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Meeting 7 April 2011

Chairman: Aureole Wragg Clerk: Nina Zealey, Tel: 833037

Present: Aureole Wragg (Chair), Anne Judd, Karena Hunt, Heather Fordham, Tony Orgee (DC), and Nina Zealey (Clerk).

Open Forum : None


1. Apologies from Peter Draper, Mark Rehfisch, Graeme Udall and Tim Stone (CC).

2. Declarations of interests with regard to items on the agenda. KH item 17c.

3. Signed and approved minutes of meetings dated, 10th March 2011.

4. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes: Nomination to Garden Party sent to CPALC.

5. Reports by County and District Councillors. Tony Orgee reported: SCDC will continue to fund SPEP activities. Money, about 2.7 million has been given for road repairs and pothole repairs. However, budget cuts are deep and the SCDC are working to find solutions to preserve valuable services. TO attended the Neighbourhood Panel and reported that opportunist burglars are on the up and cheap broadband rogues were in the area. Please report any suspicious activities to Trading Standards and the local police. Tony Orgee will be standing for re-election for the SCDC as the Conservative candidate in our area on 5th May.

7. Planning Applications: None

8. Church Street recreation ground changes to terms of the lease – AW, PD ongoing

9. Finance: Community Account as of 30 Mar 11: £3979.83 Money out £552.44, Money in: £0.00 Bills: Carter Jonas £131.05 Re: Village Hall, Grounds man: £256.40 (21/4/11), Clerk: £163.92. Res. as of 30 Mar 11: £6470.16. The PC reviewed 2010 -2011 accounts which will be submitted for an internal audit. Vote to Move £2000 to PC depleted reserves was proposed by KH and seconded by AJ. Vote was unanimous in support.

10. Election arrangements are in place and Register of Member’s Interests will be signed after 12th May 2011 when new council meets after the election.

11. Neighbourhood Panel Report – GU not present so PC heard a report from TO.

12.Repair to the path leading to the recreation ground in Church Lane has been done by Maurice Keeler, to whom the PC is very grateful.

13. Parish council web site – KH/HF - ongoing in preparation for the May meeting.

14. Insurance Renewal - Came & Company Insurance Bill that covers the Village Hall and Parish Council for last year was £1468.8, renewal date 26th April 2011. This year the bill paid is £1450.92. All done. VHMC to be invoiced for £700 share of premium.

15. PAYE for council employees was discussed in general terms and forms need to be completed by the Clerk, who has also been advised by her own accountant. GO is being assessed on the Basic Rate for PAYE and has been for some years now.

16. New bus timetable starts on 17th April. Instead of every ten minutes buses will run every 20 minutes along the London Rd. Once an hour a bus will come though Pampisford. There is a reduced service in the evening although the last bus from Cambridge will be 10:45,terminating at The White Horse.

17. Environment:

a. Repairs – Bus Shelter Roof nr. Chequers Pub needs a further quote, Recreation Ground Seats-OWL has started work,insurance company to be consulted

c. Cambridge Fire Research’s noise reduction. A letter requesting an update on implementation of noise abatement plans was sent.

d. Play Equipment Inspections. KH has inspected the play equipment twice while also creating a suitable inspection list which will need to be completed, monthly. An inspection rota to be made.

e. Community Orchard progress shows 4 trees in bloom – planted by GU.

f. Trees falling in the conservation wood on Brewery Road – awaiting reply from estate, parish's wishes on use of area to be discussed at Annual parish meeting.

g. Hedges affecting traffic – nesting birds will delay work now. PD will ask GO to keep the brambles trimmed near the electricity substation near London Road/ Brewery Rd intersection. The allotment hedge will need cutting later in the season – GU might know who to contact.

h. Sustainable Parish Energy Partnership report (SPEP) – no news.

i. Road signs – ongoing.

j. Path across verge opposite Brewery road rec.- GO to keep the grass short.

k. Village Clean-up day and picnic at Pampisford Hall – 3rd July is proposed as an incentive for parishioners to go outwith buckets and wash cloths to clean any signs near their homes. Some signs are so grimy and difficult to read!

18. Correspondence and email listed on a separate sheet.

19.Date of the next meeting and AGM: Thursday12th May 2011 and the Annual Parish Meeting will be Thursday 19th May 7:00 pm at the Pampisford Village Hall.