WLTP-2012-002-Definitiontable ISO, EU, ECE, USA-DC
Term / ISO / EC / ECE (1958 Agreement) / ECE (1998 Agreement) GTRs / EPA Emissions / EPA Fuel Economy / CARB incl. OBDThis table, based on an older file called WLTP-04-06e, has been expanded to include definitions from:
- EPA and CARB, including 40 CFR Part 1065.
- WLTP document “WLTP-DTP-LabProcICE-050-Definitionslist_28-02-2011”.
- ECE-R 83 and ECE-R 101.
- 692/2008 and 715/2007 (many definitions from these two directives were already in table WLTP-04-06e).
- Current emissions and/or OBD-related GTRs.
- WLTP-DTP-E-LabProc-0xxx revised 015 27/05/2011
- WLTP-DTP-PMPN-11-04rev.1, 10.10.2011
- WLTP-DTP-E-LabProc-018, 26-27.05.2011
- WLTP-DTP-LabProcICE-112 (labelled in the cells GTR#112)
300 series stainless steel / 40 CFR Part 1065 Any stainless steel alloy with a Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys number designated from S30100 to S39000. For all instances in this part where we specify 300 series stainless steel, such parts must also have a smooth inner-wall construction. We recommend an average roughness, R a, no greater than 4 µm.
Abnormally treated vehicle / Any diesel light-duty vehicle or diesel light-duty truck that is operated for less than five miles in a 30 day period immediately prior to conducting a particulate emissions test.
Access to information / 692/2008
The availability of all vehicle OBD and vehicle repair and maintenance information, required for the inspection, diagnosis, servicing or repair of the vehicle. / The availability of all emission-related OBD data including all fault codes required for the inspection, diagnosis, servicing or repair of emissions-related parts of the vehicle, via the serial interface for the standard diagnostic connection (pursuant to Appendix 1 to this annex, paragraph
Accuracy / GTR #112
The difference between a measurement (measured value) and a reference value, traceable to a national standard. / The difference between a measurement and true value.
40 CFR Part 1065 the absolute difference between a reference quantity and the arithmetic mean of ten mean measurements of that quantity. Determine instrument accuracy, repeatability, and noise from the same data set. We specify a procedure for determining accuracy in §1065.305.
A/C Direct Emissions / Any refrigerant releases from a motor vehicle's airconditioning system.
A/C Indirect Emissions / Any increase in motor vehicle exhaust CO2 emissions that can be attributed to the operation of the air conditioning system.
A/C system with reduced indirect emissions / Any system which meets all of the following criteria:
A. Has managed outside and recirculated air balance to achieve comfort, demisting, and safety requirements, based on such factors as temperature, humidity, pressure, and level of fresh air in the passenger compartment to minimize compressor usage;
B. Is optimized for energy efficiency by utilizing state-of-the-art high efficiency evaporators, condensers, and other components; and
C. Has an externally controlled compressor (such as an externally controlled variable displacement or variable speed compressor or an externally controlled fully cycling fixed displacement compressor) that adjusts evaporative temperature to minimize the necessity of reheating cold air to satisfy occupant comfort.
See: § 1961.1. Greenhouse Gas Exhaust Emission Standards and Test Procedures - 2009 and Subsequent Model Passenger Cars, Light-Duty Trucks, and Medium-Duty Vehicles.
Actual life / OBD
The entire period that a vehicle is operated on public roads in California up to the time a vehicle is retired from use.
Add-on part / Any aftermarket part which is not a modified part or a replacement part.
Adjustable parameter / 40 CFR Part 1065 Any device, system, or element of design that someone can adjust (including those which are difficult to access) and that, if adjusted, may affect emissions or engine performance during emission testing or normal in-use operation. This includes, but is not limited to, parameters related to injection timing and fuelling rate. In some cases, this may exclude a parameter that is difficult to access if it cannot be adjusted to affect emissions without significantly degrading engine performance, or if it will not be adjusted in a way that affects emissions during in-use operation.
Administrator / The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency or his authorized representative. / The Executive Officer of the Air Resources Board (ARB).
Aerodynamic diameter / 40 CFR Part 1065 The diameter of a spherical water droplet that settles at the same constant velocity as the particle being sampled.
