Vocabulary Scenes Group Portfolio Project – RUBRIC

You must closely follow this rubric in order to receive the highest possible grade on this project. Late projects will be accepted ONE DAY LATE for a total of 10 points deducted. Any project given in after that day will not be accepted.

This rubric must be handed in with your project.

Projects handed in without a rubric will not be accepted. DUE DATE: ______

All vocabulary words were used correctly in the scene / 10
All lines are spoken clearly, loudly and coherently / 5
Props are used in the scene / 5
All characters are in costume / 5
Scene is at least 5 minutes long / 5
Scene is creative / 5
Scene is well rehearsed / 5
Scene shows evidence of a written script / 5
Scene is performed live or in iMovie / 5
Scene is taken seriously by all members / 5
All group members perform the scene / 5
Final product shows evidence of much time and effort / 20
A copy of the script is turned in with the vocabulary words highlighted in the dialogue / 5
Class time was used efficiently / 5
Group worked well together / 10

Vocabulary Scenes Group Portfolio Project – EXPLANATION

You must closely follow this rubric in order to receive the highest possible grade on this project. Late projects will be accepted ONE DAY LATE for a total of 10 points deducted. Any project given in after that day will not be accepted.

This rubric must be handed in with your project.

Projects handed in without a rubric will not be accepted. DUE DATE: ______

You are to work with your assigned group to create and perform a scene while using assigned vocabulary words in the dialogue.The scene and characters can be as crazy, fun, outrageous, funny, serious or dramatic as you like. There is no limit to what you can do. However, all content and dialogue must be appropriate for the classroom. As always, there are some specifics you must “hit” on the rubric in order to receive the most amount of points possible. See the rubric for details.

You must give equal attention to both your scenes, your performance and the actual vocabulary you are required to use. Be sure you are using the words correctly within your dialogue. Also, remember to speak clearly enough so that the words can be understood by the viewers and Mrs. V!

Have fun, use your imagination & enjoy being writers, directors and actors!