Building Relationships and Working in Partnership with Local Authorities

NASS will be hosting the aboveworkshop on:

Thursday 3rd May 2018: 10.00 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.

(Registration will open at 9:30 a.m.)

To be held at:

The Priory Rooms, 40 Bull Street, Birmingham, B4 6AF

Places are limited – please book early!

Presenters: Sue Meredith & Dawn Shaefer; Edu&Care Associates

Special Schools cannot afford not to have good relationships and partnerships with local authorities. This course will equip you with advice, information and strategies to enable you to build effective relationships with Local Authorities. Sessions will include:understanding the LA perspective, preparing for LA meetings, marketing and business development plans. The day will allow for group discussion and activities.

About the Presenters:

Sue has significant experience of working in senior commissioning roles across the UK within education, social care and health. Sue has a Cert Ed, BA, MBA (Education) and 26 years of working in secondary education including senior leadership teams and 10 years as a commissioner of specialist services.

In January 2016, Sue together with Fara Muneer set up their consultancy service, offering independent providers of care and education an interim business development solution. They have an excellent track record of working in partnership with local authorities to meet commissioning needs, laying the foundations of new service developments.

Dawn is an award-winning former journalist and Public Relations, Marketing and Communications professional with more than 25 years’ experience working across a number of sectors. Since 2007, Dawn has worked extensively in the specialist healthcare, social care and specialist education sectors.

Her healthcare experience takes in specialist education, health and social care services including specialist schools, third sector EMI nursing care, neurological rehabilitation, mental health, children’s homes and learning disability, working with providers to enhance their services’ reputation and communicate with key stakeholders.

Workshop Session
NASS Members / £150
Associate Members / £170
Non Members / £200

All fees include Lunch and Refreshments

To book your place please complete the booking form on page 2

Deadline for receipt of booking is 5:00 pm Wednesday 18th April 2018

Building Relationships and Working in Partnership with Local Authorities

Thursday 3rd May 2018: 10.00 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.

The Priory Rooms, 40 Bull Street, Birmingham, B4 6AF

Places are limited – please book early!

Important: for more than one delegate please photocopy this form.

Deadline for receipt of booking is 5:00 pm Wednesday 18th April 2018

Delegate Name: / Delegate Job Title:
School/Organisation Name & Address (including postcode)
Daytime Tel:
Delegates Email:

Booking confirmation & joining information will be sent via email, so please remember to give the delegates email address

Do you have any special requirements? (e.g. dietary, access, communication etc) please give details

I enclose a cheque for £ made payable to NASS

I wish to be invoiced and enclose a purchase order/purchase order number.


*Signature, either electronic or handwritten, constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions, including cancellation policy shown below. Forms will not be accepted without a signature.

If paying by cheque please send your completed booking form and payment to: Karen Rippon, Executive Officer, NASS, PO Box 705, York, YO30 6WW. If paying by bacs please either fax to 01904 624446, or email: