NAME: Pauline Fanti.OFFICE: GLT District Coordinator

DATE: August 2012



The team have now completed the planned workshops for incoming officers and the new training facilitators were involved.

The only workshop that we had to cancel was for the Treasurers, we will monitor the

Incoming Treasurers during the early part of this year and if necessary we will plan another workshop.

I am pleased to say that the District workshop was well attended and congratulate Phil and June for an excellent job.

Having been part of the committee for the MD Convention I must say how well it went.

After the informal information evening regarding Certified Guiding Lions, we have two

dates to offer anyone who is interested to come along to the sessions. Lion Phil will be sending out the dates later.

We have also planned for September a New Lions Orientation evening (12thSept)

The GLT team met on 21st July and we are now going to produce a Newsletter four times a year. By the time this meeting takes place you will have seen the first edition.

I am also completing a short form for Vice and Region Chairman to fill out to help identifying potential Leaders.

There was a GMT/GLT Multiple District meeting on 15th July and unfortunately I was only able to attend the morning session but found this short time very useful if I need to update this document I will do so once I have received any notes that are appropriate.

I also attended the District Changeover on the15th July

As GLT coordinator I was invited to visit Shipston-on-Stour Lions on 12thJune to give a short talk on Leadership.

As Certified Guiding Lion I have not done any visits to Evesham Club due to no Meeting or Holiday I will be contacting the President to arrange a visit soon!


To ensure that the GLT team meet Four times a year and update the Newsletter after each of these meetings.

I have now produced a simplified “Lions Leadership Profile” document to help Zone and Region Chairs to record details of any potential Leaders for the future.

Work with the District Governors Team to help identify potential Leaders for the future.

Continue to work with the GMTeam

NAME: Phil WhiteOFFICE: Training Officer

August 2012 Cabinet Report




I attended GLT meetings on 6 June and 21 July, both of which were very useful and I felt that we made considerable progress with very worthwhile input from those attending. I was unable to attend District Changeover as I was away. I have also submitted my apologies for this cabinet meeting because I will be at a lunch to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.

A second Incoming Zone Chairman’s workshop was delivered on 25 June. I would like to thank one of our new team of trainers, June Lloyd Adams for her invaluable assistance in co-presenting with me. The interactive elements of all this year’s workshops have been very well received and the feedback has been positive.

All interested parties are invited to an informal evening detailing what is involved in becoming a District Governor, which is being held at 7.45pm at the Arden Hotel.

A New Members Orientation will be held at 7.30pm at MDHQ on Wednesday 12 September. Would all Region and Zone Chairmen please identify new members and encourage them to attend. It would be appreciated if District Officers could please try to encourage new members in their own clubs to attend.

The first Zone Chairmen’s review meeting of the year will take place on 14 October immediately prior to Autumn Forum and I will be in contact with all ZC’s before then.

GLT District Co-ordinator Lion Pauline and I will be meeting on 5 September to agree the format and content of a Certified Guiding Lion workshop, which will be held on either 20th or 27th October (exact date and venue to be advised).


To work with the new team of presenters to ensure that we make continuous updates and improvements to all training sessions

To develop new training programmes

To encourage attendance at District and MD workshops/seminars and Lions Leadership Institutes

To provide information/training/support as required, particularly to new clubs, new Lions, club officers and district officers

To look for potential in all fellow Lions in the District and encourage and develop that potential where possible