Madeira High School Choir Handbook



My name is Caroline Keith, and I am the choral director for Madeira Middle and High Schools. I am very excited about this school year, which will provide many new opportunities for students to learn and share various styles of music. This handbook will serve as a reference for you and your Madeira High School Choir member. It will also advise you about the policies and procedures of the program. Please take a moment and look through this information together. Then, sign and return the contact form, the student/parent/teacher contract, and the uniform survey on the back page by August 27, 2010.

I appreciate your support of the choral program and the encouragement you provide your child in his or her educational pursuits. My expectation of Madeira High School Choir students is only the best, so I hold them to high standards. The overall goal of this performing arts program is to provide growth for all students through the experience of music. Through participation in choir, students will collaborate with others, improve upon their creative thinking skills, experience the thrill of performing with and for others, be exposed to a diverse repertoire of music, and have fun!

I look forward to getting to know you, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the music in your child’s life!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. My email address is . My phone number at the middle school is 924-3790, and the phone number at the high school is 924-3703.

Thank you for your support!

Caroline Keith

2010-2011 Performance Schedule

Please make a note of the following performance opportunities. All of these events (with the exception of Honor Choir) are required of all students. Some of these dates are included in the Madeira City Schools calendar, and they are all posted on my Madeira High School webpage.

Thursday, October 21- Combined concert with Wyoming and CHCA

at 7:00 pm at MHS

Friday, November 12-OMEA Honor Choir Concert TBA

First week of December-Concert for Madeira Silverwood-Presbyterian during the school day

1st weekend of December-“Light Up Madeira” caroling TBA

Thursday, December 9-Holiday Choir/Band at 7:00 pm at MHS

Thursday, February 24- Combined concert with MHS at 7:00 pm at


Fri/Sat, March 18/19- OMEA Large Group Contest TBA

Tuesday, April 26- Spring Concert/Awards at 7:00 pm at MHS

Saturday, May 28-Graduation at 7:00 pm at MHS

Classroom Materials

Students are expected to bring a pencil with them to class everyday.

Concert Dress

All students will be issued a concert uniform.

-Males will receive a white tux shirt, black pants, and a bowtie. Please provide black dress shoes and black socks to wear with the outfit.

-Females will receive a black (washable) concert dress. Ladies will be asked to wear black hose and black closed-toe dress shoes.

Students should arrive and depart all concert events in their complete concert attire. It is the student’s responsiblity to clean his or her uniform as needed throughout the year.

Assessment and Evaluation

Students’ weekly grades are based upon classroom participation, written evaluations, rehearsals, and concert performances. In Progressbook, students will be given grades that are a culmination of the three areas of evaluation (when possible) over the course of 5 class periods in one week.

Classroom Participation includes, but is not limited to, being prepared with class materials, good posture, vocalizing, sight-singing, learning choral literature, making corrections in the music, discussion of theory and musicianship, attitude, and following the Madeira City Schools “Student Code of Conduct.”

Written Assignments include, but are not limited to, classroom assignments, projects, quizzes, and tests.

Concert Performances and Rehearsals are required of all students in the choral program.Students should be able to participate in a variety of school-sponsored activities such as academic, musical, and athletic events. I am very flexible with students who have athletic matches, games, or previous commitments. However, students are not excused from concerts for homework, athletic practices, work, piano lessons, etc. Students are expected to be dressed properly and on time for performances. If there is a conflict with any of the performance dates at this time, please make a note of that on the final tear-off portion of this handbook.

-Unexcused Absence

An unexcused absence of a performance and/or rehearsal will result in a

zero for the performance.

-Excused Absence

Personal sickness, death in the immediate family, and previous

commitments which have been brought to my attention are considered excused absences. No absence for any reason will be excused unless notification is given before reporting time for the rehearsal or performance. The choir room phone number is 924-3793. An emergency message may be left at any time on my voicemail. To make up for an excused concert performance, students are expected to perform the concert repertoire in private.

Getting Involved

The Madeira Music Boosters is an organization that supports the band, choir, and general music programs in The Madeira City School District. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month in the Perin Media Center at Madeira High School. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. If you would like to be more involved, please contact me with any questions, or just show up!

MHS Choir

Student/Parent Contact Form

Student Name:

Parent/Guardian Name:______


Student Phone:

Parent Phone:

Student email: ______

Parent email: ______

Emergency Contact:



I would like to volunteer as an usher for concerts(Yes or No)

I would like to help with concert uniforms (Yes or No)

I would like to help with publicity(Yes or No)

I would like to help in the following areas:



August 23, 2010

I believe that each one of you have the capability of being a successful musician, and I commit to help you achieve that success by encouraging you to always do your best. I will make every effort to do my best by being prepared and having a positive attitude, and I expect you to make every effort to have a positive attitude, be in class, and be prepared to MAKE MUSIC!



We have read and understand the Madeira High School Choir Handbook and hereby elect to be a “participating member” of this program for the 2010-2011 school year. We understand the expectations and responsibilities as outlined within these guidelines.


Student Name


Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

At this time, I am aware of the following conflict with a performance:


Student/Parent Concert Dress Survey

In an effort to update the choir wardrobe and create a choir that can sing AND dress in unison, I would appreciate your input in this survey.

Currently, we have a variety of mismatched dresses and tuxedo accessories. Some of the tux shirts have different collars and/or buttons, and the pants are of many different styles. Over the course of different years and directors, several tuxedo jackets and dresses have gone ‘missing.’ To provide new dresses and tuxedos is an expensive option for the Madeira Music Boosters, which is why I am asking for your anonymous feedback.

As a parent, would you be willing to purchase either a dress or tux for your child’s use in the program? This outfit will stay with him or her through the entire high school career, and you could potentially sell it back to incoming freshmen in future years. There are many different options (such as a full tux for about $90, a new shirt and pants for $50-$60, or a new dress for $50-$60). I have several different options to decide from, which the members of each choir have given input, and I would be open to suggestions, as well.

If you would be willing to investigate this option further, please circle YES below. If not, please circle NO. If I receive an overwhelming response of YES, then I will contact you with more information. If an overwhelming response of NO is the result, then the choirs will continue with the same uniforms as we used last year.

Thank you for your input. Looking forward to a great year!

YES I am willing to purchase a concert uniform for my child.

NO I am not willing to purchase a concert uniform for my child.