Allies Against Asthma
Selected articles
Updated July 3, 2002
1. Childhood Asthma
Clark NM, Brown RW, Parker E, Robins TG, Remick DG, Philbert MA, Keeler GJ, Israel BA. Childhood asthma. Env Health Persp June 1999; 107(3):421-429.
Clark NM, Brown R, Joseph CLM, Anderson L, Liu M, Valerio M, Gong M. Issues in Screening for Asthma at School and Determining Prevalence in a Population of Urban Children, (submitted for publication 2/01)
Joseph CLM, Foxman B, Leickly FE, Peterson E, Ownby D. Prevalence of possible undiagnosed asthma and associated morbidity among urban schoolchildren, J Pediatrics 1996;129:735-742.
2. Asthma Self-Management
Clark NM, Nothwehr F. Social, Psychological, and Behavioral Factors and Patient Management of Lung Disease in The Heart, R. Wayne Alexander et al (Eds.), New York, NY. McGraw-Hill, 1998.
Partridge MR, Hill SR. Enhancing care for people with asthma: the role of communication, education, training and self-management. Eur Respir J 2000;16:333-48.
3. Clinician Behavior
Cabana MD, Ebel BE, Cooper-Patrick L, Poew NR, Rubin HR, Rand CS. Barriers pediatricians face when using asthma practice guidelines. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2000; 154:685-693.
Cabana MD, Lewis TC. Overcoming barriers to using asthma clinical practice guidelines. Seminars in Medical Practice, 2000; 3(3):19-31.
Cabana MD, Rand CS, Powe NR, Wu AW, Wilson MH, Abboud PC, Rubin HR. Why don’t physicians follow clinical practice guidelines? A framework for improvement. JAMA 1999; 282(15):1458-64.
Clark NM, Gong M, Schork MA, Kaciroti N, Evans D, Roloff D, Hurwitz M, Maiman LA, Mellins RB. Long-term effects of asthma education for physicians on patient satisfaction and use of health services. Eur Respir J 2000;16:15-21.
Clark NM, Gong M, Schork A, Evans D, Roloff D, Hurwitz M, Maiman L, Mellins RB. Impact of education for physicians on patient outcomes. Pediatrics 1998; 101:831-836.
Clark NM, Gong M, Schork, MA, Maiman LA, Evans D, Hurwitz ME, Roloff D, Mellins, R. A scale for assessing health care providers’ teaching and communication behavior regarding asthma. Hlth Ed Behav 1997; 24(2):245-256.
Evans D, Mellins R, Lobach K, Ramos-Bonoan C, Pinkett-Heller M, Wisesmann S. Improving care for minority children with asthma: professional education in public health clinics. Pediatrics 1997;99:157-64.
Grant EN, Moy JN, Turner-Roan K, Daugherty SR, Weiss KB. Asthma care practices, perceptions, and beliefs of Chicago-area primary-care physicians. Chicago Asthma Surveillance Initiative Project Team. Chest. 1999; 116(4 Suppl 1):125S-54S.
4. Office-Based Patient Education/Patient Self-Management (Pediatric Specific)
Alexander JS, Younger RE, Cohen RM, Crawford LV. Effectiveness of a nurse-managed program for children with chronic asthma. J Ped Nursing 1988; 3:312-317.
Bernard-Bonnin A, Stachenko S, Bonin D, Charette C, Rousseau E. Self-management Teaching Programs and Morbidity of Pediatric Asthma: A Meta-analysis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1995;95:34-41.
Charlton I, Antoniou AG, Atkinson J, Campbell MJ, Chapman E, Mackintosh T, Schapira D. Asthma at the interface: bridging the gap between general practice and a district general hospital. Arch Dis Child 1994; 70:313-318.
Clark, N.M., Feldman, C.H., Evans, D., Duzey, O., Levision, M.J. Changes in children’s school performance as a result of education for family management of asthma. J School Health 1984;54 (4):143-5.
Clark NM, Feldman CH, Evans, D.; Levision, M.J.; Mellins, R.B.: The impact of health education on frequency and cost of health care use by low income children with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1986; 78:108-115 (1986a).
Clark MN, Feldman CH, Evans D, Duzey O, Levision MJ, Wasilewsky Y, Kaplan D, Rips J, Mellins RB. Managing better: children, parents, and asthma. Patient Educ Couns 1986;8: 27-38. 1986b.
