CV Template

John Smith

M: 07777 555555e:

Resident : Anywhere or Areas willing to work in

Career Profile

Use either the same or a similar job title to the advert to describe yourself. Give details of your relevant work experience in the automotive sector. Then write 3 to 5 lines about your key skills, knowledge and experience which show what you have to offer and make a prospective employer want to read on. Cover things like stand out achievements name recognised brands that you have worked for. This is the most important part of your CV so take some time to make it eye catching and make people want to read more.

Career History(most recent first)

Job Title:Company:Date: From/to showing year and month

  • Start with a couple of lines about the company, size, location, products and activities.
  • Highlight what you achieved in the role e.g. “top sales performance for 2016 of £xx or xx units” or “highest customer service score for last 3 months”. Make sure it relates to the role you are applying for.
  • Try not to let this turn into a list of tasks you carried out. Both you and your employer know what a Vehicle Sales Executive does.
  • Mention specifics about soft skills and your personal qualities remembering to keep it relevant to the job your applying for.

Do the same for all your jobs over the last 10-12 years, if you have had a series of similar jobs then you can reduce the detail the further back in time you go. Generally anything beyond 10 years old is less relevant and you can simply list job title, Company and dates. Make sure your dates match up – employers can be suspicious of unexplained gaps.

Qualifications and Training

List professional qualifications and memberships first

List Higher education qualifications first unless you have lower qualifications which are more relevant.

Training can be under it’s own heading and start with the most relevant. Remember to include distance learning you may have completed.

Additional Information

Add anything that will increase your appeal to a prospective employer such as:

Driving licence type(s) and points (if any)

Language skills

Charity/voluntary work

Hobbies and Interests

Not essential information – include if relevant such as an interest in the automotive sector outside of work or stand out personal achievementeg marathon running or other sporting achievement demonstrating focus and commitment.

What you should not include or make any mention of:

Gender (although usually this is obvious)

Date of birth

Marital Status


Sexual Orientation

Religious belief or faith

A photograph of yourself as this can identify some of the above.