Summer Opportunities for Youth Leadership Training and Family Togetherness

July 12-16, 2015

IF YOU KNOW . . . A budding student interested in history, economics, or geography (the Social Studies) who would make a model leader in your school and community to promote Indiana’s 200th Birthday? A family interested in local history and travel to historical sites? A youth, 10 years or older, eager for a unique summer experience? An adult or youth needing professional or service credits? Here is the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity on a university campus in the heart of Indiana’s beginnings 200 years ago. Read on . . .

The Lewis and Clark Foundation of Indiana, together with 4 education organizations scattered throughout the State, is offering scholarships to assist youths accompanied by a guardian to attend a summer institute for Educators and Youth, July 12-16, 2015, on the Indiana University Southeast Campus, New Albany. In shared and parallel sessions with teachers, youth and adults will become partners on teams involved in learning about Indiana—from its far past to the present—and helping to plan its future:

·  In global and local settings by assisting to plan a tiered timeline and giant vinyl floor map of their own counties and for sharing in their school and communities

·  Becoming guides for the Lewis and Clark Expedition westward from Indiana and impersonators of significant leaders

·  Interacting with current Indiana authors and civic leaders

·  Learning skills of an amateur architect from street and home tours

·  Stepping into the role of an African American student attending a segregated school

·  Experiencing a family-oriented simulation of the Clark family (George and William) coming to Indiana on a covered wagon

·  Exploring a pioneer mill and eating Hoosier Hobo iron-kettle stew

·  Helping to create a giant county map and timeline as a teaching tool for your home county

·  All of this and much more . . .

If interested in becoming a candidate for one of the few Lewis and Clark Foundation Scholarships (worth $250 to offset expenses), complete the following form and essay and forward to GENI. Applications are due as soon as possible, and successful youth leaders will be informed if accepted as soon as possible. Remember, you will need to recruit one guardian (fee is included in the scholarship), who may be a registered educator attending the conference with no additional fee or an adult who will register as a guest and attend sessions with you.

Application to be submitted via e-mail to Claudia Crump at

Application Form (complete information below AND include the essay)


Parent/Guardian Name:

Relationship to Youth Applicant:

E-Mail Address:

Youth Home Address:

Youth Home Telephone:

School: District:

Grade in Fall, 2015:

Parent/Guardian Home Address: (if different from Youth)

Parent/Guardian Telephone:

Signature: Date:

Parents/Guardians: You will be asked to have personal liability insurance for yourself and the youth participant that you would use in case of an accident while participating in the Institute.

For more information, please, feel free to contact us at (317) 274-8879 or

Note: This is an intense workshop that will require long hours each day, but expect to have fun!!! You will be given information a couple of weeks prior to the Institute about the agenda, lodging, parking, logistics, and resource production --- help with a giant county map. Your application must be received as soon as possible!

On a separate sheet, attach an ESSAY of 50 words or less explaining why you would be a good youth leader. What does it mean to you to be an outstanding Hoosier? What kind of a model would you be for other youths in your community and state? How can youths and adults best commemorate the Indiana Bicentennial during the year of 2016? You may attach a statement supporting your application from a teacher. Remember, you are selling yourself as a Youth Leader for the Indiana Bicentennial. THANK YOU!

Application to be submitted via e-mail to Claudia Crump, .