Colland VT. Learning to cope with asthma: a behavioural self-management program for children. Patient Educ Couns 1993; 22:141-152.
Evans D, and Mellins RB. Education in Children and Minority Groups. Asthma. P.J. Barnes and M. M. Grunstein. Philidelphia, Lippincott-Raven Publishers. 1997.
Fireman P, Friday GA, Gira C, Vierthaler WA, Michaels L. Teaching self-management skills to asthmatic children and their parents in an ambulatory care setting. Pediatrics 1981;68(3):341-8.
Gerbert N, Hummelink R, Konning J, Staab D, Schmidt S, Szczepanski R, Runde B, and Wahn U. Efficacy of self-management program for childhood asthma – a prospective controlled study. Patient Education and Counseling 1998;35: 213-220.
Hindi-Alexander M, Croop G. Evaluation of a Family Asthma Program. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1984;505-510.
Lewis C, Lewis M, De la Sota A, Kaplan M. A Randomized Trial of A.C.T. for Kids. Pediatrics 1984; 74: 478-486.
Lewis MA, de la Sota A, Rachelefsky G, Lewis CE, Quinnones H, Richards W. ACT-Asthma Control Y Tratamiento Para Ninos: a progress report. Health Educ Quart 1987; 14:281-290.
McNabb WL, Wilson-Pessano SR, Hughes GW, and Scamagas P. Self-management education of children with asthma: AIR WISE. Am J Pub Hlth 1985;75(10):1219-1220.
Wilson-Pessano SR, McNabb WL. The role of patient education in the management of childhood asthma. Prev Med 1985; 14:670-687.
Mesters I, can Nunen M, Crebolder H, Meertens R. Education of parents about paediatric asthma: effects of a protocol on medical consumption. Pat Ed and Counseling 1995;25:131-136.
Moe E, Eisenberg J, Vollmer W, Wall M, Stevens V, Hollis J. Implementation of Open Airways as an Educational Intervention for Children with Asthma in an HMO. J Pediatr Health Care. 1992;6:251-255.
Perrin JM, Maclean WE, Gortmaker SL, Asher KN. Improving the psychological status of children with asthma: a randomized controlled trial. J Dev Behav Pediatr 1992;13:241-247.
Smith NA, Seale JP, Ley P, Shaw J, Bracs PU. Effects of intervention on medication compliance in children with asthma. Med J Aust 1986;61:1184-1189.
Taggart VS, Zuckerman AE, LucAs S, Acty-Lindsey A, Bellanti JA. Adapting a self-management education program for asthma for use in an outpatient clinic. Ann Allergy 1987;58:173-178.
Taggart VS, Zukerman AE, Sly RM, et al. You can control asthma: evaluation of an asthma education program for hospitalized inner-city children. Patient Educ and Counseling 1991; 17:35-47.
4. Health Care Systems
Eastwood AJ, Sheldon TA. Organisation of asthma care: what difference does it make? A systemic review of the literature. Quality in Health Care 1996;5:134-143.
Heinrich P, Homer CJ. Improving the care of children with asthma in pediatric practice: the HIPPO project. Helping Improve Pediatric Practice Outcomes. Pediatr Ann. 1999;28(1):64-72.
Lozano P, Lieu TA. Asthma in managed care. Pediatr Ann. 1999;28(1):74-80.
McDermott MF, Walter J, Catrambone C, Weiss KB. The Chicago Emergency Department Asthma Collaborative. Chest 1999;116:196S-197S.
5. Schools
Coover L, Vega C, Persky V, Russell E, Blase R, Wolf R, Garcia M, Grant E, Dublin M. A collaborative model to enhance the functioning of the school child with asthma. Chest 1999;116(4):193S-195S.
Christiansen SC, Martin SB, Schleicher NC, Koziol JA, Matthews KP, and Zuraw BL Evaluation of a school-based asthma education project for inner city children. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 1997;100 (5): 613-617.
Evans D, Clark NM, Feldman CH, Rips JL, Kaplan DL, Levision MJ, Wasilewski Y, Levin B, Mellins RB: A school health education program for children with asthma aged 8-11 years. Health Educ Q 1987;14: 267-79.
Horner, S.D. (1998). Using the Open Airways curriculum to improve self-care for third grade children with asthma. J School Health 68(8): 329-333.
