Stonebridge Primary School

School Business Manager

Grade P04 (£38789-£41551+£1883LW) Pro Rata

Hours 36 per week

Weeks: Term Time plus 3 weeks

Responsibleto: Headteacher

Responsible for:

  • School Administration Officers
  • School Administrative Assistant/Receptionist
  • Supervision of Site Manager and Staff

Purpose of the post:

The School Business Manager isto act as the School's leading support staff professional and work alongside the School Leadership Team to assist the Headteacher and Governing Body in their duty to ensure that the school meets its educational aims.

The School Business Manager promotes the highest standards of business ethos within the administrative function of the school and strategically ensures the most effective use of resources in support of the school's learning objectives.

The School Business Manager is expected to work collaboratively with the School Bursar to ensure that the school uses its resources effectively and efficiently at all times.

The School Business Manager is responsible for the effective management of Administration, Management information and ICTtechnical team , Human Resources, Facility & Property and Health & Safety (in collaboration with the Site Manager) and staff allocated to these areas of work. You will also have responsibility for marketing the school and generating additional income from external sources.

Responsibilities of the post:

A Strategic Role

1.Responsibility for the refining/reviewing the administration of the school and for strategic planning to ensure the most effective use of resources to support the aims and objectives of the school.

2.To interpret and apply relevant legislation

3.To work closely with the senior leadership team with direct responsibility to the Head teacher attending management and governing body meetings where appropriate.

4.To assist the Headteacherwith formulating and developing the strategic action plan, priorities, policies and procedures, office protocols ensuring these are communicated to staff and consulted on as appropriate.

5.To raise the profile of the school within the Community and oversee the Marketing Strategy.

6.To attract additional funds for the school wherever possible and liaise with funding agencies.

7.To promote effective working relationships across the establishment. This will involve working collaboratively with staff from all areas of the school and a willingness to give and receive constructive feedback aimed at developing both the quality of relationships and performance.

8.To plan and manage change in accordance with the School Improvement Plan.

9.To ensure that the School has a strategy and policy for using technology (including contingencies in case of technology failure), aligned to the overall vision and plans for the school, ensuring value for money, that these are communicated across the school and that systems are in place to monitor and report on performance.

B Personnel and Human Resources Management

1.Responsibility for ensuring effective procedures are in place and are monitored to meet both statutory and the Local Authority requirements in relation to all human resources matters.

2.To ensure staff are made aware of any new policies/amendments to policies and the importance of putting them into practice.

3.Responsibility for ensuring comprehensive data is provided to payroll to ensure the accurate receipt of salary by all staff.

4.To be responsible for ensuring effective maintenance of confidential staff records in accordance with data protection.

5.To implement all regulations relating to the schools workforce in compliance with current legislation, including employment protection, equal pay, sex and racial discrimination, DBS checks, Data Protection Act, working time regulations, Statutory Sick Pay and Statutory Maternity Pay.

6.To assist the Headteacher in dealing with human resources issues that may arise.

7.To seek and make use of specialist expertise in relation to HR Issues.

8.To prepare adverts for vacant posts, reference checks, completion of DBS checks, letters of appointment, work permits, payroll forms and contracts, ensuring that all necessary procedures and paperwork are carried out.

9.Liaising with the payroll provider to ensure that all data is submitted in a timely fashion and that all payments are made in line with staff contracts and budgets.

10.Ensure the Single Central record is maintained.

11.To ensure that Teacher Salary statements are prepared annually.

C General Management and Administration

1.To lead and line manage the Administrative team and Premises staff effectively. There will be an expectation to promote a culture of reflective practice within the team and to develop the knowledge and skills of staff through assessment, feedback, coaching and training. This will also include the professional development/review of the administrative team and premises staff, including regular supervision and performance management.

2.In consultation with the Headteacher, to benchmark, design/recommend, develop and implement new procedures and office systems to meet the changing needs of the school that deliver outcomes based on the school's aims and goals.

3.To manage systems and to link processes across the school to form complete systems.

4.To ensure any system providing information to management/stakeholders is streamlined to maximise the efficiency of the data supplied.

5.To be responsible for ensuring that annual Service Level Agreements are in place as necessary.

6.To provide liaison and support for the Governing Body as required.

7.To develop and implement high quality customer care standards.

