Environment Agency

Appointment of new Board Members

Information pack for applicants

The closing date for the receipt of applications for this role is:

Monday 1st February 2016 12:00 noon GMT

Ref: PAPPT 014/15

Information packs are available in other formats such as larger font and Braille.

If you need a different format please contact us.



We actively encourage applications from individuals from a wide range of backgrounds, especially those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds who are currently underrepresented on the Environment Agency Board.

The UK Government iscommitted to improving the diversity of the boards of their public bodies and welcome applications irrespective of race, ethnic or national origin, sex, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, religion, religious beliefs or similar philosophical belief, age, gender re-assignment or community background.

All public appointments are made on merit following a fair, open and transparent process as regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments.

Equal opportunities

The UK Government has a policy of equality of opportunity. We aim to promote equal opportunity policies whereby no one suffers unfair discrimination either directly or indirectly, or harassment, on grounds such as race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sex, gender identity, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or age.


Reasonable adjustment will be made in the event of a successful application.

In line with the Equalities Act 2010, Defra operates a Guaranteed Interview Scheme for disabled peoplewho meet the minimum criteria for this appointment.If you wish to apply for consideration under this scheme, please notify the Department when you return your application.

If you require any special arrangements at interview stage, please give details in a covering letter to enable us to make the appropriate arrangements if necessary.

If you would like to discuss your requirements please contact Corry McDiarmid on 07919690854.

Environment Agency


The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is seeking to appoint 2 new members to the Board of the Environment Agency to replace outgoing members.

The Environment Agency is a unique organisation with a challenging remit. It provides an essential service to the public through its operational role, which ranges from reducing the risks from flooding, to working to reduce the impacts of climate change, to regulating industry - holding poor performers to account.

Environmental issues know no boundaries and the Environment Agency works with central government, local authorities and other organisations to protect and improve the quality of the environment for everyone. The Environment Agency is a trusted advisor to government and its operational experience informs future environmental policy.

Environment Agency Board Members have an essential role in setting the strategic direction and providing stewardship of the environmental outcomes and £1bn of public funds entrusted to the Environment Agency.

This is a public appointment and the successful candidates will be expected to demonstrate their commitment to the Nolan principles of public service (Annex B).

About theEnvironment Agency

The Environment Agency is Defra’s largest Non-Departmental Public Body(NDPB) and plays a key role in delivering the environmental priorities of central government.The organisation is a statutory body with its own powers and duties, exercising regulatory responsibilities at arm’s length from Ministers. The organisation is accountable to Defra’s Secretary of State for the delivery of its objectives, who in turn is responsible to Parliamentfor its performance. Its objectives, which are agreed with the Secretary of State, are published in the Environment Agency Corporate Plan.

The Environment Agency works to protect and improve the environment in England. It reduces the risks to people and properties from flooding; makes sure there is enough water for people and wildlife andprotects and improves air, land and water quality. It is responsible for incentivising business energy efficiency and cost-effective carbon reduction and carrying out proportionate pollution regulation,applying the environmental standards within which industry must operate. Acting to reduce climate change, and helping people and wildlife adapt to its consequences, are at the heart of all that the Environment Agency does. The Environment Agency is a Category 1 responder and works with other emergency services to prepare for and respond to incidents, and to help communities recover after an incident.

Established under the Environment Act 1995, its principal aim is: “in discharging its functions so to protect or enhance the environment, taken as a whole, as to make the contribution that the Secretary of State considers appropriate towards achieving sustainable development.”

It currently employs around10,000 people and is responsible for a budget of about £1.3 billion in 2014/15, about half of which is spent on flood and coastal risk management. About a third of the Environment Agency’s income comes from charges for services in relation to its licensing activities, with the remainder coming from Government grant.

Further information on the role of the Environment Agency is available at

The Environment Agency Board

The Board of the Environment Agency has corporate responsibility for ensuring that the Environment Agency fully discharges its responsibilities for contributing to delivery of the Government’s policy for the environment in England. Itsets the strategic direction of the organisation and provides stewardship for the environmental outcomes and £1bn of public funds entrusted to the Environment Agency.

The Board of the Environment Agency comprises a Chairman, Chief Executive and no more than 15 members. Annex A contains a list of the current Board members.

The Board as a whole needs to include a range of expertise. Board members should complement each other in terms of their skills and experience, so that they collectively:

  • set the strategy, drive performance and hold the organisation to account, ensuring propriety, efficiency, effectiveness and excellent customer service in the delivery of the Environment Agency’s functions, within the framework set by the Secretary of State and in accordance with the legislation and statutory functions;
  • promote positive and constructive relationships with the Environment Agency’s broad range of stakeholders;
  • objectively discuss issues coming before the Board in ways that focus on building consensus and finding practical solutions;
  • support and encourage the executive team and their staff in their roles, whilst constructively challenging their advice and decisions, and act as a critical friend as required; and
  • provide stewardship for the public funds and environmental outcomes entrusted to the Environment Agency.

Applications are encouraged from a diverse range of people able to demonstrate that they can discharge non-executive responsibilities (such as holding accounting qualifications, audit, governance and risk management skills).

Role Description

The Environment Agency is going through a period of substantial reform including significant funding pressures and restructuring, and involvement in consolidation of Government support services.

You will support and encourage the executive team, including a new Chief Executive, in driving forward substantial change to deliver value for money, excellent customer service and better collaboration with key partners while maintaining a clear overview, and ensuring business continuity, across the range of its functions.

