Volume XI Issue III September 2009

Show Highlights:We had another great show this year, with a good turnout. As planned, we purchased additional sitting benches, fans for the food area, and added new tops for both the shuttles. Our Saturday evening entertainment, DJ Miller, was well received by a packed tent.

Thank You: It is impossible to thank everyone that contributed to the success of the show, because there are so many. Special thanks go to all the Association Directors and Advisors, as well as all exhibitors and volunteers.

For first-time volunteers at set-up/tear down, at the gate, on the shuttles, and at registration – thanks for getting involved. We really appreciate your willingness to help.

2009 Dues: Membership dues for 2009 are $10.00. Notices have been sent to members who have not yet paid their 2009 dues.

Corporate Donations Received: Monsanto Local Field Agent Pat Haan presented a $1,500 donation from Monsanto to TSGPA. This very generous donation will be used to buy items that will improve visitor experiences and/or that will help the organization operate more efficiently. In addition, Cargill, Inc. donated $250 to our Association.

Election of Officers: The Election of Directors and Officers was held at the August 16 General Meeting. Directors Fred Halsema, John Haan, Kirk Young, Jake Westfall & Pat McFadden were re-elected. The following Officers were elected – President – Shane Kerkhove, Vice-President – Tony Haan, Secretary – Peggy Bryant, Treasurer – Jim Westfall.

Current Membership: As of 9/1/09, the Association has 163 adult members, 61 lifetime members and 21 junior members. Welcome to our 26 new adult members & 9 new junior members.

2010 Feature: We are hosting the IHC Collectors Chapter 7 meet, so our feature tractor, implement & engine will be International.

2009 Show Statistics: A comparison of the main display categories between from 2007 - 2009 follows. Displays such as implements, chain saws, etc are not included in this table.

2007 / 2008 / 2009
Tractors / 184 / 255 / 193
Gas Engines / 236 / 189 / 151
Garden Tractors / 55 / 63 / 80
Antique Cars / 24 / 20 / 25
Total Exhibitors / 213 / 310 / 195
Total Gate / 2292 / 3475 / 2128

There were 65 Allis Chalmers tractors displayed.

The Winners Are… There was stiff competition in the skillet toss, with 31 ladies competing for the trophies. The winners were Pat Morgan, Ronda Gallagher & Angie Young.

In the Tractor Skills contests, David Killianwon the Slow Race and Miles Hunley beat the competition in the Egg Race. The Pole and Cable contest was won by Jade Anthrop. A new game, the Tennis Ball drop, was challenging, but David Hobs prevailed.

More than 75 youngsters participated in the Kiddie Tractor Pull.

2009 Financial Report: The Association’s 2009 financial report is attached to the newsletter for your review. We invested in a $5,000 CD after last year’s show. Thanks to several large corporate donations & rental payments for use of our shuttle wagons, we are in a good position financially.

Get Well Wishes: Bernie & Jaynie Eisert are recovering from serious injuries after they involved in a car accident as they returned from Portland. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Planning for 2010 & Beyond: As always, the Association Directors are thinking about how to keep the show viable in the future. Several suggestions have been discussed, including some rearrangement of the feature & entertainment tents, bringing back a petting zoo, adding more hand- washing stations, food vendor arrangement, and considering a new parade route.

A couple of major changes are being discussed.

One is to change the show from Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The main reason for this is that the attendance is very low on Sunday, and many of the exhibitors leave on Saturday afternoon anyway. If this is implemented, the Association members would not do any clean-up on Saturday after the show. Clean-up would take place on Sunday morning.

Another suggestion is to change the shows dates to the following weekend. This was suggested due to conflicts with local fairs.

Your input on these items is very important. Please let your directors know how you feel about them. If the membership decides to go ahead with either or both of these, it will be after the 2010 show.

Christmas Party & Auction: Our annual Christmas Party & Auction will be held on Saturday, December 5 at 6:00 p.m. at Westfall’s. Meat & beverages will be provided. Please plan to attend, and bring items for the auction. Be prepared to do some of your Christmas shopping at the auction. There are always lots of great items – something for everyone!