Evans D, Clark N, Feldman C. School Health Education Programs for Asthma. Clin Rev Allergy. 1987; 5: 207-212.
Gibson, P.G. and Shah, S. (1998). Peer-led asthma education for adolescents: Impact evaluation. Journal of Adolescent Health 22(1): 66-72.
Shah S, Peat JK, Mazurski EJ, Wang H, Sindhusake D, Bruce C, Henry RL, and Gibson PG. Effect of peer led programs for asthma education in adolescents: cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2001;322:1-5.
McEwen M, Johnson P, Neatherlin J, Millard MW, Lawrence G. School-based management of chronic asthma among inner-city African-American schoolchildren in Dallas, Texas. J School Health 1998; 68(5):196-201.
Meurer JR, McKenzie S, Mischler E, Subichin S, Malloy M, George V. The awesome asthma school days program: educating children, inspiring a community. J School Health 1999; 69(2):63-68.
Parcel, G.S., Nader, P.R. and Tiernan, K. A health education program for children with asthma. Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 1980;1(3):128-132
Wilson SR, Latini D, Starr NJ, Fish L, Loes LM, Page A, Kubic P. Education of parents of infants and very young children with asthma: A developmental evaluation of the Wee Wheezers program. J Asthma 1996;33(4):239-254.
Yawn BP, Algatt-Bergstrom PJ, Yawn RA, Wollan P, Greco M, Gleason M, and Markxon L. An in-school CD-ROM asthma education program. J School Health 2000; 70 (4):153-159.
6. Community Based Education and Support
6a. education and support
Alaniz KL, and Nordstrand J. Camp SUPERTEENS: An asthma education program for adolescents. MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing 1999;24(3):133-137.
Butz AM, Malveaux FJ, Eggleston P, et al. Use of community health workers with inner-city children who have asthma. Clin Pediatr 1994;33:135-141.
Eng E, Parker E, Harlan C. Lay health advisor intervention strategies: A continuum from natural helping to paraprofessional helping. Hlth Educ Behav 1997;24(4):413-417.
Eng E, Young R. Lay health advisors as community change agents. Fam & Comm Health 1992;15(1):24-40.
Evans R, Gergen P, Mitchell H, Kattan M, Keresmar C, Crain E, Andersen J, Eggleston P, Malveaux F, Wedner J. A randomized clinical trial to reduce asthma morbidity among inner-city children: Results of the National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study. J Pediatr 1999;153:332-338.
Fisher EB, Sussman LK, Arken C, et al. Targeting high risk groups: neighborhood organization for pediatric asthma management in the Neighborhood Asthma Coaltion Chest 1994;106:248S-259S.
Ratima MM, Fox C, Fox B, Te Karu H, Gemmell T, Slater T, D’Souza WJ, Pearce NE. Long-term benefits for Maori of an asthma self-management program in a Maori community which takes a partnership approach. Austr and New Zealand J of Pub Hlth 1999;23(6):601-605.
Rubin DH, Leventhal JM, Sadock RT, Letovsky E, Schottland P, Clemente I, McCarthy P. Educational intervention by computer in childhood asthma: a randomized clinical trial testing the use of a new teaching intervention in childhood asthma. Pediatrics 1986;77:1-10.
Stout JW, White LC, Rogers LT, et al. The asthma outreach project: a promising approach to comprehensive asthma management. J Asthma 1998;35:119-127.
Toelle BG, Peat JK, Salome CM. Evaluation of a community-based asthma management program in a population sample of schoolchildren. Med J of Australia 1993;158:742-746
Whitman N, West D, Brough FK, Welch M. A study of a self-care rehabilitation program in pediatric asthma. Health Educ Q 1985;12:333-342.
Wilson SR, Scamagas P, Grado J, et al. The Fresno Asthma Project: a model for intervention to control asthma in multiethnic, low-income inner-city communities. Health Educ Behav 1998;25:79-98.
6b. Community-Based Office, Clinic, Service-Based Interventions
Dickinson J, Hutton S, Atkin A. Implementing the BTSGuidelines. The effect of a nurse run asthma clinic on prescribed treatment in a North Lincolnshire general practice. Respir Med 1997;91:634-640.
