Welcome and Announcements

Present budget and nominating committees

Prelude Phyllis Tyler


Opening Hymn Come, Thou Almighty King 8

Praises and Concerns

Children’s Sermon Frank Breault

Children’s Music

Offertory Hymn To God be the glory 56

Sermon Evangelism Emphasis

Closing Hymn Jesus is LORD of all 599

Benediction Prayer

*A love offering for Bruce (Hastings) Griffin will be collected after the service.

Nursery Schedule: (0-Kindergarten)

1st Sunday:Alex/Shannon

2nd Sunday: Laura/Ashley

3rd Sunday: Jessica/Rebecca

4th Sunday: Jay and Stephani

5th Sunday: Debbie/Kathy


Tuesday night Bible study 7PM. We are in series where we are going to overview the entire Bible. This Tuesday we continue with the book of Titus.

Senior Citizens Wednesday 11AM.

Mission Opportunity: MISSION BLITZ: We need to start planning for OperationInAsMuch onSeptember 24. This is a day of missions. Please see Val if you have ideas of projects that you want to do. (One idea is building a roof with the JRBA. Please see Michael ASAP if you can help or contribute financially)

September 25 vote on nominating and budget.

MGBC is organizing a trip to Drumheller’s Orchard either September 25 or October 16. Keep these dates in mind and let Michael know if one works better than another.

October 2: Baptism and Communion (those getting baptized: Lily Jones, Jacob Palmore, Abby Palmore)

Bus Trip to Franklin Graham “Decision America” Prayer Rally at Richmond Capitol onOctober 12, 2016 Cost: $35 includes transportation, host for games and singing, water and snacks! The group will stop for dinner at Cracker Barrel in Midlothian, VA on the return home (on your own). Contact Rev. Jimmie Beale, Interim Pastor, Antioch Union, to reserve seats:434-352-7245

Mission Opportunity:

We will be accepting contributions for the Alma Hunt Offering for State Missionduring the month of September.

Last Week:

Attendance last week 60, SS 32

Offering: $3,348.00. To meet average budget: $2,221.

Vision for 2016: Evangelism!

Mission without evangelism is “doing good for goodness sakes”, evangelism without Mission is telling someone about God’s love without showing any of it yourself. Mission partners with evangelism in 2016, the second Sunday of every month is going to be dedicated to learning how to evangelize (more) effectively.

Birthdays & Anniversaries:

9/12 Doug Ange, 9/13 Hunter Wharam, 9/14 Gwynn Tyler,

9/15 Eunice Griffin and Tonya Test, 9/17 Shane and Tonya (a)

On-going prayer concerns:

Jean Friedline (Paul’s Sister)

Johnnie Greer (Phyllis' brothers-in-law)

Trina Khol (Michael’s sister-in-law, M.S.)

Louise Wood (Arthritis)

Dicky Spencer (Ongoing health concerns)

Specific Needs:

Post 9/11 America

Family of Karolyn Geigert (Dalyn Seay’s Mom)

Family of Ruth Ayres

Liam Saulisbury (recovering from copperhead bite)

Jeff Webber (massive stroke)

OperationInAsMuch 9/24/16

Laura Khol and baby (due date 2/14/17)

Shannon Jones and baby (due date 2/24/17)

Anita Eanes (Woodland)

Eileen Reynolds (sinus issues)

Wayne Wood (cancer)

Peggy June Agee (Recurrence of Cancer)

Faye Fisher (Broken ankle, Health South Charlottesville)

Doris Whitten (Health concerns)

Hastings Griffin (stroke, Sentara Woodview)

Eunice Griffin (Health issues)

Important upcoming dates!

September 11: Love offering will be collected for Bruce (Hastings) Griffin.

September 11: Budget and nominating will be presented for consideration.

September 25: Vote on budget and nominating reports.

October 2: Baptism and Communion (those getting baptized: Lily Jones, Jacob Palmore, Abby Palmore)

Important upcoming dates!

September 11: Love offering will be collected for Bruce (Hastings) Griffin.

September 11: Budget and nominating will be presented for consideration.

September 25: Vote on budget and nominating reports.

October 2: Baptism and Communion (those getting baptized: Lily Jones, Jacob Palmore, Abby Palmore)