Upcoming events:

  • Set-up for show – July 19 – 22, 2010
  • 30th Annual Show – July 23, 24, 25, 2010

2011 Features: The 2011 show will feature Minneapolis Moline tractors & any make of Oil Field Engine.

TSGPA Website: Visit the TSGPA website at for information about the association and the show. We’ll try to get some of the pictures from this year’s show out on the site in the next few months.

Suggestions Please: As always, we need your input on how to improve the show and the association. Let us know what you think! Talk to one of your Directors about how you think we can do better.

Camp WACK: The TSGPA Directors voted to make a donation to Camp WACK. This not-for-profit organization provides children with disabilities the opportunity to participate in adapted water skiing. Skis are specially equipped to allow skiers to sit & ski. Outriggers provide balance & stability to insure a positive & rewarding ski experience. A variety of games & activities are available for the 1-day camp. The TSGPA donation will be used to help purchase equipment to run the camp safely, smoothly & efficiently. In 2009, 40 children were served. The goal is to increase that to 50 in 2010.

President’s Comments: Thanks to everyone who participated in the show as an exhibitor or as a volunteer. We could not continue the show if it was not for the efforts of all of you. It was great to see some new volunteers this year. If you didn’t work on the gate, shuttles, registration, or other areas during the show, please plan to do so next year. Your continued involvement & participation will allow the show to continue to grow. An hour at a time is a big help!

Start working on polishing up that red paint for the 2010 show – we’re looking forward to another great show!



Memberships / 1,889.00
Christmas Party Auction / 1,938.00
Food Booth Commissions / 1,464.93
Flea Market / 848.00
Monsanto donation / 1,500.00
Cargill donation / 250.00
Rental of Shuttles – Tipmont REMC / 500.00
Rental of Shuttles – Monsanto (2 years) / 4,000.00
Americus Quilting Club donation / 100.00
Joe Anthrop donation –milk can sales / 50.00
Misc. Individual donations / 140.00
Shuttle donations / 207.00
Alberta Haan Memorial Donations / 685.00
Sale of blacksmith items / 379.00
Hats and Shirts Sales / 650.00
Sale of Buttons & medallions / 447.50
Sale of ad space in gate book / 1505.00
Sale of wheat / 1357.58

Sale of straw

/ 600.00
Sale of Lumber from Show / 5.00
Sale of show plaques / 20.00

Parade Entry refund

/ 10.00

2009 Gate Gross Receipts

subtotal 14,671.00
less start up amount 4,000.00
Total 10,671.00 / 10,671.00
Gross Total Income / 29,217.01


Office Supplies / 350.23
Rental of Show Grounds / 600.00
Insurance / 1,665.00
Postage / 780.90
Food & supplies for parties, meetings, ice cream, bean supper & clean-up crew / 794.08
Christmas Parade Entry Fee / 10.00
Show Buttons and Ribbons / 490.50
Show Plaques / 541.72
Dumpster / 475.00
Post Office Box Rental / 26.00
Accounting Service / 1,462.25

Expenses (continued)

Signs / 395.00
Registration start up money / 150.00
Printing of Gate Books / 1,192.20
Bands / 700.00
Rental of portable restrooms / 727.92
Rental of generators / 738.38
Rental of tents / 1,150.28
Shuttle Covers / 1,450.00
Computer/printers/accessories / 1,132.70
Computer software / 590.39
Church Service / 50.00
Rental of storage space / 150.00
Tables & chairs / 998.15
Benches / 871.80
Fans / 590.39
Marking paint, extension cords, tools / 498.25


/ 448.56

Speaker wire & supplies

/ 458.51


/ 82.05

Hauling steam engine & tractor

/ 300.00

Hats & Shirts

/ 560.00


Tipp.Twp. Fire Dept 2,600.00

Heritage United Methodist 300.00

Camp WACK 500.00

Total Contributions

/ 3,400.00


TV 18 1,353.00

Flyers 323.39

WKOA Radio 252.00

WKHY Radio 250.00

Prairie Farmer 72.00

Farm Collector Directory & Magazine


Total for Ads

/ 2,740.39

Total Expenses

/ $ 26,540.06

Net Income

/ $2,676.95 (gain)

Current Balance in Account (as of 8/31/09):


Farmers State Bank CD: $5,000.00