Aerodynamic drag / Resistance of the air to the motion of a vehicle
Aerodynamic stagnation point / Point on the surface of a vehicle where the wind velocity is equal to zero
Aftertreatment / 40 CFR Part 1065 Relating to a catalytic converter, particulate filter, or any other system, component, or technology mounted downstream of the exhaust valve (or exhaust port) whose design function is to decrease emissions in the engine exhaust before it is exhausted to the environment. Exhaust-gas recirculation (EGR) and turbochargers are not aftertreatment.
Air conditioning system / 40CFR86.1803-01 Definitions
A unique combination of air conditioning and climate control components, including: compressor type (e.g., belt, gear, or electric-driven, or a combination of compressor drive mechanisms); compressor refrigerant capacity; the number and type of rigid pipe and flexible hose connections; the number of high side service ports; the number of low side service ports; the number of switches, transducers, and expansion valves; the number of TXV refrigerant control devices; the number and type of heat exchangers, mufflers, receiver/dryers, and accumulators; and the length and type of flexible hose (e.g., rubber, standard barrier or veneer, ultra-low permeation).
Alcohol / A mixture containing 85 per cent or more by volume methanol, ethanol, or other alcohols, in any combination.
Alcohol dual fuel automobile / An automobile: (1) Which is designed to operate on alcohol and on gasoline or diesel fuel; and (2) Which provides equal or greater energy efficiency as calculated in accordance with §600.510(g)(1) while operating on alcohol as it does while operating on gasoline or diesel fuel; and (3) Which, in the case of passenger automobiles, meets or exceeds the minimum driving range established by the Department of Transportation in 49 CFR part 538.
Alcohol fuel / Either methanol or ethanol as those terms are defined in these test procedures.
Alcohol-fuelled automobile / An automobile designed to operate exclusively on alcohol.
Alert system / A system on board the vehicle which informs the driver of the vehicle or any other interested party that the OBD system has detected a malfunction.
All Electric Range (AER) / DTP-E-LabProc-revised 015 27/05/2011
The total distance driven electrically (with the engine off) before the engine turns on for the first time, after the battery has been fully charged.
All Electric Range city / DTP-E-LabProc-revised 015 27/05/2011
All electric range related to the lower speed part of the new cycle (to be more precisely defined when the new cycle will be known)
All electric range test / A test sequence used to determine the range of an electric or hybrid electric vehicle without the use of its auxiliary power unit.
DC: The rest of the definition describes in detail where the actual test is to be found
Alternative fuels / Any fuel other than gasoline and diesel fuels, such as methanol, ethanol, and gaseous fuels.
Alternative fuel vehicle / 715/2007
A vehicle designed to be capable of running on at least one type of fuel that is either gaseous at atmospheric temperature and pressure, or substantially non-mineral oil derived. / ECE-R 83
A vehicle designed to be capable of running on at least one type of fuel that is either gaseous at atmospheric temperature and pressure, or substantially non-mineral oil derived.
Ambient condition test / GTR #112 Verifying the average exhaust emissions after a cold start during test carried out at a set point[298 K] with a tolerance of the actual value of [ ± 5 K]and [5.5 ≤ H ≤ 12.2 (g H2O/kg dry air)].
Applicable standards / 40 CFR Part 1065 An emission standard to which an engine is subject; or a family emission limit to which an engine is certified under an emission credit program in the standard-setting part. / OBD
The specific exhaust emission standards orfamily emission limits (FEL) of the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) to which the vehicle or engine is certified. For 2010 and subsequent model year diesel engines, “applicable standards” shall also refer to the specific exhaust emission standards or family emission limits (FEL) of either the FTP or the Supplemental Emission Test(SET) to which the engine is certified, as determined according to section (d)(6).
Approach angle / The smallest angle in a plan side view of an automobile, formed by the level surface on which the automobile is standing and a line tangent to the front tire static loaded radius arc and touching the underside of the automobile forward of the front tire.
Approval of a replacement catalytic converter / The approval of a converter intended to be fitted as a replacement part on one or more specific types of vehicles with regard to the limitation of pollutant emissions, noise level and effect on vehicle performance and, where applicable, on the on-board diagnostic (OBD).
