
First Name Last NameFirst Name Last Name

Affiliation, Country (Same affiliation)

First Name Last Name*

Affiliation, Country ()(Other affiliation)

The title should be brief (up to 150 characters), written as a sentence with no stops (“.”), and in lowercase letters except for the first letter, proper nouns, and acronyms (font-size 18pt, line-spacing 20pt, spacing after paragraph 18pt),author’s name (font-size 14pt, line-spacing 16pt),affiliation, country (italic, font-size12pt, with line-spacing of 13pt, spacing after paragraph 5pt). Please indicate the presenting author in bold font and the corresponding author with “*”. Corresponding author can also add a postal address and emailaddress.

ABSTRACT:Abstracts should clearly state the objectives, describe the methodology used and summarize the major findings of the study. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words. The top of the first line of the abstract will be 73 mm (2.87") from the top of the page. The complete abstract will fall in the abstract frame, the settings of which should also not be changed (Width: Exactly 180 mm (7.08"); Height: Automatic; Vertical 73mm (2.87") from top of the page; Lock anchor). In order to ensure uniform style throughout the volume, all papers have to be prepared strictly according to the instructions set below. For the convenience of the authors, template files for MS Word are provided. (Font-size12pt, line-spacing 13pt, spacing after paragraph 13pt)

Keywords:(italic, font-size 12pt, line-spacing 13pt, spacing after paragraph 18pt)


Papers should be typed in Times New Roman using MS Word (.doc or .docx) and PDF format in A4 formatbetween 4 - 8 pages. Do not use any bold fonts in the text. (Single spaced, font-size 12pt and line-spacing 13pt) Use a one-column paragraph format for the main text body, margin settings should be 1.5 cm from each side of the paper; i.e. top, bottom, left, and right.Please use the tags supplied with this template to format your text. Names of the tags are indicated below in squared brackets. When copying text from other documents into the template make sure that you copy paragraph by paragraph and do not copy the last and first word of a paragraph. Type these words manually.

1.1Sub-Heading 1

Forms of main headings and sub-headings should be as follows: Main headings should be all in capital letters (heading 1 tag: font-size 12pt, line-spacing 13pt, spacing before paragraph 26pt, and spacing after paragraph 13pt). For all sub-headings, only the first letter of the sub-heading is capital and, except heading number, all in italics (heading 2 and 3 tags: font-size 12pt, line-spacing 13pt, spacing before paragraph 13pt, spacing after paragraph 6pt). If a heading is on top of a page, please put the spacing before paragraph manually to 0pt. If a sub-heading follows a heading, please put the spacing before the sub-heading to 0pt.

1.1.1Sub-Heading 2

First paragraph (no indentation). Just write your text according to the template format (you may use the paintbrush icon to reproduce the relevant item format).

Standard paragraph (indented, with no open lines between paragraphs). References are introduced in the text as follows (Gibson and Henkel 1954, Darcy 1856).


All tables and figures should be numbered consequently (Table 1, Figure 1) and should have titles and captions (font-size 11 pt, line-spacing 11 pt). The proper position of each table and figure must be clearly indicated in the paper. Graphical and photographical artwork is accepted with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Please use the SI system of units. Other systems of units will not be accepted.

2.1Typing Tables

One open line before and after Tables (see Table 1).

Table 1. Tables placed below caption.

a / b
A / 1.2 / 0.5
B* / 1.3 / 0.51

* Note to table.

First paragraph (after Table)

2.2Typing Equations

You should use internationally accepted symbols (see [1] or [2]). All mathematical expressions must be type-written (no pictures). Please use only TrueType fonts and avoid any Asian fonts in anycase. Mathematical expressions should fit into a single column (font-size11pt, line-spacing 11 pt). Numbers that identify mathematical expressions should be enclosed in parentheses and placed at the end of the line (aligned with right margin). Refer to equations in the text as “Eq.(1)”etc. or “Equation (1)”' etc. [1] International Geosynthetics Society, Recommended Mathematical and Graphical Symbols, 2009 / [2] ISO3898:1997Bases for design of structures – Notations – General Symbols / See for example Equation 1 below:


where  = fluid density, g = gravity acceleration, Sb = bed slope,  = roughness geometry function, = total fluid stress, z = vertical coordinate, and fp and fv form and viscous drag per unit fluid volume, respectively

For simple equations in the text always use superscript and subscript (select Font in the Format menu). Do not use the equation editor between texts on the same line.

2.3Figure captions

One open line before and after Figure (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Caption of a typical figure. Place the caption underneath the figure.

If you submit color figures in your electronic version, please ensure that they will be legible also when printed in black and white.


Hildebrand, J.H. & Scott, R.L. 1950. The solubility of nonelecrolytes. 3rd Edition, Reinhold, New York, USA.

Huber, B., Meier, B., & Bauer, A. J. 2009. Testing of Geosynthetics. Proc. 5th Intl. Symposium on Geosynthetics, Anywhere, Germany, p. 111-118.

Michalowski, R.L. & Shi, L. 1993. Bearing capacity of nonhomogeneous clay layers under embankments. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering , Vol. 119(10), pp. 1657-1669.

Yang, K-H., Zornberg, J. G., and Wright, S. G. (2008b). Numerical Modeling of Narrow MSE Walls with Extensible Reinforcements. Center for Transportation Research (CTR), Report No. 0-5506-2, Austin, Texas.