Commodores’ Report
By: Commodore Jill Cashman
First of all, I want to thank Otter Point Yacht Club for hosting our July general meeting. You made us feel very welcomed and the dinner was delicious.
Our first annual YCM raft out was held August 12th at Maryland Yacht Club. This was our first attempt to hold an annual gathering of member clubs. If you missed it, you missed tons of fun, good food, games, and of course, cold beer as the First Crab would say. Representative Steve Rockel with REYC was flying the YCM flag proudly above all the boats rafted out.
We ended up with, at my last count, 13 boats. Arnold Friedlander, F/C with MYC took control of the inner circle. Mi-T-Mo of White Rocks was the “hub anchor” of the group and we all tied off of him. We ended up at the pavilion at lunch and cooked hamburgers/hot dogs and covered dishes to share. Just when you thought you could take a nap, here came Debbie Garber with White Rocks with her games. Between getting “yoked on”, washed off with water balloons, then something green between my legs and orange under my chin etc. I was ready for anything. Debbie was kind enough to give me my official “crab” apron (no Faye, it is not passed on) I’m keeping it. Some of us completed the evening with dinner at the club and then gathered later to shoot a little pool across the creek.
A big thank you to Terri Rockel for coordinating the efforts. She still has hair on her head after struggling with all the last minute changes. Thanks Terri! Again, another great job.
Treasurer Dan Miller was our official photographer and has a lot of pictures to share. Some will be on line and others will be posted at the general meeting so everyone can see. Also, the two awards will be handed out at the September meeting. We have the winners and want to make the presentations so everyone can be there.
NOTE: Our general meeting in September, which is also our Change of Watch dinner, has been CHANGED. The new location is Sue Haven Yacht Club (NOT Red Eye Yacht Club) Same date and time. Faye will have more about this.
See you at the Board meeting at Eastern Yacht Club on August 30th.
Vice Commodores’ Report
By: V/C Faye Broseker
I would like to thank Commodore Mary Lyn and the members of Otter Point Yacht Club for hosting our July General Meeting. These people sure know how to cook chicken. Everything was delicious and we really appreciated the hospitality shown us. We look forward to the continued support from Otter Point.
Thanks to Terri Rockel and her crew and Debbie from White Rocks for making the 1st annual raft out such a success.
The next scheduled General meeting will be held at Sue Haven Yacht Club on Wednesday, September 27. Please mark your calendar because this is a change from previous schedule. I will post the menu in next month’s newsletter.
The August Board meeting is being held at Eastern Yacht Club and will begin at 7:00pm.
Following is the meeting schedule:
August 30 - Eastern YC
September 27 – General meeting – Sue Haven YC
I know that everyone is trying to squeeze the last bit of summer in, but you know that the Ball season is just around the corner. Please send me your club’s ball and other event information so we can post it in the newsletter and on the YCM web.
Just as a reminder, if your club would prefer to receive an electronic copy of the newsletters, please provide your club’s or Secretary’s email address to me at . I’ll send the newsletter to that email address; however it will be the club’s responsibility for sending to its members. In addition, the current month newsletter and other important information are available on the YCM website.
Rear Commodores’ Report
By: R/C Lou Konopacki
Iwould like to thank Commodore Mary Lyn and the members of Otter Point Yacht Club for the delicious dinner and hosting YCM general meeting. Don’t forget dues are due in September. Yacht Clubs interested in joining YCM can contact me at Please contact IPC Jerry Cramblett if you would like tohave some fun and maybe win a little money at our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament.
Boating, Waterways, and the Environment
By Legislative Affairs Officer Joe Hellner
As always, we need to hear about your Maryland boating and waterway problems and issues, particularly at the local level and in your own backyard. Come to the monthly YCM meetings (we promise to be in the listen mode not the transmit) or Email me at or, if urgent, at my office at
Secretary’s Report
By: Anna Davis
See attached documents regarding the upcoming election.
Treasurer’s Report
By: Dan Miller
Hello everyone,
I must say that the 1st annual YCM raft-out was a successful gathering of friends from multiple clubs and with all the fun and camaraderie; it is only destined to grow. The cookout, simple but delicious and the games, some of which were designed to get you closer together (pass the orange or cucumber) and others designed to move you apart (egg and balloon toss) certainly had the overall desired effect of bring everyone closer together. What a blast, I’m already looking forward to next year.
O.K; now back to work… Our 2005 taxes were filed and we are expecting small refund of the payment made when the extensions were requested. The annual dues notices have been mailed out and payments are arriving.
Our burgee display made its début at our last GM meeting. Looks good and is yet another item that will continue to grow. It was also noted that there are a few burgee exchanges still to be made. The following member clubs are not currently represented on our display: Wellwood Yacht Club, Goose Harbor Yacht Club, Glenmar Sailing Association, Eastern Yacht Club, Chesapeake Commodores Club, and Boumi Shrine Yacht Club. Please arrange to exchange your club burgee thus allowing proper representation on our and your displays.
All is well with the treasury. See you at the next meeting.
Board Member Reports:
Immediate Past Commodore
By: Jerry Cramblett
If you, your members and friends are interested in participating in the second annual YCM golf outing scheduled for Monday, October 9th, please contact me. This was a great event last year and we want to make it even better this year. Make sure you talk this up with your club members it is a most enjoyable day even for the non golfer.
Board Member
By: Dennis Lunsford
No Report
Board Member
By: Connie Ragone
No report
Dates to Remember
August 30 - Board meeting – Eastern YC
September 27 – General meeting – Sue Haven YC
Sick and Welfare
If you know of anyone in the clubs who is sick, having surgery, or have past over, please contact me. You can either call me on 410-916-2803 or email me directly at .
PC Chuck Lay from Riverside Yacht Club of Maryland had knee replacement surgery on August 15 and is recovery nicely.
PC Jim Flagle from Sue Haven Yacht Club passed away last week. Our prayers and sympathy goes out to his family, friends, and members of Sue Haven. PC Jim will surely be missed.
Keep PC Bob Manders from White Rocks YC in your prayers.
Scuttlebutt and Spindrift –
By Salty Sam the Sea Dog
Wharf and Bilge Rats – please send your interesting stories to me in care of Joe Hellner . Joe will make sure that I get the information.
2nd Annual YCM Christmas Party
Kathy Hellner, Social Committee Member
The 2nd annual YCM Christmas Party will be held on Saturday, December 16, 2006. This year’s party will again be held at Bowie Race Track. Santa has promised to be there (I wonder if he following the ponies so he knows which one to bet on.) Place this event on your calendar. A flyer will be sent out with all the details of the event in an upcoming newsletter.
Protocol Matters
Captain Protocol, PC Joe Heller
If you have any Protocol questions, who better to ask than Captain Protocol.
Princess Corner
I still need several clubs to send me articles about their Princess. If you have not, please do so we can ensure that each Princess is recognized. Send articles to
****** Yacht Clubs of Maryland – Bay Breeze (August) ******