Management Committee Meeting

ISRN Boardroom, KG-B309G, QUT, Brisbane

26th & 27 February 2015.

1.0 The Chair welcomed members to country, and opened the meeting at 10:06am (AEST).

Present: Professor Aileen Moreton-Robinson (Chair); Professor Larissa Behrendt (Thursday); Associate Professor Kathleen Butler (Thursday); Professor Kathleen Clapham Professor Steve Larkin; Dr Mark McMillan; Dr Kevin Williams; Dr Asmi Wood (attending on Friday); Ms Marlene Longbottom

Hub Staff: Dr Alissa Macoun; Dr David Singh.

Guest speaker Professor Arun Sharma, DVC (Research) QUT joined after lunch.

Apologies: Professor Bronwyn Fredericks Professor John Maynard; Professor Maggie Walter; Dr Asmi Wood (for late arrival, attended on Friday).

2.0 Confirmation of Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the NIRAKN Management Committee held on 12th December were tabled.

Resolution: That the minutes be accepted as a true and correct record.

Moved by Dr McMillan, seconded by Associate Professor Butler - Carried.

3.0 Business Arising from the Minutes

An updated Action sheet of tasks arising from previous meetings was tabled and outstanding items discussed. The Chair requested members report on tasks allocated. Committee members reported on their progress against tasks on the action sheet, and on the status of ongoing responsibilities.

There was discussion of grant applications, NAISA Conference 2016, and the representation of partner organisations and collaborating institutions on Management Committee. Matters for decision were to be addressed in relevant agenda items.

The Director reported that the ARC had approved a number of variations to the funding agreement sought by Management Committee; particularly the removal of the requirement to host Postgraduate Recruitment events and the changes to include Sciences and Technology within the Indigenous Sociology and Knowledges Node.

Node Leaders were reminded by the Director that additional funds are available for Node seminars and research capacity building events. A written submission is required, outlining details of the proposed events and its relation to the Node’s SOW and research theme. Node Leaders should ensure that participant evaluations of events are conducted and a report provided to the Director.

There was discussion of matters raised at the last meeting regarding network governance and the ISK node, and of actions subsequently taken by QUT. A letter from Professor Nixon (DVC Research at UTAS) to Professor Sharma at QUT dated 12 February 2015 was tabled. A letter from Professor Sharma to Professor Nixon dated 24 February 2015 was tabled.

Hub staff were asked to withdraw and left the meeting.

The meeting moved in camera at 10.45am.

The meeting was adjourned for lunch at 12.15pm.

The meeting reconvened at 1pm.

4.0 Items for Discussion

4.2 NIRAKN Governance

There was discussion of a number of proposed resolutions arising from discussions in camera.

Professor Sharma joined the meeting.

Director welcomed Professor Sharma to the meeting.

Members advised Professor Sharma that they had been discussing governance matters and ISK Node compliance issues. The Committee was in the process of drafting resolutions to further address these matters.

There was discussion of QUT’s response to resolutions passed by Management Committee in December and subsequent correspondence from UTAS. Members expressed concern that the role of the Management Committee, as the key governance body for the network, had been overlooked. UTAS appeared to have taken a predominant role in directing QUT about governance issues and QUT had acted with regard to this advice.

Professor Sharma noted members concerns and advised that he is keen to resolve conflict appropriately, and expressed willingness to speak directly with any DVC of a collaborating institution with concerns or questions about NIRAKN. He advised that he had been asked to attend a meeting tomorrow (27 February 2015) with the ARC CEO to discuss NIRAKN governance.

Management Committee members raised a number of matters with Professor Sharma, including a view that Management Committee’s wishes and position on governance matters had been well articulated over the long term while communications between QUT and UTAS appeared to have confused matters. Members expressed a concern that non-compliance issues are clearly understood as governance matters and are not to be misrepresented as interpersonal disputes. Members expressed that the role of the Management Committee was as the governing body of the network noting that the role of QUT was as administrative organisation. Committee members expressed the view that actions by UTAS have actively impeded the network in fulfilling the spirit of the application and limited the capacity of members to achieve the network’s purposes. Professor Sharma was asked to request that UTAS direct any further concerns about the governance of NIRAKN in writing to the Management Committee.

