工業高 English Lesson Plan 1年生
/Small Talk
/ This lesson will introduce phrases for basic conversation. We will use the material from the previous My Life lesson to help students carry a conversation beyond a simple “Hello, how are you?” greeting.Time
/ l Lesson A: Small Talk handout.l Lesson B: Small Talk activities.
/ l Small Talk handoutl Find Someone Who… worksheet
l Box & Ball
/ l Ask students a few questions about hobbies, etc. / ü Casual and friendly.Handout: Small Talk
/ l Students repeat each phrase after ALTl Students and JTE help translate each phrase
l ALT and JTE model question and answer
l Students practice question and answer in pairs
l Students stand and demonstrate / ü Go through these steps for each section of handout: one section at a time.
Find Someone Who…
/ l Students ask Small Talk questions to find students who like or dislike the items on the listl When they find such a student, that student signs name on the handout
l First student to get all blanks filled is the winner
l After game, read each sentence aloud and have students raise their hands if it is true of them / ü You may have to write questions specific to this activity on the board and model them first.
ü ALT and JTE encourage students by playing in the game too.
Practice: Small Talk Conversation
/ l Introduce idea of conversation flowØ Show catch-ball conversation model
Ø Introduce phrases: Me too. / Me either. and How about you? for natural conversation patterns
Ø Introduce phrase: No, but I like…. to maintain conversational flow with Yes / No questions
l ALT and JTE model Q&A for whole conversation
l Students practice whole conversation in pairs
l Students stand and demonstrate
Box & Ball
/ l Box & Ball game with questions about hobbies, etc.www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~jscott/gifuinfo/lessons