
Geography for Life

Miss Kay

ABCs of Culture Notes

A / Art: What art forms are typical in this culture?
B / Buildings: Which buildings, monuments, structures, and types of homes symbolize this culture?
C / Communication: How do people communicate with each other? How is information spread?
D / Dress: What clothing is typical in this culture?
E / Economy: Who owns the what? How much technology is used?
F / Family: What is the typical family? What are their roles?
G / Government: Who has the power?
H / History: What experiences have shaped this country?
I / Icon: What images cause immediate response?
J / Jobs: How does the average person make money?
K / Knowledge: How is knowledge passed from one generation to the next?
L / Language: What words and expressions have meaning?
M / Movement & Migration: How does the average person get around?
N / National Pride: What people, places, and things spark feelings of loyalty and patriotism?
O / Organizations: What are the most important organizations (formal and informal) in this society?
P / Population: What are the largest groups? Who are the minorities?
Q / Quality of Life: What are the average person’s health and happiness?
R / Religion: What beliefs and values do people hold?
S / Status: Who and what make up the upper and lower classes?
T / Taboos: What behaviors are considered to be totally unacceptable?
U / Urban vs. Rural: Where do most people live? What does a typical neighborhood look like?
V / Vacation & Recreation: How do people have fun?
W / Ways of Life: How do people take care of everyday stuff?
X / X Marks the Spot: How does geography shape the culture?
Y / Yum: What food was invented and eaten there?
Z / Ztuff: What stuff is typical to that culture?