Humble Hero Chapters 1-20

Author: Ellen White

© 2009 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 7.8 / Points 20

Total Word Count: 169,220

Quiz 1 of 5

Best taken as an open book quiz.

1. The law of ___ takes only to give.

a. angels / b. plants / c. water systems / d. all of these

2. Many of the exiles _____ because they refused to disregard the Sabbath.

a. died / b. were ridiculed / c. returned to Jerusalem / d. were honored

3. The idea that we can save ourselves by our works is the foundation of _____.

a. every heathen religion / b. the Jewish sacrifices
c. the Christian religion / d. the kingdom of God

4. Jesus was helped in learning by _____ and so can we.

a. angels / b. priests / c. rabbis / d. Enoch & Moses

5. Jesus was dedicated by _____.

a. a priest, a Levite, and a Pharisee / b. a priest, Simeon, and Anna
c. his Aunt Elizabeth and his mother / d. Matthew, Mark, and Luke

6. The Wise Men learned of Jesus from the Bible and the writings of _____.

a. Balaam / b. Nebuchadnezzar / c. Julius Caesar / d. none of these

7. Jesus parents took Him to the temple at age 12 so he would _____.

a. bond with his brothers better / b. listen more to the rabbis rules
c. understand his role as Messiah / d. be more obedient to them

8. As a child, Jesus _____ the traditions of the rabbis.

a. attacked / b. asked for scriptural support for
c. was unaware of / d. none of these

9. _____ always supported Jesus efforts to be good.

a. Joseph / b. His brothers / c. Mary / d. None of these

10. The scribes and Pharisees wanted to be baptized because _____.

a. they wanted to go to Heaven
b. they didn’t ask for baptism
c. they felt a real conviction
d. they wanted favor with the Prince

11. Jesus met Satan with _____.

a. logic / b. silence / c. scripture / d. all of these

12. Every sinful desire that we ____ is an open door that Satan can use to tempt and destroy us.

a. cherish / b. see and hear / c. think / d. all of these

13. The Sanhedrin was interested in John the Baptist because he ____.

a. was calling for repentance / b. spoke against the Roman tyranny
c. had the people’s attention / d. was ashamed of his people

14. John’s message was to _____.

a. teach humility / b. prepare people for Jesus’ work
c. point out people’s need to repent / d. all of these

15. The Jews first began to plot Jesus’ death after _____.

a. He first cleared the temple of the money makers
b. the death of Lazarus
c. the wedding at Cana
d. He healed a man on the Sabbath

16. Nicodemus had witnessed _____.

a. the baptism of Jesus / b. the cleansing of the temple
c. the temptations in the wilderness / d. the wedding at Cana

17. The Samaritans had built a temple _____ in Jerusalem.

a. with the Jews / b. on Mt. Gerizim to rival the one
c. on the Mt. of Olives opposite God’s / d. none of these

18. The Jewish nobleman of Capernaum did not hurry home because _____.

a. he thought his lack of faith had kept his son from being healed
b. no longer cared if his son lived or died
c. he wanted to spend more time with Jesus
d. he was confident that his son was healed

19. A synonym for dominion is _____.

a. control / b. dispute / c. apostasy / d. inclusion

20. The antonym or opposite of depravity is _____.

a. significance / b. endurance / c. purity / d. woe

Humble Hero

Chapters 21-40

Author: Ellen White

©2009 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 7.8 / Points 20

Word Count: 169,220

Quiz 2 of 5

1. The brink of the pool was the _____.

a. bottom / b. edge / c. step / d. waves

2. The Jews hired gentiles to work for them on the Sabbath because _____.

a.  the Jews were to lazy to do the work themselves
b.  The gentiles didn’t care about breaking the Sabbath
c.  The Jews didn’t think the gentiles could be saved
d.  God had assigned the work to gentiles.

