PART I (VOCABULARY)--Directions: Take out a sheet of blank paper and number it 1-15. Then, read the following sentence and determine which words from the word bank below fit best in the blanks. Write your answers on your paper. Spell the words correctly and include any necessary endings.

emulate hustler devour autobiography riffle rehabilitation correspondence
assess debate feign engross articulate interval inevitable parchment

1. The President wrote a/an ___ to let people know how his childhood experiences shaped his future.

2. The man from the bomb squad used a mirror to __ safety of the car, looking for any hidden explosives.

3. When the snowstorm prevented mail from being delivered, many people did not receive any ___ from their

loved ones.

4. Jason ___ (add-ed) his father by becoming a hard working plumber just like his father.

5. Since Larry never did any work or passed any of his tests, it was ___ that he would receive a fail in his class.

6. Maria’s mother told her to avoid the ___ (add-s) in the streets because they would only try to take her money.

7. Ashley was so ___ (add-ed) by her boyfriend’s gift that she didn’t even open the other gifts her friends gave her.

8. Since the waves crashed into the shore at five minute ___ (add-s), the members of the Navy Seals waited until

the waves stopped hitting the shore before they swam out into the ocean.

9. When he was attacked by a bear, Marco ___ (add-ed) death because he heard that a bear would stop its attack

if it believed its victim was dead.

10. As Sarah’s injuries from the car accident started to heal, the hospital sent her home to complete the rest of her


11. The hungry mountain lion ___ (add-ed) the little Chihuahua in one bite.

12. To make her birthday invitations even more special, Ana told her mother to get them printed on ____ paper.

13. The FBI agent quickly ___ (add-ed) through the stack of money to find the counterfeit bills that he marked with

a red marker.

14. The players on the football team ___ (add-ed) on the type of helmet they should get, with some players

wanting the newer designs and others wanting the more traditional ones.

15. Since Rene had a very strong accent when he spoke, he was not ___ enough to make people understand

what he was saying.