BearsdenAcademy Modern Languages


S2 Topic 2 “Citoyens du Monde”

Name………………………………………………………Class………………. Teacher……………………………………………

In this Workbook you will find…

  • All the vocabulary used in your French book
  • Notes on the grammar points you will learn about in class
  • Activities to practise the vocabulary and grammar

The exercises should be written in this Workbook

For extra practice, you should use the Internet.

Here are some useful websites –

(username – bearsden/password - ...... )

Now you can…

  • Talk about different countries in Europe

L’Allemagne(f)GermanyL’Angleterre (f)England

L’Autriche(f)AustriaL’Écosse (f)Scotland

La BelgiqueBelgiumLe DanemarkDenmark

L’EspagneSpainLe PortugalPortugal

La FranceFranceLe Royaume-UniUK

La GrèceGreeceLe pays de GallesWales

L’Irlande(f)IrelandLes Pays-Basthe Netherlands

L’Irlande du Nord(f)Northern Ireland


La SuisseSwitzerland

  • Talk about different means of transport

en busby busen avionby plane

en bateauby boaten carby coach

en métroby undergrounden taxiby taxi

en taxiby taxien trainby train

en voitureby carà/en motoby motorbike

à piedon footà véloby bike

à mobyletteby mobyletteà chevalon horseback

  • Say what you are going (or not going) to do

Je vais passer une semaine en EcosseI’m going to spend a week in Scotland

On ne va pas prendre la voitureWe’re not going to take the car

  • Say when you are going to do something

demaintomorrowce soirthis evening

lundi prochainnext Mondayla semaine prochainenext week

  • Talk about towns and villages

c’estIt’sune grande villea large town

une ville moyennea medium sized townune petite villea small town

un villagea villagedans le nordin the north

dans le sudin the southdans l’estin the east

dans l’ouestin the westau centrein the centre

à la campagnein the countryà la montagnein the mountains

sur la côteon the coastprès denear

  • Talk about what you can (or can’t) do

Qu’est-ce qu’on peut faire ici?What can you do here?

Dans la ville?In the town?

Dans la région?In the region?

On peut visiter le châteauYou can visit the castle

Non, on ne peut pas faire çaNo, you can’t do that

  • Ask permission

Est-ce que je peux jouer sur l’ordinateur?Can I play on the computer?

  • Use the correct preposition with towns and countries
  • Use the verb VOIR
  • Use the verb VENIR
  • Use ALLER + INFINITIVE to say what you are going to do
  • Use the verb POUVOIR + INFINITIVE
  • Ask for information about train journeys

Pardon,Monsieur/MadameExcuse me,sir/madam

Le train pour Paris part à quelle heure?What time does the train leave for Paris?

Le train pour Rouen part de quel quai?From which platform does the Rouen train leave

  • Ask where places are

Où est..., s’il vous plait?Where is...please?

  • Recognise station signs and other words connected with journeys

un billetticket

la salle d’attentewaiting room

la consigneleft luggage

le quaiplatform

le buffetbuffet

le bureau de renseignementsinformation office

composter votre billet to validate (‘date stamp’) your ticket

le guichetticket office


le kiosquekiosk

une reservationreservation, reserved seat

les toilettes (f pl)toilets

la voie track, platform

trains au départdeparture board

arrivées (f pl) arrivals

tableau des horaires (m)timetable

  • Buy a ticket

un aller simple pour Bordeauxa single for Bordeaux

un aller-retour pour la Rochellea return ticket for la Rochelle

  • Ask if the seat is free

Cette place est occupée?Is this seat taken?

Non, c’est libreNo, it’s free

Oui, elle est occupéeYes, it’s taken

  • Understand other travel vocabulary

à l’heureon timel’autoroutemotorway

de bonne heureearlyà bord on board

en retarddelayedla gare station

l’aéroportairportla gare routièrebus station

un avionplanele volflight

  • Use the present tense of PARTIR ( to leave)

je parsnous partons

tu parsvous partez

il/elle/on partils/elles partent

  • Understand IL FAUT ( and IL NE FAUT PAS)

il faut composter son billet avant de monter dans le train

You have to validate your ticket beforegetting on the train

Il ne faut pas mettre les pieds sur les bancs

You should not put your feet on the seat

Saying to, at or in a Town or Country

  • With towns use à

Examples: J’habite à Paris

Nous allons à Glasgow

  • The names of the countries are nouns, which means they have gender.

