. Alford stated that since we have no Professional Development Day Program planned and since Title III stipulates that we support a Professional Development Day, she will discuss the possibility of Title III supporting a keynote speaker for the September faculty meeting. Program review posters will be displayed at the September meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
Submitted by:
Rena Krecker