Growing Kids God’s Way Teaching Series
Lighthouse Christian Preschool is excited to offer a parenting course this fall called "Growing Kids God's Way". This video teaching series is a 19 week course with an inductive format by Gary and Ann Marie Ezzo.
They have maintained five goal's in developing this parenting ministry:
- To raise a generation of children to the glory of God, NOT the glory of man.
- To provide practical instruction that will help parents understand both the principles of biblical training and their application.
- To instill confidence in each and every parent who participates. (The confidence is in God's word, which is sufficient both in truth and practice.)
- To help families look positively toward the teen years. If God's standards are maintained, the teen years can be among the best ones.
- Establishing a biblical world view for parenting by capturing the hearts and minds (I Samuel 16:7). The principles of "Growing Kids God's Way" are not designed to work on a child's outward behavior, but rather on the inner attitude of the heart.
The following is the Course Outline:
Week 1 -Introduction to course
Week 2 -How to Raise a Moral Child
Week 3 -Right Beginnings
Week 4 -Touch points of Love
Week 5 -The Father's Mandate
Week 6 -Your Child's Conscience
Week 7 -Character Development: Authority and Parents
Week 8 -Character Development: Age
Week 9 -Character Development: Peers, Property, and Nature
Week 10-Principals of Obedience
Week 11-Discipline with Encouragement
Week 12-Discipline with Correction
Week 13-Consequences and Punishment
Week 14-Repentance, Forgiveness, and Restoration
Week 15-Discipline Issues (Part One)
Week 16-Discipline Issues (Part Two)
Week 17-The Appeal Process
Week 18-Building a Healthy Family
Week 19-Rejection and Memorable Character Development: Peers, Property, and Nature
We will meet each Tuesday evening from 6:30-8:30 pm, in the Preschool cafeteria. The cost will be $50.00 per couple which will include a course manual. Single parents will receive a reduced rate of $35. Those that already have a book, your cost will be $20 for the course. Please note there is also a blended family supplement manual available. We will have the Introductive Video on Tuesday, September 9th. No one will be accepted after Lesson 2 because of the induction format.
We are confident that you will be abundantly blessed by this tool in helping you fulfill Proverbs 22:6 ". . . .Train up a child . . . in God's way."
Note: It is highly recommended in two parent homes that both husband and wife take the course.
Child care will be provided for children 10 and under. The cost will be $5 per family per week.
Pick up an application in one of our office. Manuals need to be ordered prior to September 9th.