D Premises/Health & Safety (in partnership with Site Manager)

1.To be involved in the organisation and implementation of Capital Projects

2.To arrange for all premises and plant insurance and liability insurance policies to be taken out accordingly.

3.To maintain a lettings policy for the school and explore avenues for letting premises and increasing income with reference to community requirements in partnership with the Headteacher as appropriate.

4.Responsible for the organisation of school lettings including meeting with prospective hirers and arranging staffing cover as necessary.

5.To develop ways in which the school can be accessed for community use and establish the school's identify within the local community.

6.To maintain appropriate comprehensive records in relation to premises management.

7.To ensure a safe environment for the stakeholders of the school to provide a secure environment in which due learning processes can be provided.

8.To ensure the School's Health & Safety policies are clearly communicated and available to all people.

9.To regularly check and record compliance of procedures at all times under the provision of safe systems of work.

10.To ensure H & S policy reviews at regular intervals or as situations change

11.To ensure that contracts for annual health and safety checks are carried out by the relevant services and to develop a clear system for arranging and recording alt checks.

12.To oversee a programme of risk assessments and fire drills.

13.To ensure the planning and maintenance of records of fire practices and alarm tests.

14.To oversee statutory obligations are being met for pupils, ensuring that financial and supporting agency services are adequate for their diverse needs.

15.To work in compliance with the School's Health and Safety policies and under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), ensuring the safety of all parties with whom contact is made, such as members of the public, in premises or sites controlled by the school.

E Marketing/Communications/ICT

1.To oversee and be responsible for delegating full and appropriate use of availableinformation communication technology and systems at the school and to develop computer aided administration which supports all general work of the school in partnership in partnership with designated ICT providers.

2.To manage internal communication systems in order to provide the most effective processes possible for information to be shared easily and understood by staff from all areas and in all parts of the establishment.

3.To develop and maintain close working relationships with local businesses, the LA, external agencies and other institutions, identifying external funding opportunities and preparing bids for these in partnership with school/external fundraisers.

4.To ensure that communication with people external to the establishment is carried out effectively and in a professional manner by the Administrative and Premises staff. This will include monitoring and developing a high quality reception service and promoting positive relationships with people who visit or call, in order to leave them with the best possible image of the school.

5.To ensure that contingency plans are in place for technology failure in partnership with designated ICT providers.

6.To ensure the development of a marketing plan that makes Stonebridge a first choice local community school.

F Other

  1. To carry out other related duties to meet the developing needs of the schools.
  2. To oversee elections for staff and parent governors as necessary.
  3. Working flexibly within hours of 8am and 6pm with the occasional later meeting to meet the needs of the school.
  4. Adhere to the Staff Code of Conduct and all policies and procedures of the School

G Safeguarding

1. To have a due regard for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and to follow all associated child protection and safeguarding policies as adopted by the school and Local Authority

H Data Protection

1. When working with computerised systems to be completely aware of responsibilities at all times under the Data protection Act 1998 for the security, accuracy, and significance of personal data held on such systems.

The duties of the job description may be reviewed and subject to amendment annually in consultation with the jobholder. This is to ensure that the role continues to change in line with the needs of the School. The job description is not a comprehensive statement of procedures and tasks, but sets out the main expectations of the School in relation to the post-holder's responsibilities and duties.

1.Physical ability to perform the duties of the post with the support of aids or adaptations as required.
2.At least 3 years school experience.
3.GCSE English and maths or equivalent.
4.Certificate of School Business Management from the National College for School Leadership (NCSL)
5.Diploma or Advanced Diploma of School Business Management
6.AAT qualified or working toward a CCAB accounting qualification desirable / Essential
1.Experience of using computerised systems for budget management and the financial regulations applicable to schools – specifically Capita FMS
2.Experience of using information systems including computerised systems (SIMS) in an administrative environment
3.Experience of providing high-level administrative support including experience of managing staff
4.Experience of premises and/or site management
5.Experience of successful income generation / Essential
Desirable Desirable
Skills, Knowledge and Ability
1.An understanding of the functions and duties of a community school and its relationship to the Local Authority
2.Knowledge of budget management and resource planning and a practical knowledge of different avenues of funding
3.Ability to construct and write bids for financial funding for whole school projects with appropriate support as required
4.Ability to undertake a wide range of finance, personnel, premises and administrative tasks
5.Ability to collate statistical data and present it clearly and succinctly in written reports for a variety of audiences
6.Ability to work successfully as a team member establishing effective working relationships and flexible working practices.
7.Ability to work under pressure in a constantly changing and demanding environment.
8.Has an up to date knowledge of relevant legislation and guidance in relation to working with and the protection of children and young people.
9.Knowledge of the application of Health & Safety in a school setting, including good practice relevant to maintenance and upkeep of a public building and the carrying out of risk assessments.
10.Proven literacy, numeracy and communication skills including being able to respond appropriately to staff, governors, pupils, outside agencies and the Local Authority.
11.Displays commitment to the protection and safeguarding of children and young people, and has an up-to-date knowledge of relevant legislation and guidance in relation to working with, and the protection of, / Essential
Essential Desirable
Essential Essential