Approval of a vehicle / ECE-R 83:
The approval of a vehicle type with regard to the limitation of the following conditions: Limitation of exhaust emissions by the vehicle, evaporative emissions, crankcase emissions, durability of pollution control devices, cold start pollutant emissions and on-board diagnostics of vehicles fuelled with unleaded petrol, or which can be fuelled with either unleaded petrol and LPG or NG (Approval B); Limitation of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, durability of pollution control devices and on-board diagnostics of vehicles fuelled with diesel fuel (ApprovalC); Limitation of emissions of gaseous pollutants by the engine, crankcase emissions, durability of pollution control devices, cold start emissions and on-board diagnostics of vehicles fuelled with LPG or NG (Approval D);
ECE-R 101:
The approval of a vehicle type with regard to the measurement of energy consumption (fuel or electric energy);
ECE-R 83
The approval of a vehicle type with regard to the limitation of the following conditions2:
a) limitation of exhaust emissions by the vehicle, evaporative emissions, crankcase emissions, durability of pollution control devices, cold startpollutant emissions and on-board diagnostics of vehicles fuelled with unleaded petrol, or which can be fuelled with either unleaded petrol and LPG or NG/ biomethane or biofuels (Approval B);
b) limitation of emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants, durability ofpollution control devices and on-board diagnostics of vehicles fuelled with diesel fuel (Approval C) or which can be fuelled with either diesel fuel and
biofuel or biofuel;
c) limitation of emissions of gaseous pollutants by the engine, crankcase emissions, durability of pollution control devices, cold start emissions andon-board diagnostics of vehicles fuelled with LPG or NG/ biomethane(Approval D);
Aqueous condensation / 40 CFR Part 1065 The precipitation of water-containing constituents from a gas phase to a liquid phase. Aqueous condensation is a function of humidity, pressure, temperature, and concentrations of other constituents such as sulphuric acid. These parameters vary as a function of engine intake-air humidity, dilution-air humidity, engine air-to-fuel ratio, and fuel composition—including the amount of hydrogen and sulphur in the fuel.
Atmospheric pressure / 40 CFR Part 1065 The wet, absolute, atmospheric static pressure. Note that if you measure atmospheric pressure in a duct, you must ensure that there are negligible pressure losses between the atmosphere and your measurement location, and you must account for changes in the duct's static pressure resulting from the flow.
Automobile / 49CFR 523.3 Any 4-wheeled vehicle propelled by fuel which is manufactured primarily for use on public streets, roads, and highways (except any vehicle operated exclusively on a rail or rails), and that either (1) Is rated at 6,000 pounds gross vehicle weight or less; or (2) Which (i) Is rated more than 6,000 pounds gross vehicle weight, but less than 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight, (ii) Is a type of vehicle for which the Administrator determines, under paragraph (b) of this section, average fuel economy standards are feasible, and (iii)(A) Is a type of vehicle for which the Administrator determines, under paragraph (b) of this section, average fuel economy standards will result in significant energy conservation, or (B) Is a type of vehicle which the Administrator determines, under paragraph (b) of this section, is substantially used for the same purposes as vehicles described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
Auto-ranging / 40 CFR Part 1065 A gas analyser function that automatically changes the analyser digital resolution to a larger range of concentrations as the concentration approaches 100% of the analyser’s current range. Auto-ranging does not mean changing an analogue amplifier gain within an analyser.
Auxiliaries / GTR #112
Additional equipment/devices not required for vehicle operation
Auxiliary emission control device (AECD) / 40 CFR 86.082-2 Any element of design which senses temperature, vehicle speed, engine RPM, transmission gear, manifold vacuum, or any other parameter for the purpose of activating, modulating, delaying, or deactivating the operation of any part of the emission control system.
40 CFR Part 1065 Defined as above. / An element of design as defined in part 86 of this chapter. / OBD
Any approved AECD (as defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 86.082-2 and 86.094-2).
40 CFR 86.082-2 and 86.094-2 are definitions
Auxiliary Emission Strategy (AES) / GTR 10
An emission strategy that becomes active and replaces or modifies a base emission strategy for a specific purpose or purposes and in response to a specific set of ambient and/or operating conditions and only remains operational as long as those conditions exist.
