Burks’ Behavior Rating Scales (BBRS-2) Profile Sheet
Used for Preschool Aged Children Ages 4-6
Used for School Aged Children Ages 6-18
**This test is considered a Behavioral-Emotional measure and NOT an Adaptive Behavior measure.
Note- Use a black ink pen and make your marks heavy and dark to assist with scoring.
For students in grade 1 or higher, answer ALL questions 1-100 by circling 1-5 to indicate your response.
For students in Kindergarten or Preschool, answer questions 1-93.
***Choose the correct Profile Sheet depending on the age/grade of the student.
1. Complete ALL information at the top of the Profile Sheet.
2. Read each question and circle a response 1-5 for each question.
3. Tear off the side tab at the perforation.
4. Remove carbon papers.
5. Transfer circled responses to the appropriate boxes alongside the item numbers.
6. Compute the I-scale raw score by writing in the circled responses for each question on the I-scale scoring sheet. If the difference between the 2 item scores is greater than or equal to 2, place a check mark in the third column. Tally all check marks and write this number beside the I-scale raw score at the bottom of the form.
7. Transfer this raw score to the line beside I-scale in the Response Validity section of the Profile Sheet.
8. Add the numbers in each vertical column to obtain a raw score for each component and a F-scale score.
9. Transfer the raw score for each component at the bottom of the page to the line beside the corresponding component number on the Profile Sheet.
10. Transfer the F-scale raw score to the line beside the F-scale at the top of the Profile sheet.
11. Add the component raw scores for each section and write the total score on the line beside the scale name (i.e., Disruptive Behavior, Attention and Impulse Control Problems, etc.)
12. Locate the total scale score for each scale in the shaded sections on the right side of the page.
13. Locate the T-score value directly above the scale score total that you just indicated. 14. Write this T-score value on the line beside the component scale score total.
Basic Interpretation-
Scores that fall within the gray shaded sections of the Profile Sheet are considered clinically significant and should be reported and addressed in evaluation summary.