Lab 1: Nature of Science

What is science?

How does science work?

What have earth scientists discovered?


  • Begin our discussion and thought process on the nature of science and scientific inquiry.
  • Introduce the scientific method.
  • Introduce several major lines of scientific exploration that demonstrate scientific inquiry at its best in the earth sciences.
  • Participate in 2 hands-on experiments using the scientific method with results for use in our own scientific inquiry later work in the course.

Pre-Lab Directions:

1. Bring an open mind and your lab book, workbook and textbook.

In-Class Directions:

Unlike most of our labs, today’s activity will be largely dominated by discussion in the early stages as we set the tone for the semester and ask some questions about how Minnesota got to be the way it is and how scientists would approach the search for answers to this question.

I. A Big Question for You!

  1. As a student at MSU, you are at least somewhat familiar with the terrain of southern Minnesota. How would you describe southern Minnesota’s geography and climate to a friend from far away? Write out a brief answer for use in discussion. Consider the following questions by writing out brief answers:
  2. Why is southern Minnesota this way? (1)
  3. Has it always been so? If not, how did it used to be? (1)
  4. What made it change to become the way it is today?(1)
  5. Is northern Minnesota the same? Why or why not?(1)
  6. What are some ways by which we can answer these questions? (1)
  7. In this class we are going to focus most specifically on the scientific approach to inquiry. You will be writing an essay on this subject which will help you to clarify how scientific inquiry works and how it is different from other forms of inquiry. Without writing the essay now, what is the gist of scientific inquiry? Make some notes for discussion, but do not include them in the unit report.
  8. Next, in light of your answers in parts 1 and 2, create a hypothesis for how Minnesota got to be the way it is. (1)
  9. Next, create a plan on how you might go about collecting data to test this hypothesis. Over the course of the semester you will be exposed to some of the procedures and data that have been used to answer questions such as this. (1)

II. Big Questions for Scientists Past

One of the exciting things about science, especially earth science, is that seemingly unrelated phenomenon often come together to help explain large aspects of our universe. In other words, answering a small question on a specific topic can often provide critical evidence in explaining a larger, more fundamental question. The best scientists (and teachers of science) are those who can focus on the details of answering the small questions without losing sight of the big picture and of how things relate. We will examine 3 primary examples, one for each part of the course.


Geologists for the last century and early part of this century struggled separately to explain volcanic activity, the method of creation and distribution of rocks and minerals, earthquakes, tsunamis, the distribution of fossils, the shape of the continents, the magnetic fields found in rocks, etc. One area, which particularly vexed them was how erratic rocks (rocks not native to the bedrock of a location) were found in many areas of the world. Some societies believed that these rocks were thrown across the landscape by giants. Others proposed that they were relicts from the Great Flood (Noah’s is only one such story.) Supporting the flood idea are large areas which are mantled by sediments bearing evidence of deposition in deep water or by some other transport mechanism. Large areas of the earth’s surface appeared to have been scraped clean by some great force, like Godzilla using sand paper on a mountain. Similar terrain is especially common in high mountain and polar regions where glaciers are active. What could this mean? Is it relevant to answering our Big Question? Write down your thoughts at this point. (1 pt) Be prepared to discuss these. The answer will come in the geology unit of the course.


Meteorologists struggle to explain the causes and controls of weather phenomenon as diverse as hurricanes, tornadoes, fog, the creation of clouds, weather patterns, etc. Climatologists attempt to explain the long term aggregate patterns of weather that produce climate. Specifically they desire to understand what controls climate in the long term. What factors are most important in determining climate? Write down and be prepared to discuss your thoughts in this area. (1 pt) Our current understanding of this area of research, including conflicting theories on the causes of past climatic change will be addressed in the second part of the course.


Astronomers study the heavens. What are the lights we see in the sky at night? Why do they move as they do? What effects do these motions have on earth? Much of our understanding of the earth has been radically altered in the last 500 years based on the work by astronomers to answer these questions. The ramifications of this work continue to grow today as we attempt to answer the climate question described above as well as the ultimate question: Are we alone in the universe? Again, write down your thoughts on one of these for discussion. (1 pt)

III. A Big Question for Scientists Present (And your chance to play with it!)

  1. One question that plagues modern earth scientists is the causes of ocean circulation. While surface winds obviously influence surface currents, the ocean as a whole appears to circulate for somewhat different reasons. As you will learn over the course of the semester, one of the major roles that the ocean plays in governing the earth’s climate is functioning as a medium for transport of heat from areas of surplus to areas of deficit. But how does this work? You will engage in a two experiments involving the characteristics of sea water. They are small, simple experiments that give clues as to what may drive ocean circulation. They are simple enough to be conducted with elementary students, but profound in their implications for oceanography and climate science. Like so many other aspects of science, they can also help to answer YOUR Big Question. Remember in conducting these experiments to follow the scientific approach to inquiry including the steps of the scientific method.
  2. Work through the Characteristics of Ocean Water Experiments in Exercise 9 of your lab book (pp. 146 – 150). Remember to keep good notes for use in the lab reports.
  3. Next, make 2 copies of a diagram illustrating the following situation:

You are given two ocean basins connected via both deep sea and surface ocean currents.

Label one Hypothesis A and the other Hypothesis B.

  1. With your previous results in mind, make a hypothesis (Hypothesis A) for what would happen in the following situation:

High salinity water is mixed with low salinity water at the surface in one of the basins. How will the saltier water interact with the fresher water? (1 pt)

  1. With these same interconnected basins, but with one containing warm water and one containing cold water, write a hypothesis (Hypothesis B) for how these two water bodies will interact. (1 pt)
  2. Use your diagrams to illustrate these situations and how you think the results will turn out. (1 pt ea.)
  3. For next class, write simple procedures to test your hypotheses. In each case specify what variable you are testing and what variables you are keeping constant (if any). We will conduct a couple of simple demonstrations that test your hypotheses. (1 pt. ea.)
  4. Also, complete the graphs in Figures 9.4 and 9.7 as part of your preparations. (2 pt. ea.)

IV. Your Hypotheses Tested

  1. Observe and take notes regarding the demonstrations before addressing the following questions: (2 pts)

Were the procedures used similar to those you proposed?

Did the procedures test the hypotheses you created?

Did the results support your hypotheses?

If yes, how?

If no, how and why not?

If no, what new hypothesis and procedures can you propose?

Could your findings be relevant to how the ocean itself circulates?

  1. For clues, read the following sections of your text: pp. 237-239, 256-260.
  2. Speculate on how this might play a role in your Big Question!
  3. In this activity have you been following the structure of scientific inquiry?