18th Meeting of the Council of Governors

Applegarth Suite, Bexleyheath Marriott

14th September 2010

3.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Governors shall withdraw from any item at meetings or discussions where they have or are likely to have an interest.


Item / Purpose / Presented by / Enc
1. / Apologies / To note / Ann Rozier
Trust Secretary and Head of Governance / -
2. / Minutes of the last meeting of the Council of Governors 10th June 2010 / To agree / Dave Mellish
Chairman / Enc 1
3. / Matters arising / To note / Dave Mellish
Chairman / -
4. / Nominations Committee / To agree / Dave Mellish
Chairman / Enc 2
5. / Update on service developments and performance (including Crisis Line) / To note / Stephen Firn
Chief Executive / Presentation & discussion
6. / PWC Report / To note / Sarah Isted
PriceWaterhouse Cooper / Presentation
6. / Annual Plan / To note / Helen Smith
Deputy Chief Executive & Director of Service Delivery / Presentation
7. / Patient Experience Visits
Please note that this item will be covered in detail at the informal meeting at 2pm / To approve / Dave Mellish
Chairman / Enc 3
8. / Crisis Line / To note / Helen Smith
Deputy Chief Executive & Director of Service Delivery / Verbal
9. / Feedback from the Board Away Day held on 2nd September 2010 / To note / Rosie Shrimpton
Deputy Chair
Public Governor / Verbal
10. / Membership Committee Update / To note / Ellen Bailey
Service User Carer Governor / Verbal
11. / Psychological Therapies Board Update / To note / Raymond Sheehy
Appointed Governor / Verbal
12. / Social Inclusion Update / To note / Damien Vaugh
Public Governor / Verbal
Advance questions from Governors
13. / A request for a Governors’ briefing on the Crayford Centre
What are the problems and the options being considered to resolve the Crayford Centre’s future? / Item from Stephen Brooks
Public Governor Bexley
14. / Should the Chief Executive of Oxleas be paid more than the Prime Minister?
Who agreed the Chief Executive’s salary?
Do they think Chief Executive should be paid more than the Prime Minister? (Currently the Prime Minister is paid 142,500) / Item from Bryn Connah
Service User Carer Governor
15. / Do the Directors and Governors agree with me that there are far too many managers and back room staff at Oxleas, when the service to users in the community is so poor, with limited resources? / Item from Bryn Connah
Service User Carer Governor
Date and Time of the next meeting
Thursday, 16thDecember 2010–Applegarth SuiteMarriott Hotel, Bexleyheath