3. God’s Sabbath law forbids _____.

a. helping the needy with non-essentials / b. routine care of the sick
c. secular labor that earns money / d. all of these

4. Jesus did not visit John the Baptist in jail because _____.

a.  He could not endanger his own work
b.  He didn’t know about John’s imprisonment
c.  John had lost faith in Him
d.  None of these

5. The time of the Messiah’s coming was foretold by _____.

a. Daniel / b. David / c. Solomon / d. Zerubbabel

6. Jesus was rejected by the people of Nazareth because He _____.

a.  Healed people on the Sabbath
b.  Didn’t continue living in their town
c.  Didn’t do any miracles in Nazareth
d.  None of these

7. _____ was called Jesus’ own city.

a. Bethlehem / b. Capernaum / c. Jerusalem / d. Nazareth

8. Jesus told the healed leper to _____.

a.  Go show himself to the priests
b.  Tell no one about his healing
c.  Both a and b
d.  Neither a nor b

9. The man at the pool and the man let down Peter’s roof were both _____.

a.  Paralytics
b.  Told to take up their beds and walk
c.  Condemned by the priests
d.  All of these

10. Many who were converted at Pentecost first heard the truth at _____.

a.  The table of the tax collectors
b.  The wedding at Cana
c.  Nazareth
d.  None of these

11. _____ was the first to who Jesus said, “Follow Me.” (Page 131)

a. Andrew / b. John / c. Phillip / d. Nathanial

12. The centurion felt unworthy to be in Jesus’ presence because _____.

a.  He had been very harsh with the Jews
b.  He had killed John the Baptist
c.  He had destroyed a Jewish synagogue
d. None of these

13. When a widow’s son was raised to life, the people of Nain _____.

a. didn’t believe the son was really dead
b. thought Jesus used the power of the devil
c. plotted Jesus’ death
d. none of these

14. In the great storm, Jesus and his disciples _____.

a.  lost their bearings and didn’t know where they were
b.  were all sleeping after an exhausting day
c.  were closely surrounded by many other boats
d.  were going to the other side to minister to the crowds

15. Jairus went to the home of _____ to ask for Jesus to heal his daughter.

a. Levi-Mathew the tax collector / b. Peter the fisherman
c. Lydia a seller of purple / d. Simon the sorcerer

16. The woman who touched Jesus robe to be healed followed Him to _____.

a. the seaside / b. the house of the feast
c. the road to Jairus’ house / d. all of these

17. The disciples were sent out by twos so they could_____.

a.  Compensate for each other’s weaknesses
b.  Have one work and raise money while the other preached
c.  Protect each other
d.  All of these

18. When brought to trial the Holy Spirit will remind us of _____.

a.  things we have never read
b.  things we have diligently studied
c.  things when we plan our defense carefully
d.  all of these

19. In feeding the multitude Jesus showed them _____.

a.  The importance of simple food
b.  His power
c.  His tender care for their basic needs
d.  All of these

20. Peter began to sink in the water when he _____.

a. looked back at the boat / b. saw only high waves
c. thought Jesus is a ghost / d. when he lost faith in Jesus

Humble Hero

Chapters 41-60

Author: Ellen White

©2009 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 7.8 / Points 20

Word Count: 169,220

Quiz 3 of 5

1. Jesus and His disciples did not wash their _____ the way the Pharisees said.

a. food / b. clothes / c. feet / d. hands

2. The disciples didn’t expect Jesus to feed the people at Gergesa because _____.

a.  they had told Him to leave after their pigs drowned
b.  they questioned His childhood
c.  they were heathen
d.  they hadn’t brought any food

3. Most of Jesus miracles were done in _____.

a. Decapolis / b. Galilee / c. Jerusalem / d. Tyre and Sidon

4. Jonah’s example was _____.

a.  a plea to fishermen
b.  Jesus’ 3 days in the tomb
c.  a call to repent
d.  All of these

5. The love of self and _____ lead us to follow human theories and traditions.

a.  a desire for an easier way than God’s plan
b.  disinterest in heavenly matters
c.  a desire for wealth
d.  a lack of self worth

6. Peter, James and John fell asleep _____.

e.  before Moses and Elijah came to talk to Jesus
f.  after Moses and Elijah came to talk to Jesus
g.  Both of these
h.  Neither of these

7. Peter, James, and John missed a lot of God’s message because _____.

a. they were afraid / b. they were arguing
c. they were sleeping / d. they were not close enough to Jesus

