Possible Plausible Productions

555 Blockbuster Trail

Hollywood, CA 91601

Attn: Kevin Meister

Dear Analysts,

Thank you for all your hard work and the helpful suggestion that you made in your proposal. I was having lunch with fellow executive and she brought up the concept of DVD and Blu-ray sales. This is a very important factor to consider which we didn’t look at before. I am so glad that she brought this up before we started shooting, because I would hate to make a mistake on our first movie. Remember we want to make the most money possible so we can stay in business.

So I am asking for your help again. Before we start production on the type of movie that you suggested, please look at the new sales data that I have provided and determine if your recommendation would change because of it. If your decision changes please let me know along with an explanation for the change and your thinking process. Please also provide an updated ranking of the genres based on the data provided.

I look forward to hearing from you very soon. Once again, I really appreciate your help!

Kevin Meister

Kevin Meister, Founder & CEO

Possible Plausible Productions


Genre / Box Office / Cost to Make / Viewer’s Grade (Opinion) / DVD & Blu-ray Sales
Action/Adventure / $113,203,870 / $125,000,000 / C / $27,892,378
Comedy / $86,907,746 / $60,000,000 / C- / $15,796,987
Sci-Fi / $66,486,205 / $30,000,000 / A / $20,091,660
Children’s/Animation / $161,321,843 / $95,000,000 / B- / $39,363,786
Horror / $49,130,154 / $14,000,000 / D / $7,592,040

Dear Mr. Meister,

Our team, ______, has looked at the updated box office data and suggest that the first movie genre you produce should be ______.

We ranked the genres in this order:

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

4.  ______

5.  ______

We ______(did, did not) have to change our original procedure.

The changes we made were:


