Growing Kids God’s Way Teaching Series

Lighthouse Christian Preschool is excited to offer a parenting course this fall called "Growing Kids God's Way". This video teaching series is a 19 week course with an inductive format by Gary and Ann Marie Ezzo.

They have maintained five goal's in developing this parenting ministry:

  1. To raise a generation of children to the glory of God, NOT the glory of man.
  2. To provide practical instruction that will help parents understand both the principles of biblical training and their application.
  3. To instill confidence in each and every parent who participates. (The confidence is in God's word, which is sufficient both in truth and practice.)
  4. To help families look positively toward the teen years. If God's standards are maintained, the teen years can be among the best ones.
  5. Establishing a biblical world view for parenting by capturing the hearts and minds (I Samuel 16:7). The principles of "Growing Kids God's Way" are not designed to work on a child's outward behavior, but rather on the inner attitude of the heart.

The following is the Course Outline:

Week 1 -Introduction to course

Week 2 -How to Raise a Moral Child

Week 3 -Right Beginnings

Week 4 -Touch points of Love

Week 5 -The Father's Mandate

Week 6 -Your Child's Conscience

Week 7 -Character Development: Authority and Parents

Week 8 -Character Development: Age

Week 9 -Character Development: Peers, Property, and Nature

Week 10-Principals of Obedience

Week 11-Discipline with Encouragement

Week 12-Discipline with Correction

Week 13-Consequences and Punishment

Week 14-Repentance, Forgiveness, and Restoration

Week 15-Discipline Issues (Part One)

Week 16-Discipline Issues (Part Two)

Week 17-The Appeal Process

Week 18-Building a Healthy Family

Week 19-Rejection and Memorable Character Development: Peers, Property, and Nature

We will meet each Tuesday evening from 6:30-8:30 pm, in the Preschool cafeteria. The cost will be $50.00 per couple which will include a course manual. Single parents will receive a reduced rate of $35. Those that already have a book, your cost will be $20 for the course. Please note there is also a blended family supplement manual available. We will have the Introductive Video on Tuesday, September 9th. No one will be accepted after Lesson 2 because of the induction format.

We are confident that you will be abundantly blessed by this tool in helping you fulfill Proverbs 22:6 ". . . .Train up a child . . . in God's way."

Note: It is highly recommended in two parent homes that both husband and wife take the course.

Child care will be provided for children 10 and under. The cost will be $5 per family per week.

Pick up an application in one of our office. Manuals need to be ordered prior to September 9th.