Essential Criteria

The successful candidates will need to demonstrate the following essential criteria:

  • A collaborative style, the ability to contribute to Board discussions, and inspire the confidence of Ministers, fellow Board Members, Executive Directors, employees and stakeholders in all sectors
  • An enthusiasm for and genuine interest in the work delivered by the Environment Agency
  • Strong analytical skills with the capacity to examine issues at a strategic level in ways which are impartial, creative and focused on finding solutions, including driving forward substantial change
  • An ability to influence and engage a strong and diverse network of contacts and stakeholders

Successful candidates must also be able to meet the requirements of one of the following roles:

  • Role 1. Natural Environment: Candidates must be able to bring an enthusiasm for and high-level expertise in working for the protection of the natural environment
  • Role 2. Local government: A comprehensive understanding of how local government functions, and the ability to work effectively and efficiently with local authorities at a senior level to find solutions when faced with conflicting demands

Whilst not essential, accountancy experience for either of the above roles would be a strong advantage.

Terms of appointment

The draft terms and conditions for this appointment can be supplied on request. Key points to be aware of are set out below.

Period of appointment

It is anticipated that the successful candidate will take up post inApril 2016.

Appointments are normally for up to three years and restricted to a maximum of two terms. The length of these terms will be determined by any statutory constraints or will be a matter for decision by Ministers. In total, though, an appointee cannot serve more than a total of ten years.

Re-appointments may be made subject to satisfactory performance assessment and will be at the discretion of Ministers. Appointments for these vacancies will be initially for three years.

Time Commitment

Successful candidates will be expected to make a time commitment of 4/5 days per month, which will include preparation and participation in Board meetings of the Environment Agency, and any other responsibilities as agreed with the Chair.

Remuneration and Allowances

The remuneration is £350 per day (up to £21,000 per annum)

Reasonable travel expenses are paid. Theappointment is non-pensionable.

Annual Appraisal

All Board members will be subject to an annual appraisal carried out by the Chairman of the Environment Agency.

Conflicts of Interest

You will be required to disclose if you have any conflict of interest that might affect your ability to undertake the role(s) to which you have been appointed. This includes information on any relevant business interest, public appointment or position of authority, including other connections with commercial, public or voluntary bodies.

Applying for the role

The Commissioner for Public Appointments

These appointments are regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments, to ensure that they are made on merit after fair and open competition. More information about the role of the Commissioner and their Code of Practice is available from

For full details of the complaints process for public appointments, please click on the following link which will take you to the Commissioner for Public Appointments website

How to apply

All candidates are required to complete the following forms:

  • Political Activity Questionnaire
  • Diversity Monitoring Questionnaire
  • Conflicts of interest Questionnaire
  • Advertising Questionnaire

Candidates should submit their CV with education, professional qualifications and employment history and the names and contact details for two referees, together with their statement of suitability. The statement of suitability should give evidence of the strength and depth of your ability to meet the essential criteria for this role. Please provide specific examples to demonstrate how you meet each of the criteria (max two pages please).

Your CV, statement and questionnaires should be returned by email to quoting reference PAPPT 014/15 by the closing date:12.00 Noon on Monday 1st February 2016

Selection Process


This appointment is being made in accordance with the guidance laid down by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments (OCPA). The candidates who demonstrate that they meet all of the essential criteria will be invited to interview. It is therefore essential that your statement gives full but concise information relevant to the appointment, clearly demonstrating how you meet each of the essential criteria.

Interviews and Selection Panel

Interviews are expected to take place on Friday 11thand Monday 21stMarch 2016 in London. The Selection Panel will consist ofSarah Hendry (Director for Water and Flood Risk Management, Defra - Panel Chair), Iain Ferguson (Independent Panel Member), Sir Philip Dilley (Chair of the Environment Agency) and John Varley (Joint Environment Agency and Natural England Board member.)In the interview candidates will be asked questions to assess whether they can demonstrate that theymeet theessential criteria. Candidates will be expected to make a short presentation if selected for interview and will be notified in advance of the title of the presentation.

Candidates considered appointable by the Selection Panel may be asked to have an individual meeting with the Secretary of State inMarch or April 2016. The decision on which of the appointable candidates to appoint will be made by the Secretary of State. All interviewees will be advised in writing of the outcome of the interview.

Candidates will be able to claim reasonable expenses incurred in travelling to and from the interview (please note you may be asked to justify travelling costs if the Department consider the claims unnecessarily excessive). Please inform us beforehand() if you intend to claim and the costs involved, if known.

For queries about your application or the recruitment process, please email the Public Appointments Team

How we will handle your application

Defra will acknowledge receipt of CVs and your statement. Candidates will be contacted again after the closing date and once the panel have considered all the applications.

Data protection

Defra is committed to protect your privacy and to process your personal information in a manner which meets the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.

Annex A

Current membership of the Environment Agency Board

Sir Philip Dilley(Chairman)

Emma Howard Boyd (Deputy Chair)

Clive Elphick

Karen Burrows

Peter Ainsworth

Richard Macdonald

Gill Weeks

Lynne Frostick

John Varley

Sir James Bevan is Chief Executive of the Environment Agency

Annex B

The Seven Principles of Public Life


Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest.


Holders of public office must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work. They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships.


Holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.


Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.


Holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner. Information should not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and lawful reasons for so doing.


Holders of public office should be truthful.


Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour. They should actively promote and robustly support the principles and be willing to challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.