SAUCNA Umpires Association - Minutes ofGeneral Meeting

Held at St John’s Lutheran Church, Highgate – 5th May 2015

  1. Meeting opened at 8.05pm by Sandy Barker

Minutes: Kay Crittenden

Prayer by Sandy Barker

  1. Welcome to all.
  1. Apologies received from Kevin Beare & Helen Rosser.
  1. Minutes of the General Meetings held on 17thJune 2014, tabled.

Amendment – Blue Streaks name incorrect spelling in Unrepresented clubs

Minutes moved: Jan Richards, seconded:George Morgan. Carried.

Sandy Barker signed as true and correct record.

  1. Business Arising from the Minutes
  2. Uniform length – reminder about short skirts being checked. Winter program book, pge 11. It states that “The skirt of dress shall not be less than 8cm (3”) below the longest part of the pants or to the length of the players arm with fingers curled.”Main Assn supports umpires reporting short skirts. In the box on the scorecard write the name of the player, cross off name of player if they are not permitted to take the court.

Too long bike shorts being worn. Uniforms ride up when shot or defended. Discussion held amongst meeting attendees. If uniforms ride up remind them at quarter time, get slightly larger or longer uniforms or keep pulling down. If passed at inspection they are allowed to play, if uniform continues to ride up during play remind them they must pull them down, it is uncomfortable for spectators and umpires. If players are wearing bike pants the uniform should be 3” longer than bike pants.

5.2.Names recorded on scorecards, please ensure correct names are on the scorecards, umpires are not printing full names when signing.

  1. Correspondence


6.1.Applications for umpires clinic

6.2.Applications for exams


6.3.Return of exams paperwork.

6.4.Email to Margaret Johnson, Main committee. Discussion with numerous reps from different clubs. Concern at number of under age umpires (under 14) umpiring at suburban courts. S Barker has requested a list of underage (unscreened) umpires. Scores recorder noted 8 umpires in round 1 who were 13 years and under. The Policy is to protect the umpires so they will continue to umpire in the future. Club Secretaries were sent emails today 6.5.15 to remind them to check ages of umpires and to apply for screening.

Moved that the correspondence be accepted.

Moved:Kirsty Ross, secondedGeorge MorganCarried.

7.General Business

7.1.Umpires Clinic report – clinic was held last weekend 3rd May, 29 attended. Glen Woolley ran theory session. K Ross thanked Burnside who brought a team out for practical session. Thanks to all who assisted. What do we do about attracting teams for practical sessions it is very difficult. Do we only run a Theory session? Discussion about options. Further discussion required.

7.2.Rep Trials – Monday 18th, 25th May 1st June. Nominations wanting to umpire CANA National close on Sunday 10th May,require a current Police Check. If want to umpire trials see Kirsty Ross.

8.Main Committee Notices – Darryl

8.1.Summer season next year finishes at end of March, followed by Easter.

8.2.Sunday 9thMay is designated ‘life members’ round, 8 will be in clubroom.

8.3.Regrading this weekend. Requests need to be into Margaret Johnson.

8.4.6 team grades ONLY round, play on 16thMay on suburban courts.

8.5.CANA Theory Exam May, contact Bruce Turner.

8.6.Special days – changes to dates in books – 30th May RUOK day, June 20thPink Ribbon Day,

4th July Indigenous, 25th July National Netball Day, Aug 8th Umpires appreciation day.

8.7.Award Dinner on 22nd August, Royal Coach.

8.8.Rep Team dinner 7th Sept, Competition 2015 is Townsville 26th Sept – 3rd Oct.

8.9.Junior Carnival, 15th July

8.10.Main Assoc. General Meeting, 21st July

  1. Treasurers Report – D Banfield

Opening balance $1217.68 (money remaining from Main Committee Grant)


Umpires Clinic $290.00


Morning Tea $43.00

Umpires booklets $297.00

There are a lot of booklets left which can be used in 2016

  1. Orange armband program

2015 is the third season, 6 participants officially registered. Eligible umpires are any aged umpire who is a beginner who would like to be mentored to improve umpiring. Wear the orange armband so recognised by players, coaches and spectators.

Mentors support through 2 year programme, log book (electronic copy available). Mentor signs when sections are completed. Sign off and get points. Umpires Assoc requested from Main Assoc that those who complete get a white umpires shirt.

There are a range of activities to be completed and signed off.

