CH. 1

  1. How do continuous and discontinuous views of development differ?
  2. Is there one course of development or many?
  3. Be familiar with the nature-nurture controversy.
  4. Be familiar with the assumptions of the lifespan perspective (lifelong; multidimensional and multidirectional, plastic and multiple contexts)
  5. What is resilience had how is it fostered?
  6. How do age-graded, history-graded, and nonnormative influences differ?
  7. Be familiar with Freud's psychosexual theory (personality components, psychosexual stages).
  8. Understand Erikson's 8 stages of psychosocial development.
  9. What is behaviorism?
  10. Be familiar with classical and operant conditioning.
  11. What is social learning theory?
  12. Be familiar with Piaget's stages of cognitive development.
  13. What are the processes associated with the information-processing perspective?
  14. What is ethology? Understand the concept of sensitive periods.
  15. Be familiar with Vgotsky's sociocultural theory.
  16. Understand the basic premise of the ecological systems approach.
  17. Be familiar with naturalistic observation.
  18. What are self-reports?
  19. How are case studies (clinical method) conducted? Be familiar with strengths and weaknesses of this method.
  20. Be familiar with correlational design. What is the purpose of this type of research?
  21. Be able to interpret the correlation coefficient.
  22. Which type of research can be used to determine cause-effect relationships?
  23. Understand the dependent and independent variables used in experiments.
  24. What is random assignment and why is it important?
  25. Be familiar with longitudinal research and its strengths and weaknesses.
  26. What are cross-sectional designs? Understand strengths and limitations.
  27. How is a longitudinal-sequential design conducted?

CH. 2

1. Distinguish between genotype and phenotype.

2. Be familiar with chromosomes, DNA, and genes.

3. What are gametes?

4. Distinguish between homozygous and heterozygous.

5. How do dominant and recessive genes differ?

6. How do homozygotic and dizygotic twins differ?

7. What does genetic imprinting refer to?

8. What is polygenic inheritance?

9. Be familiar with Down syndrome.

10. What are genetic counseling and testing (prenatal diagnosis and fetal medicine) and what issues may be involved? Be familiar with various methods.

11. Understand fertility issues. What are the current reproductive technologies? Be familiar with the legal and ethical issues involved with these technologies.

12. Be familiar with adoption issues, trends and the impact of adoption.

13. In what ways does SES affect family functioning?

14. What are the possible effects of poverty?

15. How might neighborhoods, towns, and cities influence development?

CH. 3

  1. What is conception and how does it occur?
  2. What happens during the period of the zygote?
  3. What changes occur during the embryonic stage?
  4. What is viability and when does it occur?
  5. What are the primary changes during the fetal period?
  6. Understand cephalocaudal and proximodistal development.
  7. What period is the most sensitive to environmental influences and why?
  8. What are teratogens?
  9. Be familiar with the various teratogens and their impact on development.
  10. What are other maternal factors that influence development?
  11. Why is prenatal care so important? Why do many people fail to seek prenatal care?
  12. Be familiar with the 3 phases of childbirth.
  13. Be familiar with the issues related to medicated deliveries.
  14. Be familiar with natural and prepared childbirth.
  15. What is a C-section? What are common reasons for this procedure?
  16. What are possible birth settings?
  17. Be familiar with fetal monitoring, NBAS, and the Apgar test.
  18. How do preterm and small for date babies differ?
  19. What problems might these babies have?
  20. Be familiar with the various reflexes and their functions.
  21. Understand the differences in newborn states.

22. Be familiar with general abilities of an infant with regard to vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch (skin) senses.