Members reminded Professor Sharma that his delegate, Professor Paul Burnett, undertook to ensure the legal advice requested by Management Committee in a resolution from the December meeting but no advice had been received. Professor Sharma agreed he would seek legal advice regarding the ISK non-compliance issue. He also agreed to members’ request that any governance concerns be communicated to the Management Committee in writing.

Professor Sharma reminded Committee members to ensure their DVCs Research remain informed about NIRAKN’s governance and progress. It is important to ensure that NIRAKN’s achievements to date are not obscured or overlooked.

The Director thanked Professor Sharma.

Professor Sharma left the meeting.

Members discussed network governance matters raised in conversation with Professor Sharma, and finalised the details of resolutions.

Resolution: Pending advice from QUT’s Office of Research, the 2014 allocation of $50 000 ISK Node funds be redirected to Charles Darwin University in order to implement the Node’s original major research project and bring the node into compliance.

Moved Dr McMillan, seconded Ms Longbottom/Thompson – Carried.

Professor Larkin abstained due to a conflict of interest.

Resolution: That the 2013 ISK Node Research Fund carryover be allocated to:

·  Internal Research grants from 2014 rounds awarded in ISK node which were

1.  Identity or Identities: Personal, professional and cultural knowledge and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early childhood educators (Associate Professor Karen Martin)

2.  ‘From experience to practice’: 20 years after the Indigenous community development study tours to India (Dr Michael Adams, Professor Bronwyn Fredericks)

3.  Government Inquiries: the ‘Problem’ definition over time (Dr Wendy Aitken)

·  Three small node research projects detailed in the ISK 2014 annual report which are retrospectively approved by Management Committee, namely:

1.  Working Title: The use of Information and Communication Technologies in the Classroom by Indigenous Children – A comparison of two schools across the Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory (Terry Dunbar, Peter Radoll)

2.  Working Title: Government Inquiries into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Related Matters: Discourse and History (Sue Green, Maggie Walter, Wendy Aitken, Karen Martin, Gawaian Bodkin-Andrews)

3.  Working Title: An evaluation of the effectiveness of the ARC research grant system for Indigenous Australians (Michelle Trudgett, Kathy Butler)

Moved Professor Behrendt, seconded Dr McMillan – carried.

Associate Professor Butler abstained due to a conflict of interest.

Resolution: Management Committee reaffirms the decision of the December Management Committee meeting that ISKS&T node funds be allocated from 2015 and for the remainder of the life of the network as follows:

-  Charles Darwin University - $25 000 + $3 750 per annum

-  Newcastle University - $25 000 + $3 750 per annum

Moved Dr McMillan, seconded Professor Behrendt – carried.

Professor Larkin, Associate Professor Butler and Ms Longbottom/Thompson abstained due to conflicts of interest.

Resolution: That Management Committee asks QUT to require from UTAS an immediate acquittal of all node funds spent to date.

Moved Ms Longbottom/Thompson, seconded Dr Williams – carried.

Resolution: That Management Committee direct the ISKS&T Node Leaders to call an urgent face to face meeting of Node members to discuss the future business of the node and develop a new Statement of Work.

Moved Dr McMillan, seconded Professor Clapham – carried.


Professor Sharma to request any governance concerns regarding NIRAKN raised with him be provided in writing and directed to the Management Committee

Professor Sharma to ensure that legal advice requested by December meeting of Management Committee is provided

Management Committee members to ensure their DVCs Research are kept informed of relevant matters concerning NIRAKN’s governance and progress

Director to forward Management Committee resolutions regarding governance to Professor Sharma and QUT’s Office of Research for information and action.

ISKS&T Node Leaders to call an urgent face to face meeting of the node to discuss future business and develop a new Statement of Work.

4.3 NIRAKN Review

The Director drew members’ attention to the extract from the NIRAKN funding agreement included in meeting papers that outlines the requirement for a mid-term review of the network. She tabled a letter from the ARC received by Professor Sharma and QUT earlier in the week explaining the scope and nature of the review.

Members were asked to consider the review’s terms of reference and to be alert to opportunities to contribute to submissions at their own institutions. The Hub would draft a submission to the Review Panel on behalf of the network which would be circulated to participants in the Review face to face meeting.

