Chapter 1 The Sociological Perspective

1. The natural sciences include all of the following except:

A.  biology

B.  anthropology

C.  geology

D.  chemistry

2. Sociologists look for patterns, recurring characteristics or events, in their data to achieve the goal of:

A.  generalization

B.  explanation

C.  prediction

D.  stereotyping

3. By______Europe was changing from agriculture to factory production.

A.  1750

B.  1900

C.  1850

D.  1800

4. The turmoil caused by a shift from agriculture to factory production was called:

A.  industrial modernization

B.  positivism

C.  the Industrial Revolution

D.  technology

5. ______is often referred to as the founder of sociology.

A.  Emile Durkheim

B.  Max Weber

C.  Sigmund Freud

D.  August Comte

6. Karl Marx referred to the controlling class who own the means to produce wealth, capital, land, factories, and machines as the:

A.  upper class

B.  Republicans

C.  Bourgeoisie

D.  proletariats

7. _____ was developed by Karl Marx to explain human history.

A.  Social Integration Theory

B.  Functional analysis

C.  Ethnomethodology

D.  Conflict theory

8. According to Emile Durkheim’s famous study, which of the following groups is the most likely to have the highest suicide rate?

A.  poor, married Catholics

B.  wealthy, unmarried Protestants

C.  married, female Jews

D.  poor, female Catholics

9. Max Weber believed that ______was the central force for social change.

A.  the economy

B.  religion

C.  greed

D.  technology

10. Sociologists stress that studies should be objective and avoid distortions caused by a researcher’s values. The best way to insure this is through:

A.  honesty

B.  replication

C.  subjectivity

D.  validity

11. Harriet Martineu is primarily known for:

A.  translating Comte’s ideas into English

B.  her work educating salves

C.  founding the Hull House

D.  work with the mentally ill

12. W.E.B. DeBois is remembered for research on what subject?

A.  Relations between whites and African Americans

B.  Struggle for control of economic resources

C.  Influence of religion on economic development

D.  The effect of social integration on suicide rates.

13. Most sociologists who hold advanced degrees earn their livings through:

A.  research

B.  practical sociology

C.  social work

D.  teaching

14. Which theoretical perspective would be most useful in analyzing a small group interaction, such as the social dynamics in a classroom?

A.  Conflict theory

B.  Verstehen

C.  Functionalism

D.  Symbolic interactionism

15. Which of the following does functionalism focus on?

A.  Relationships among the parts of society

B.  Struggle for economic resources by groups in society

C.  Face-to-face interactions

D. How dominant elites use power to control the less powerful