Student Brag Sheet
Give this to your teacher or counselor who is writing a letter of recommendation for you at least 2 weeks prior to when it is to be sent. Please be as detailed as possible so that your teacher/counselor can write the best recommendation possible.
Last Name: First Name: M.I.:
Birthday: Phone Number: Email:
Counselor: Academy:
College Choices:
1. Application Deadline:
2. Application Deadline:
3. Application Deadline:
Possible Major(s): Occupational Goal(s):
Teachers/Counselors who would recommend you:
1. 2. 3. 4.
GPA Rank
SAT Subject Exams (subject & score): , ,
AP Exams (subject & score) , ,
On a separate, typed sheet, please complete the following. Be sure to be as detailed as possible.
1. List and describe special talents, interests or hobbies.
2. Describe your family life: parents, siblings; experiences, responsibilities or relationships to siblings, family’s goals for you and their influence on you, special circumstances, etc.
3. What do you regard as the important things in life?
4. Your academic strengths.
5. Two weaknesses you are improving.
6. In what specific ways do you hope to contribute to your college’s activities and campus life?
7. List four words that describe you and why.
8. Describe an experience that has contributed to your intellectual development since entering high school. (For example, a course that stimulated you, a book that influenced your thinking, an unusual trip, a meaningful activity)
9. Are you a first generation college student (your parents did not graduate from a college in the U.S.)? Explain
10. Which extra-curricular activities have you found to be the most meaningful? Why?
11. Please include any information that tells more about you and/or anything that makes you unique.
Financial Aid Information
Parents’ occupations: Father: Mother:
Family’s yearly gross income:
Number of persons dependent on this income:
Number of family members (including parents) who will be in college next year:
Do you qualify for the free or reduced school lunch program?
Are you currently or ever have been in Foster Care?
Describe any unusual expenses or recent events that affect your financial need (i.e., illness, unemployment, catastrophe)
Extra Curricular Activities
School Activities / Community Service/ActivitiesLeadership/Class Offices / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / Organizations / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
Clubs/Offices Held / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / Service/Volunteer / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
Athletics / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / Employment / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
Other Activities / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / Political Volunteer Work / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
Honors/Awards/Other / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / Honors/Awards/Other / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
Helpful Hints:
◇ Don’t procrastinate! Request letters of recommendations at least 2 weeks prior to when you need them. For January and February college application deadlines, please return this form to your teacher and counselor no later than the first week of December (be mindful of winter break!).
◇ Be as detailed as possible. Your teachers and counselors know you, but they may not know some important details about you that may be significant to colleges and scholarship committees.
◇ If your teacher or counselor would like to know more about how you perform in the classroom, please give 2 or 3 teachers a Student Information Sheet.
◇ Keep copies of this Brag Sheet for future use.