Has America Always Treated all Americans Equally?

You and your group will be assigned a target group to research. You will conduct research to be used to complete a page for a big book. You job will be to investigate how the federal government or American society has treated particular groups due to prejudices and stereotypes. The overlying question you need to answer is: “Did America live up to her ideals in regards to your target group?”

You will have four tasks your group must complete:

  1. Conduct research and compile information to write a one-page narrative about your target group.
  2. Make selections from a group of images that best support and explain the details about your target group.
  3. Organize the images and narrative on your page for the big book.
  4. Must provide a properly formatted and typed bibliography.

You are only allowed to use approved websites. You must complete a research template for each website you collect research from. Recommended websites include:

  • Any (.gov) websites
  • The National Archives
  • The Library of Congress
  • The Smithsonian
  • Presidential Libraries
  • Museums specific to your target group (not online only museums)
  • Organization specific to your group such as: (NAACP, UFW, NOW)

Your group's research should focus on the ideals you read about in class when we completed the Ideals Chart. When conducting your research, you may concentrate one or more of ideals listed on the your Ideals Chart. When writing your narrative, you may only use direct quotes. Cite each direct quote using the website stem. Please remember that periods go after the citation. See example below. You will also need to add transitions to make your narrative flow more naturally.

"Not only was it the largest demonstration for human rights in United States history, but it also occasioned a rare display of unity among the various civil rights organizations" (

All group members are responsible for conducting research. If any group member is absent for one day, they will be given one day to make-up their missed research (for excused absences only). If you have an unexcused absence, you may still complete the project, however, your grade will be deducted. If a student misses more than one day, the group will decide if that member is allowed to continue with the group or will complete the project on their own. You will be given one day to type your big book pagenarratveand bibliography aside from our three research lab days. You will also be given one day to select your images as well as organize and finish your page. Delegating jobs for team members will be imperative so cooperation is needed.