8. In agreeing to pay the temple tax Peter implied that Jesus _____.

a. was a foreigner / b. was a prophet
c. was a sinner / d. none of these

9. Jesus told Peter to get money for the tax from _____.

a. the belly of a whale / b. a fig tree
c. Judas / d. the mouth of a fish

10. At the Feast of Tabernacles the people _____.

a.  lived in booths and tents
a.  sang at the temple
b.  shouted as water and wine were poured into basins
c.  All of these

11. God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac when Abraham asked God to _____.

a. give him more children / b. make him a great nation
c show him the Messiah / d. find a wife for Isaac

12. The antonym or opposite of discredit is to _____.

a. disgrace / b. doubt / c. honor / d. require

13. Something done with “vigor” is done with _____.

a. energy / b. hatred / c. sluggishness / d. fear

14. The disciples were to visit all the cities of _____ first.

a. Judea / b. Galilee / c. Samaria / d. Europe

15. The best way to deal with error is to _____.

a. be silent about it / b. present the truth
c. show how it is wrong / d. none of these

16. The Good Samaritan_____.

a.  covered the man with his own coat
b.  put oil and wine on his wounds
c.  paid the innkeeper in advance for his care
d.  All of these

17. Some of the children Jesus blessed became _____.

a. bitter enemies / b. church leaders / c. Christian martyrs / d. none of these

18. Martha was upset the first time Jesus visited because _____.

e.  He had not come sooner
f.  Jesus always spoke in parables
g.  she wanted more help
h.  her sister had a bad reputation

19. “Expedient” meant that something was _____.

a. dangerous / b. necessary / c. inappropriate / d. right

20. James, the brother of John was the first to _____ after Pentecost.

a.  be killed / b. leave Jerusalem / c. preach / d. see Jesus

Humble Hero

Chapters 61-80

Author: Ellen White

©2009 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 7.8 / Points 20

Word Count: 169,220

Quiz 4 0f 5

1. Zacchaeus began paying people back after _____.

d.  He heard John the Baptist preach
e.  one of the disciples was a tax collector
f.  Jesus went to his home
d. Jesus’ resurrection

2. The Mary who poured oil on Jesus’ feet was _____.

e.  led into sin by Simon
f.  a woman of whom Jesus cast out 7 demons
g.  the sister of Lazarus and Martha
h.  All of these

3. Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem to announce that _____.

a.  He was Israel’s king
b.  He was going to die
c.  He could forgive sin
d.  His kingdom was not of this world

4. ____ led Jesus’ donkey.

a. Mary Magdalene / b. Lazarus / c. Simon / d. Zacchaeus

5. The Pharisees charged Jesus with _____.

i.  exalting the 4th commandment more than the others
j.  exalting the last 6 commandments more than the first 4.
c. ignoring the 10 commandments
d. None of these

6. The widow’s 2 mites were special because they were _____.

a.  rare and valuable coins
b.  her only children
c. seeds filled with the faith of a mustard seed
d. None of these

7. When the Greeks saw Jesus _____.

a. a voice was heard / b. He was surrounded by a cloud
c. a light circled Him / d. all of these

8. God’s people prayed that they didn’t have to flee during the _____ or on Sabbath.

a. Passover / b. Punic Wars / c. Summer / d. Winter

9. It is in our power to speed our Lord’s return by _____.

e.  fasting and praying
f.  giving the gospel to the world
g.  keeping God’s law
h.  helping the widows

10. Jesus’ second coming will be _____.

a. in the inner rooms / b. like lightning
c. a secret rapture / d. All of these

11. At the last supper Judas sat _____.

a. on Jesus’ left / b. on Jesus’ right
c. at Jesus’ feet / d. close to the door

12. Jesus first washed the feet of _____.

a. James / b. John / c. Judas / d. Peter

13. Jesus’ death brought an end to _____.

a. the ceremonies and festivals God had given 4,000 years before / b. sin and death
c. the disciples disagreements / d. work for the poor

14. Jesus’ first instruction to his disciples in the upper room was to _____.

a. feed His sheep / b. love one another
c. preach the gospel to the whole world / d. watch and pray that they enter not into temptation

15. _____ as a sign to the mob of who Jesus was.

a. A light shone on Jesus’ face
b. An angel moved between Jesus and the mob
c. He healed the ear of the high priest’s servant
d. All of these

16. Pilate’s _____ had told him of Jesus’ miracles.