highlight report

Summary Care Record

Date: 18.01.09

Author:David Payne

Document Name:SCR Project Highlight Report

File Location:N:\Informatics\Informatics Programme Office\Summary Care Record Project\Project Control\Highlight Reports\2009-01-16

Period: 31.01.09 to 18.02.09Summary

  • The PIP commenced on 10.02.09, patients due to received the Mailout 12.02.09
  • All support arrangements confirmed in place to support the PIP
  • Concept Training delivered to all three First Wave Practices
  • Ongoing planning of iSoft and HealthSpace readiness
/ Green

Period Overview

  • All arrangements with KPCA and Synertec for the mailout confirmed
  • CfH leaflets/literature delivered to Synertec 04.02.09
  • Patient Letter, Stakeholder Letter, Opt Out Form approved
  • PIP Patient Mailout confirmed 10.02.09 via Synertec, to 14,479 patients
  • Media Briefing/Srtaff Briefing approved, completed and posted
  • Stakeholder Mailout to 700 Medway stakeholders complete
  • Patient contact points confirmed ready
  • Very limited media/public/stakeholder response received to date
  • First Wave Practices briefed and in receipt of guidance, PIP information, help file
  • iSoft planning ongoing, awaiting Kick Off meeting details from CfH
  • RA registration process ongoing for MedOCC staff lead
  • Clarity continues to be sought re CfH funding arrangements
  • Key engagement activities have taken place as follows:
  • First Wave Practice readiness
  • PALS readiness
  • GP Practice Managers PIP communication via e mail
/ Green

Next Period

  • Further engagement with First Wave Practices to manage the ongoing PIP
  • Monitor and manage PIP feedback from media/Patients/Stakeholders
  • Confrim CfH Funding arrangements
  • Develop the Financial Plan for 2009/10
  • Complete the Project Plan for the First Wave Pilot
  • Schedule the iSoft kick off meeting/develop the iSoft plan, attend iSoft open day 23.02
  • Agree process for HealthSpace implementation
  • Progress with MedOCC RA registration and Adastra upgrade process
  • Adastra/MedOCC planning, including Adastra upgrade pathway
  • Develop the Communications Plan to meet successful PIP completion
  • Planning of Engagement Event (via Kim Eaglestone)
  • Commence Planning of further Waves and full Roll Out


Budget Status

Budget - £50k to 31.03.08this period. Total tracked costs stand at £35k (detailed breakdown awaited).
  • Costs awaited for iSoft Workstream
  • Costs awaited for HealthSpace Registration
  • Confirmation of CfH PIP funding awaited


Work Package Status and Schedule Summary

Communications Workpackage being managed via IPO. Summary as follows:
  • Media and Staff Briefing complete
  • Stakeholder Mailout complete
  • Communications Plan - be developed via the Project Manager
  • Engagement Event - to be planned within a wider event via Kim Eaglestone
Workpackages being developed for HealthSpace, iSoft and Adastra
  • Hold.
  • Amber.
  • Red.
/ Amber

Problems / RISKS / Issues for Attention

New Red flags for attention
  • CfH Funding remains unknown, clarification sought via the SHA/CfH leads
  • Full Roll out may not be possible if the IM&T DES is not implemented within all Practices
  • We are awaiting details from CfH of iSoft engagement and Kick Off meeting
New Amber flags for attention
None /


Completed Products

  • Project Brief approved
  • Project Board TOR’s approved
  • Project timeline approved
  • Project Initiation Document approved
  • Readiness Gateway (PIP) approved
  • Patient Letter approved
  • Patient Opt Out Form Approved
  • Media Briefing Approved
  • Stakeholder Mailout Approved
/ Green

Changes to Plan

No changes to current timeline, plan tbc / Green

Informatics Programme Office