Average fuel economy / The unique fuel economy value as computed under §600.510 for a specific class of automobiles produced by a manufacturer that is subject to average fuel economy standards.
40 CFR 600.510-86 - Calculation of average fuel economy.
Axle clearance / The vertical distance from the level surface on which an automobile is standing to the lowest point on the axle differential of the automobile.
Axle ratio / The number of times the input shaft to the differential (or equivalent) turns for each turn of the drive wheels.
Base Emission Strategy (BES) / GTR 10
An emission strategy that is active throughout the speed and load operating range of the engine unless an AES is activated.
Base fuel schedule / OBD
The fuel calibration schedule programmed into thePowertrain Control Module or PROM when manufactured or when updated by someoff-board source, prior to any learned on-board correction.
Base level / Base level has the meaning given in §600.002–08 of this chapter. / §600.002–08:
A unique combination of basic engine, inertia weight class and transmission class.
Base tire / Base tire has the meaning given in §600.002–08 of this chapter. / §600.002–08:
The tire specified as standard equipment by the manufacturer.
Base vehicle / Base vehicle has the meaning given in §600.002–08 of this chapter. / §600.002–08:
The lowest priced version of each body style that makes up a car line.
Basic engine / Basic engine has the meaning given in §600.002–08 of this chapter. / §600.002–08:
A unique combination of manufacturer, engine displacement, number of cylinders, fuel system (e.g., type of fuel injection), catalyst usage, and other engine and emission control system characteristics specified by the Administrator. For electric vehicles, basic engine means a unique combination of manufacturer and electric traction motor, motor controller, battery configuration, electrical charging system, energy storage device, and other components as specified by the Administrator.
Basic vehicle frontal area / The area enclosed by the geometric projection of the basic vehicle along the longitudinal axis, which includes tires but excludes mirrors and air deflectors, onto a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle.
Battery assisted combustion engine vehicle / Any vehicle that allows power to bedelivered to the driven wheels solely by a combustion engine, but which uses a battery pack to store energy which may be derived through remote charging, regenerative braking, and/or a flywheel energy storage system or other means which will be used by an electric motor to assist in vehicle operation.
Battery configuration / The electrochemical type, voltage, capacity (in Watt-hours at the c/3 rate), and physical characteristics of the battery used as the tractive energy device.
Bi-directional control / The capability of a diagnostic tool to send messages on the data bus that temporarily overrides the module's control over a sensor or actuator and gives control to the diagnostic tool operator. Bi-directional controls do not create permanent changes to engine or component calibrations. / The capability of a diagnostic tool to send messages on the data (bus) that temporarily overrides the module's control over a sensor or actuator and gives control to the diagnostic tool operator. Bidirectional controls do not create permanent changes to engine or component calibrations.
Bi-fuel gas vehicle / 692/2008
A bi fuel vehicle that can run on petrol and also on either LPG, NG/biomethane or hydrogen; / ECE-R 83
A bi-fuel vehicle that can run on petrol and also on either LPG, NG/biomethane or hydrogen.
Bi-fuel vehicle / 692/2008
A vehicle with two separate fuel storage systems that can run part-time on two different fuels and is designed to run on only one fuel at a time; / ECE-R 83
A vehicle with two separate fuel storage systems thatcan run part-time on two different fuels and is designed to run on only one fuel at a time. / Any motor vehicle that is engineered to be capable of operating on two fuels wherein the two fuels are stored on board in separate fuel tanks and metered separately, but in operation the two fuels are combusted together.
Biofuels / 715/2007
Liquid or gaseous fuel for transport produced from biomass; / ECE-R 83
Liquid or gaseous fuel for transport, produced from biomass.
Body style / A level of commonality in vehicle construction as defined by number of doors and roof treatment (e.g., sedan, convertible, fastback, hatchback). / A level of commonality in vehicle construction as defined by number of doors and roof treatment (e.g., sedan, convertible, fastback, hatchback) and number of seats ( i.e. , front, second, or third seat) requiring seat belts pursuant to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration safety regulations in 49 CFR part 571. Station wagons and light trucks are identified as car lines.
Body type / A name denoting a group of vehicles that are either in the same car line or in different car lines provided the only reason the vehicles qualify to be considered in different car lines is that they are produced by a separate division of a single manufacturer.