Monroe Joint Park Recreation Commission, May 18, 2015

The Monroe Joint Park Recreation Meeting was held at Smith Clove Park, 133 Spring St, Monroe, New York on the 18th day of May 2015.

PRESENT: John Battaglia Chairman

Ann Marie Morris Adm. Chairman

Mike Niemann Commissioner

Andrew Calvano Commissioner

Anthony Vaccaro Commissioner

Joe Mancuso Park Recreation Director

Paul Truax Park Manager

Priscilla C. Chang- Staley Park Secretary

Stephen Gaba Park Attorney

ABSENT: Commissioners Steve Pavia and Laura Bollenbach

Chairman John Battaglia called the meeting at 7:35 P.M, with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes

On a motion made by Commissioner Niemann and seconded by Commissioner Calvano

Resolved, to approve the minutes of April 27, 2015, pending corrections to item #2 in Park Recreation Director’s report.

Ayes: 5 Battaglia, Morris, Niemann, Calvano, Vaccaro

Nays: 0

Note: Park Manager Paul Truax advised there was a correction to the minutes of March 23rd, which was previously approved. The dollar amount of the new maintenance truck should be $34,839.37. March’s minutes will be corrected.

Privilege of the Floor – Public Concerns

Joe Umberto, Village of Monroe resident, was present in the audience to observe.


Having no representative from Atlas Security to provide a report, the Commission continued with the agenda.

Final Minutes

May 18, 2015

Park Recreation Director Report

As per Park Recreation Director Mancuso, he reported the following information to the


1.  A copy of the April 27, 2015 minutes for approval (draft).

2.  A copy of a Client Authorization Form from Maser Consulting.

3.  A copy of correspondence from Town Supervisor Harley Doles, concerning Handicap seating.

4.  A copy of a Notice of Violation issued to the property owner of 131 Forest Road.

5.  A copy of correspondence from the Park Attorney regarding the Notice of Violation. Mr. Gaba spoke with the Town of Monroe Attorney Mr. Pete Tillem who is handling this matter. Mr. Gaba advised the Park Commission should be kept notified as this matter progresses as well as look into hiring an engineer who would assess what needs to be done. The engineer would also provide recommendations but without fixing the problem. Additionally, he further advised that a letter should be sent to all involved parties. A letter should be sent to the Village of Monroe Mayor asking to be kept in the loop as the situation progresses and that the Commission will expect reimbursement of the Park’s expenses. A second letter should be sent to the Town of Monroe Building Inspector asking them to coordinate their efforts with the Commission. Finally a letter should be sent to the property owner advising what they are in violation of as well as requesting remediation and reimbursement for the Park’s expenses. The Park Attorney will draft the letters; after the letters are sent, the Commission will follow up with both the Town and Village of Monroe.

6.  A copy of the Overnight Camping Flyer. To date mostly beginner/new campers have responded to the flyer.

7.  A copy of the Overnight Camping application.

8.  A copy of the “Story Walk” project flyer. Participants of this project/event would read pages of a book (which are noted on posted signs/stations) as they are walking along the park’s trail.

9.  A copy of the Essay Contest submittal. Mr. Mancuso will contact the winner. Action of Monroe will pay for the cost of the prize.

10.  A copy of the Park’s Calendar for June. Mr. Mancuso asked for volunteers to assist during YAC registration during both Wednesday evenings (on June 3rd and 10th) and on Saturday (June 6th)

Final Minutes

May 18, 2015

11.  A copy of the Park’s Picnic schedule to date.

12.  A copy of a list of applicants who have applied for the Watch Guard position. The first five listed have already been interviewed to date.

13.  A copy of Park IDs issued in May. To date, 19 IDs total have been issued, with 6 renewals.

14.  A copy of the revised Smith Clove Park Rules and Practices. Park Attorney Mr. Gaba noted he made changes in three sections (fees, legal liability, and the recreational use statue). Discussion will continue in next month’s meeting.

Park Manager Report:

Park Manager Paul Truax reported that the park is in good shape. The area in the park that has the newly planted trees has gone through additional beautification. Dave and Steve Washburn have been working on benches in the senior workshop. The maintenance truck that was ordered hasn’t arrived yet.

Old Business:

The Commission will continue to review the 2015 Committee Appointments. The YAC Committee will be meeting this week. With regard to the Security/Watchguard position, there has been some interest; interviews will continue to be conducted. Commissioners Vaccaro, Calvano, Bollenbach and Chairman Battaglia met with the Maser Engineer to discuss the Field#4 Rebid; Mr. Vaccaro was looking for ways to cut costs. Once the newest revision is complete, he anticipates a much larger response of bids being returned. The larger response would be more appealing to the general contractor. A resolution is needed to transfer funds to a different line item, in order to pay for engineering costs.

On a motion made by Commissioner Morris and seconded by Commissioner Vaccaro

Resolved, to authorize the transfer of $5,000 from line item 4420 (Property Repairs) to 4510 (Engineering).

Ayes: 5 Battaglia, Morris, Niemann, Calvano, Vaccaro

Nays: 0

Regarding the Playground signs CAP project, the fun facts are complete. The Committee members of the Park’s 50th anniversary committee will meet next week on Wednesday, May 27th to further plans for the event. Lastly, the Park Jointly funded sign has been installed.

Final Minutes

May 28, 2015

New Business

Note: the Commission discussed the land encroachment issue during item#4 and item#5 of the Park Recreation Director’s report.


The Commission opened a closed session to discuss confidential legal advice with the Park attorney. Executive session will occur immediately afterwards.


On a motion made by Commissioner Niemann and seconded by Commissioner Calvano

Resolved to enter into executive session to discuss personnel matters at 9:15 pm.

Ayes: 5 Battaglia, Morris, Niemann, Vaccaro, Calvano

Nays: 0

On a motion made by Commissioner Vaccaro and seconded by Commissioner Calvano

Resolved to exit out from executive session and return to open session at 9:40 pm.

Ayes: 5 Battaglia, Morris, Niemann, Vaccaro, Calvano

Nays: 0

On a motion made by Commissioner Morris and seconded by Commissioner Niemann

Whereas, the Park Commission has submitted a job duty, MSD County form for the creation of 8 positions and

Whereas, the county has characterized these duties as fitting their established Watch Guard titles and

Whereas, the county has advised the Town that there already exits a number of open Watch Guard positions in the Town

Therefore, be it resolved; to hire part time employees as watch guards as needed

Ayes: 5 Battaglia, Morris, Niemann, Vaccaro, Calvano

Nays: 0

Authorization for motion to Approve and Pay the Bills

On a motion made by Adm. Chairman Morris and seconded by Commissioner Calvano

Final Minutes

May 18, 2015

to approve and pay the bills.

Ayes: 5 Battaglia, Morris, Niemann, Calvano, Vaccaro

Nays: 0

With no further business, on a motion from Adm. Chairman Morris seconded by Commissioner Niemann the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 pm. Carried unanimously.


Priscilla C. Chang-Staley

Park Secretary