Evans D, Mellins R, Loback K, Ramos-Bonoan C, Pinkett-Heller M, Wiesemann S, Klein I, Donahue C, Burke D, Levision M, Levin B, Zimmerman B, Clark N. Improving care for minority children with asthma: Professional education in public health clinics. Pediatrics 1997;99:157-164.
Hughes DM, McLeod M, Garner B, Goldbloom RB. Controlled trial of a home and ambulatory program for asthmatic children. Pediatrics 1991;87:54-61.
Kelly CS, Morrow AL, Shults J, Nakas N, Strope GL, and Adelman R. Outcomes evaluation of a comprehensive intervention program for asthmatic children enrolled in Medicaid. Pediatrics 2000;105(5):1029-1035.
Wissow LS, Warshow M, Box J, Baker D. Case Management and quality assurance to improve care of inner-city children with asthma. Am J Dis Child. 1988;142(7):748-52.
7. Environment
Etzel RA, Indoor Air Pollution and Childhood Asthma: Effective Environmental Interventions. Environ Health Perspect 1995; 103(Suppl6):55-58.
Hammarquist C, Burr ML, Gotzsche PC. House dust mite control measures for asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000;(2):CD001187.
Institute of Medicine. Executive Summary. Clearing the Air: Asthma and Indoor Air Exposures National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 2000.
Krieger JW, Song L, Takaro TK, Stout J. Asthma and the home environment of low-income urban children: preliminary findings from the Seattle-King County Healthy Homes Project. J of Urban Hlth 2000;77(1): 50-67.
Persky V, Coover L, Hernandez E, Contreras A, Slezak J, Piorkowski J, Curtis L, Turyk M, Ramakrushnan V, Sheff P. Chicago community-based asthma intervention trial: feasibility of delivering peer education in an inner-city population. Chest 1999;116:216S-223S.
Platts-Mills TA, Vaughan JW, Carter MC, Woodfolk JA. The role of intervention in established allergy: avoidance of indoor allergens in the treatment of chronic allergic disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000; 106(5):787-804.
Samet JM, Dominici F, Curriero FC, Couras I, Keger SL. Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality in 20 U.S. Cities, 1987-1994. New England J of Med. 343(24):1742-1749 2000.
Tovey E, Marks G. Methods and effectiveness of environmental control. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1999; 103(2 Pt 1):179-91.
Vervolet D, Dornelas de Andrade AD, Pascal L, Lanteaume A, Dutau H, Armengaud A, Sambuc R, Charpin D. The prevalence of reported asthma is independent of exposure in house dust mite- sensitized children. Eur Respir J. 13:983-987. 1999.
Wood RA. The Importance of environmental controls in the management of pediatric asthma. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am 1998;18(1):183-197.
8. Coalition and Partnership Development/Leadership
Butterfoss FD, Goodman RM, Wandersman A. Community coalitions for prevention and health promotion: Factors predicting satisfaction, participation, and planning. Hlth Ed Quarterly 1996;23(1):65-79.
Butterfoss FD, Morrow AL, Rosenthal J, Dini E, Crews RC, Webster JD, Louis P. CINCH: An urban coalition for empowerment and action. Hlth Educ Behav 1998;25(2):212-225.
Kegler MC, Steckler A, McLeroy K, Malek SH. Factors that contribute to effective community health promotion coalitions: A study of 10 project ASSIST coalitions in North Carolina. Hlth Educ Behav 1998;25(3):338-353.
Nanus, B, Dobbs SM. Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations: The Leadership Challenge. Leaders Who Make A Difference: Essential Strategies for Meeting the Nonprofit Challenge. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Information Center/Jossey-Bass, 2000.
Naureckas ET, Wolf RL, Trubitt MJ, Weiss KB, Hernandez-Thomas E, Thomas S, Fink J, Zeitz HJ, Coover L, Scharf JS. The Chicago Asthma Consortium: A community coalition targeting reductions in asthma morbidity. Chest 1999;116:190S-193S.
Weiner BJ, Alexander JA, Zuckerman HS. Strategies for effective management participation in community health partnerships. Hlth Care Manage Rev 2000;25(3):48-66.
9. Evaluation of Coalitions
Goodman RM, Wandersman A. An Ecological Assessment of community-based interventions for prevention and health promotion: Approaches to measuring community coalitions. Am J of Com Psych 1996; 24(1):33-61.