K Ross is producing a workbook, have received permission to use parts or all of Baulkham Hills workbook. If Clubs have any beginner umpires wishing to participate, contact Sandy Barker or Hayley Boys, information in the Umpires Section of the SAUCNA website.

Suggestion to send 1 copy to each club to Umpires Coordinator so they can show to umpires. Agreed. S Barker will organise.

  1. Any other business

11.1.35 Registered umpires so far this season which is very disappointing, important to register and print clearly on scorecards. Insurance covers umpires but have to be able to read name clearly on scorecard otherwise they will not be insured.

11.2.Umpires Exams:4 students sat in March, 19 sat tonight, 3 others sitting tomorrow night and Saturday (special permission given).

11.3.Honour Board – committee meeting request to Main Committee. Sub-committee was formed, put together ideas. Tentatively named SAUCNA Umpires Honour Role, recipients nominated. Criteria read out by K Ross. Umpires Meeting supported that the criteria be sent through to Main Assn for approval. K Ross to send to Margaret Johnson for approval by Main Committee.

11.4.Bibs – falling off. How to adjudicate. Bib needs to be flexible (loose), not stretched tight on Velcro before the start of the game. When players move arms and shoulders they pop off. Note: Fabric softener wrecks Velcro. Bibs need to be slightly loose when put on.

Suggestion:When bib falls off or flop over the player should correct a.s.a.p. If bib falls off onto the court a second time the player is sent off court until fixed, it is a hazard to other players.Coaches or Managers should ensure the bibs are taped or pinned, pin from inside of the uniform not outside then won’t be a hazard to other players.

11.5.Signing scorecard – note grade and date, e.g. B5, not U13.

11.6.Finals times – this year times not listed at bottom of page, check page 8 of program book. Set times not negotiable.

11.7.Umpires committee to put together Strategic Plan how to improve standard of umpiring over the next 5 years, all grades across the Assn. Suggestions to Sandy Barker. Plan to submit to Main Committee for approval at Assn AGM

11.8.Goal post protector height. What height?It must be the FULL height of goalpost. Pge 16 Program Book. Clubs should be advised, if not full height, insurance claims won’t be paid and Clubs won’t be considered for semi-final games on suburban courts. If clubs can’t finance full length protectors they are permitted to add 4 foot to top of 6 foot protectors.

K Ross to notify Margaret Johnson to raise issue of goalpost protectors to All Clubs. Clubs to notify a.s.a.p. how many will be required. Normally $220 - $230.00 each. Where Clubs play on school courts, schools that have full size posts should have full size protectors to be covered by insurance.

Clubs were notified 2 – 3 years ago. They had 1 year grace to get correct length. Suggest apply for equipment grants from local council.Clubs to notify S Barker.

11.9.Umpires clinic 2016 – suggestions to be put forward of how to run next year for participants to get match practice.

Rules session:

Rule 16.2 – falling in when defending.

Falling across player is shortening distance.

Arm still up shortening distance, obstructing.

Falling drop arm fall to side, not obstructing.

If fall and leave hand across face, obstructing.

Defend, drop arm but rotate and step in front of goalie, obstructing.

Umpires to be advised they MUST put on white top to umpire, not just wearing player bodysuit.

Rule 11.1 – Wholly within centre circle, one foot grounded wholly within the circle, other foot moving through circle but not grounded is okay, grounded foot cannot cross the line.

Orange armband umpire struggling with calling a game, what type of assistance from experienced umpire? Do not overblow in their area and especially in the centre circle and goal circle. Talk during breaks and be positive and guiding. If they are not confided the experienced umpire should advise them to look at them for hand signals for assistance.

Mentors should only talk off the court during breaks, don’t talk during the game. This is distracting to umpire, spectators, players. .

Unrepresented Clubs


Grange Dolphins



Saints Girls Old Scholars

Sparkling Diamonds

St Michael & All Angels


Walford Old Scholars

Thank you to St John’s Lutheran for the use of the facilities for the exam and meeting.

Meeting Closed at 9:25pm with Benediction by Sandy Barker.

Next meeting 16th June, 7.00pm – St John’s Lutheran.

Meeting will consist of Rules discussion followed by General Meeting. Clubs to invite all umpires. 7-7.45pm for Rules discussion to encourage young umpires to attend. Each club to have 1 representative stay for the General Meeting from 7.45pm.

Minutes of SAUCNA Umpires Assoc. General Meeting1 page of 3