Members were asked to express interest in meeting with the ARC during the site visit to QUT to discuss the network, as the Hub was coordinating an agenda and would be organising attendees. Professor Steve Larkin and Dr Macmillan agreed to meet with the ARC Review panel.


Committee members to contribute to submissions to the NIRAKN Review from their own institutions.

Director and Hub staff to draft NIRAKN Submission to review and circulate to participants

-  The Hub to coordinate attendees for ARC Review Panel site visit.

4.1 Annual Report

The Director drew members’ attention to the Draft Annual Report for the network and to copies of Node Annual Reports that were circulated with meeting papers. Members’ attention was drawn to the difference in the level of detail submitted in Node reports and information required for the Annual Report. The Director stressed the need for Node reports to convey more detail e.g. dates when events took place or the numbers of participants attending and results from evaluations.

There was discussion of Node Reporting and of the email provided by Professor Larkin regarding errors in the ISK Node report submitted on behalf of the node by Professor Walter. The Director advised that the errors were noted and Professor Larkin’s amendments were accepted and placed on record. She advised that node submissions inform the Annual Report but only relevant and appropriate information, as per the NIRAKN strategic management plan, is included.

4.9.1 Upcoming NIRAKN Events – Capacity Building Workshops (July)

There was discussion of the July workshop program, and an incomplete draft program circulated. As the Director will be on leave in July, it will be necessary for Management Committee members to undertake leadership roles. Dr McMillan will be acting Director while Professor Moreton-Robinson is away. A range of session ideas were canvassed and committee members volunteered to undertake tasks. It was agreed that one node meeting would be held every morning for four days.

Dr McMillan volunteered to coordinate sessions specifically for postgraduates. Members agreed that it would be useful to have a session on structuring an academic CV. Professor Larkin volunteered to coordinate a session on Indigenous Academic Leadership. Some activities could be specifically dedicated to teaching and learning. A proposal to run a session from NIRAKN Research Affiliate Chelsea Bond regarding her research about teaching Indigenous Studies was circulated with meeting papers. Her proposed session was considered and approved.

The Committee decided this year’s workshop program should have an increased focus on grant writing. ARC, NHMRC and OLT could be invited to run sessions (perhaps concurrently). Given the success of NIARKN members in the last round of Indigenous Discovery it was decided that those who have been successful should be invited to run workshops about developing and writing grant proposals.


-  Hub to coordinate a program for July workshops based on Management Committee suggestions

-  Dr McMillan will lead a postgraduate program at July workshops

-  Professor Larkin to lead a session on Indigenous academic leadership

-  Successful grant applicants be invited to run workshops on grant writing

-  Dr Chelsea Bond be advised that the Management Committee approved her workshop as part of the July program.

4.5 Node Leadership and Management Committee Positions

A number of matters relating to Node Leadership and positions on Management Committee were discussed. Replacing Node Leaders is complicated, as they must be both the representative of their institution and a leader in the relevant node area. Health Node Leaders are in discussion with colleagues from University of Western Australia in relation to replacing Professor Dudgeon, and it is hoped that a nominee from UWA will soon be forthcoming. The Director advised members that as Associate Professor Troy has left AIATSIS she will no longer be their representative on the Management Committee and so will no longer be a Yuraki Node Leader. She is keen to remain involved in NIRAKN and retains her CI status in her new role as Director of Indigenous Research at the University of Sydney.

Resolution: That Management Committee ask QUT to seek a variation from the ARC to change the role of Associate Professor Troy from a Network Node Leader to a Network Participant.

Moved Professor Larkin, seconded Associate Professor Butler - carried.

The meeting was adjourned for the day at 5.15pm

The meeting recommenced at 10.05am on Friday 27 February.

Present: Professor Aileen Moreton-Robinson (Chair); Professor Steve Larkin; Ms Marlene Thompson; Dr Kevin Williams; Dr Asmi Wood; Hub Secretariat Staff Dr Alissa Macoun and Dr David Singh.

Review of Previous Day’s Business

A number of matters arising from business discussed on the preceding day were reviewed and decisions summarised.

Resolution: That the Draft Annual Report as circulated be accepted and endorsed

Moved Professor Larkin, seconded Professor Williams – carried.

Resolution: That Management Committee ask QUT to seek a variation from the ARC to appoint Geoff Scott, CEO of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, to replace Scott Avery as the National Congress representative on Management Committee.