Examples: La France

Le Japon

Les Etats-Unis

  • For masculine countries use au

Examples: Ils habitent au Danemark

Tu vas au Portugal

  • For feminine countries use en

Examples: Nous allons en Italie

Madrid est en Espagne

** If the country ends in –e it is feminine (with the exception of le Mexique). The majority of countries in Europe are feminine.

  • For plural countries useaux

Examples: Vincent habite aux États-Unis

Sara et Luc vont aux Pays-Bas

Activity 1: à, en, au or aux

Complete the sentences with à, en, au or aux

1)Mon cousin habite ______Irlande.

2)San Francisco est ______Etats-Unis.

3)Je vais ______Londres.

4)Ma grand-mère habite ______Pays-Bas.

5)Mon frère va ______Suisse avec ses amis.

6)Swansea est ______pays de Galles.

7)Nous habitons ______Ecosse.

8)Est-ce que vous habitez ______Marseille?

9)Il fait beau ______Portugal.

10) Paris est ______France.

Activity 2:Les transports

Try to match the following means of transport with their pictures. Draw a line!

1)à vélo

2)en avion

3)en train

4)en voiture

5) en métro

Now it is your turn to draw the pictures. In the space provided draw a picture to match the following means of transport.

6) en bateau
7) à pied
8) en car

9) Comment vas-tu au collège?Je vais………………

10) Comment vas-tu à Glasgow?Je vais………………

Activity 3: aller

Complete the following exercise by filling in the correct part of ‘aller’ = to go

1)Isabelle ______au port.

2)Nous ______au Musée du Louvre.

3)Est-ce que tu ______à la maison de Marie?

4)Lucie ______à la plage avec ses amis.

5)Pierre et Paul ______au cinéma avec ses parents.

6)Est-ce que vous ______à la banque?

7)On ______à l’auberge de jeunesse,

8)Ils ______au match de foot.

9)Cet été, je ______États-Unis avec toute seule.

10) Elle ______à la piscine

Activity 5: voir Learn this verb by heart and then fill in the blanks

Irregular Verb: partir – to leave,head off

je parsI leave, I'm leaving

tu parsyou leave, you're leaving

il part he leaves, he's leaving

elle partshe leaves, she's leaving

on partone leaves, one is leaving

nous partons we leave, we're leaving

vous partezyou leave, you're leaving

ils partentthey leave, they're leaving

elles partentthey leave, they're leaving

Activity 10: Put the correct form of partir in the blanks, and write what each sentence means in English:

e.g Le bus PART à six heures - The train leaves at six o'clock

1.Nous ______en avion

2.Le train ______à minuit.

3.Tu ______en vacances cette année?

4.Je ______à Paris la semaine prochaine

5.Vous ______à quelle heure?

6.On ______pour la montagne jeudi matin.

7.Mes copains ______pour l'Espagne en août.

  1. Mon père ______à sept heures et demiepour aller à l'aéroport

Activity 11A la Gare – At the Station

Choose one of the signs to match up with the English clues, and write it in the blank box:

Example: I need something to eat - BUFFET





  1. I want to leave my luggage
  1. I need to buy a ticket
  1. I have to wait for my train
  1. I need information about my journey
  1. I need to make a phone call
  1. You can't smoke in this carriage
  1. This shows me where I can leave the station
  1. This shows me how to get to the platforms
  1. I want to see when trains arrive and leave

10.I want to buy a magazine

Activity 12 Destination Board – Gare de Metz














Above are some of the trains listed on the departure board at Metz station. Notice

That the type(nature) is mentioned e.g. Express or Rapide, also that any special

Information about the train service is mentioned under Particularités.

1a. What sort of train would you travel on if you went to Paris?

b. What platform does it leave from?

c. What is special about the fare on this train?

2a. Where is the quarter past eleven train going?

b. You are going to Frankfurt. Where do you have to change?

3. You are going to England. What train should you take?

4. What do you have to do if you want to take the train to Brussels?

5. On which train can you get a sleeping compartment?

Mon journal de travail

With confidence I can… /
Talk about different countries in Europe and elsewhere
Talk about different types of transport
Say what I am going or not going to do using ALLER + INFINITIVE
Say when I am going to do something
Describe towns and villages
Talk about what you can or can’t do in different places using POUVOIR + INFINITIVE
Ask permission to do things
Use the correct prepositions with towns and countries
Use the verbs VOIR and VENIR
I can read and understand more complex text which includes familiar and unfamiliar language.
I can listen and show understanding of longer sentences, even when there is more than one speaker.
  • What I need more help with is ______
  • What I am most pleased about is ______
  • What I have learned which is new is ______
  • What I need to do to improve is ______
  • What I have learned that will help me in the real world is


Overall I feel

Test results: