AvantIQ Offline SearchCOUNTRY


(Please enter the name of your country.)

  1. Search Information

(Please include all information requested below.)



Specified Goods & Services :

Type of Search:

Searched Register(s):
(Should we ask to search in the WIPO international register and / or the CTM register in the search request, please do so.
If applicable, add source information for the family name and company name searches.)

Update status of the register(s):
(Please cite the dates on which the registers, for both registrations and applications, were last updated.)

Search Strategy :
(Please give detailed information on your search strategies used.
Eg. prefixes, suffixes, infixes + phonetic variations searched.)

Your disclaimer :
(Please insert your search disclaimer here.)

  1. Search Results

(Please complete the table on the next page as explained below: In this table, please use one row per trademark found. A row can be added by pressing the tab key in the last cell of the table.

Please order the found trademarks in the table according to their importance. Start with the conflicting marks, continue with the borderline cases and end with the marks which would not be conflicting with the searches term.

Explanation per column :

NO : This is just a sequential number.

Trademark : State the name of the found trademark in bold.

Register :State the register in which you found the trademark.

Appl. (A) Reg. (R) No. Status:State the Application and/or the registration number. Add A: in front of the application number and R: in front of the registration number. Add the status of the trademark under these numbers.

Dates :State all relevant datesfor this trademark. Add A: in front of the application date, R: in front of the registration date, V: in front of the vulnerability date and N: in front of the Renewal date.

Class(es) :State the classes of the found trademark.

Goods & Services :State the goods and services which are relevant for the searched term of the found trademark in English.

Owner :State the name and address of the owner of the trademark.

No / Trademark / Register / Appl. (A) Reg. (R) No.
Status / Appl. (A)
Reg. (R)
Vulner. (V)
Renewal (N) Date / Class(es) / Goods & Services
(in English) / Owner
1 / EXAMPLE1 / Germany / A : 123456
R : 456789
Registered / A : 01/01/2001
R : 07/04/2001
V : 01/01/2006
N : 01/01/2010 / 1,2,3 / 3. cosmetics / IQS AvantIQ SA
387, rte d’Arlon, 8010 Strassen , Luxembourg
2 / EXAMPLE2 / WIPO / … / … / … / … / …
  1. Full documents

(Please provide us with the full documents, in electronic format, for the marks cited in the report; provided that no extra search costs are incurred.)

  1. Analysis



(Please comment on each mark cited in the report INDIVIDUALLY.)


(Please add here the summary of above and your opinion on whether the mark is registrable and/or how to overcome any obstacles. As our clients benefit from your experience of your country’s trademark legislation, please also include any other information on local trademark law which could be relevant in this case. Please answer any specific questions included in the search request and mention if there are any negative linguistic connotations in one of your country’s languages. An example of this negative connotation could be the term PLEE, which means toilet in Dutch dialect. These kind of words should not be considered as trademark names.)