Please complete in type or black ink (refer to guidance notes for help) CONFIDENTIAL

Post Title
School / Post Reference
PART A - Personal Details
First name(s) / Last Name / Title
If you have been known by any other names, please list these here along with the dates used:
Current Address
Telephone number / Day
Do you require a certificate of sponsorship to work in the UK? Yes □ No□
Are there any other restrictions on you working in the UK? Yes □ No□
If yes, please provide details:

Please indicate if you have a disability that you would like the school to take into account:

If you have answered 'yes' please give details of any assistance you need during the recruitment and selection process:

Part B — Education and Training
Please give details of all academic and/or vocational qualifications you have obtained which are relevant to this post
Name of establishment or awarding body / Subject / Qualification level / Date awarded

Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary

Part C – Employment History
Name and address of current employer
Post Code
Post Held
Date Started: / Until: / Salary: / Grade:
Key roles and achievements
Reason for leaving
Please provide a full history in chronological order of all occupations, periods of training and voluntary work carried out since leaving secondary education. Please include details of what you were doing if not in employment
Name and full address of organisation inc telephone number / Occupation/Education / Start date / End Date / Reason for leaving

Part D - Experience/relevant skills/further information

Use this section to show how you meet the criteria for this post drawing on all aspects of your education, skills and experience. Please ensure that you address all criteria on the person specification.

Part E — Verification of Employment and Declarations
Referees. Please give the names of two people who can provide you with a reference. One should be your current or most recent employer. If you are not currently working with children, but have done so in the past, then one of your references should be from that employer. References will not be accepted from relatives or friends.
Referee 1 / Referee 2
Name / Name
Occupation/status / Occupation/status
Address / Address
Telephone No. / Telephone No.
Email / Email
Voluntary Aided Schools (if applicable). Candidates for either Roman Catholic or Church of England Schools should give the address of the Parish Priest or Vicar as appropriate.
Name / Status
Telephone no.

□Please tick this box if you do not wish the council to approach your present employer until, and if, a firm offer of employment has been made. We will seek to obtain references for all shortlisted candidates prior to interview. We will ask for any necessary confirmation of relevant qualifications and whether there have been any disciplinary offences, whether or not these are time expired, relating to children or whether the applicant has been the subject of aay child protection concerns, along with the outcome of any enquiry.

Declaration of Interests

Are you related or do you have a close personal relationship with a Governor, Teacher or other staff member at the school, or a local Councillor?
Yes □ No□
If you have answered 'yes', please give details:
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act and Declaration of Fitness to work with Children
The successful applicant for this position will be required to provide a satisfactory Enhanced DBS check.
This post is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974). This means that you must declare all convictions, cautions and bind-overs, regardless of whether they would be considered to be 'spent' for the purposes of this Act.
If you have any such convictions, cautions and bind-overs, you must include details of these in a separately attached, sealed envelope, marked as 'confidential'.
I have convictions, cautions and/or bind overs: Yes □ No□
If, 'yes' — I have attached details of the above in a separate envelope:
Yes □ No□
I confirm that I am not listed on Barred List, disqualified from work with children, or subject to sanctions imposed by a regulatory body, e.g. the General Teaching Council (GTC) and that the information I have provided about any convictions, cautions and bind-overs is accurate and complete
Signed Date:
Declaration and fair processing statement
I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information given on this form is correct and can be treated as part of any subsequent contract of employment. Failure to disclose information, or providing false information may result in rejection of the application form and/or disciplinary action being taken, including dismissal.
This school is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers and to this end may use the information you have provided on this form within the authority for prevention and detection of fraud. it may also share this information with other bodies administering public funds for this purpose.