14 OCTOBER, 2008


14 October, 2008

All Hallows RC Business and Enterprise College

Weaste Lane


Meeting commenced: 6.30 p.m.

“ ended: 9.05 p.m.

PRESENT: V. Ivison - in the Chair

Councillors Ainsworth, Deas, Ferrer and Taylor

D. Assheton-Smith } BRATS

C. Evans }

S. Richardson }

J. Cartwright }

J. Smethurst - Height Methodist Church

D. Kenny - All Hallows Business and Enterprise College

M. Cheadle - Buile Hill High School

D. Terry - Oasis Academy MediaCity:UK

P. Krinks - Lullington Homewatch

J. Collins - De la Salle Sports Club

L. Rowbotham - Local Resident

S. Dirir - Save Lightoaks Park

I. Cowell - Orlanda Avenue

S. Faunce - Victoria Road

B. Madden } Doveleys Road

M. Madden }

B. Patten - Claremont Community Association

J. Openshaw } Middle Victoria Road K. Ivison } Homewatch

A. Cranna - Salford Advertiser

OFFICERS: A. Westwood - Area Co-ordinator

M. Walbank - Neighbourhood Manager

G. Hodgin - Urban Vision

C. Roberts - Greater Manchester Police

K. Fairhurst - Community Development Worker

D. Alexander - Salford PCT

M. McHugh - Senior Democratic Services Officer


A DVD was presented which showed a film, which had been taken at the Participatory Budgeting Events, where decisions on the community priorities for the Highways Devolved Budget had been made.


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Heywood and Owen and E. Ryan, E. Heywood, B. Downes, J. Cook, T. Curran, A. McLeod, D. Lees, J. Lees, L. Crowder, R. Wakefield and D. Henthorne.


The minutes of the meeting held on 9 September, 2008, were approved as a correct record.


(a) Participatory Budgeting Conference

V. Ivison provided details of a Participatory Budgeting Conference which she had attended at the Midland Hotel, Manchester, on 15 September, 2008, on behalf of the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of the Community Committees.

RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted.

(b) Update from High Schools

(i) All Hallows Business and Enterprise College

D. Kenny presented details of work being undertaken in his school to promote community links and community involvement.

He provided details of the facilities and activities currently available under the ‘Extended Schools’ programme and work which was being undertaken to develop this further in the future.

He also provided details of the GCSE results for the school in the 2007 / 2008 academic year from which 62 per cent of children had attained five A* to C grades.

(ii)  Buile Hill High School

M. Cheadle presented details of the work which had taken place during the 2007 / 2008 academic year which included -

-  the appointment of a new head teacher

-  the completion of new buildings on the school site

-  the development of the school timetable

She provided details of the facilities and activities currently available under the ‘Extended Schools’ programme and work which was being undertaken to develop this further in the future.

She also provided details of links which were being made by the school with local businesses from the area.

(iii)  Oasis Academy MediaCity:UK

D. Terry presented details of the work being undertaken in his school to promote community links and community involvement.

He provided details of the facilities and activities currently available under the ‘Extended Schools’ programme, which included -

-  evening weekday youth club facilities

-  literacy, ICT and modern foreign language courses available to adults

He also provided details of ongoing development work for current projects including -

-  International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL)

-  Development of the schools 6th Form facility

-  International links with children from schools in South Africa and Palestine.

(iv)  Questions / Comments

The Chairman thanked the school representatives for their update reports and invited any questions or comments from members of the local community which included -

-  publicity of the facilities and activities available under the ‘Extended Schools’ programme

-  charges which would be made for the facilities and activities under the ‘Extended Schools’ programme

-  intergenerational work being undertaken by the schools within the area

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the update reports be noted.

(2) THAT update reports from the schools be provided at future meetings of this Committee.


RESOLVED: THAT the recommendations for Community Committee funding, made by the Budget Group at their meeting held on 28 September, 2008, and as detailed below, be approved.



Weaste Community Watch / £8,319 for running costs / Approve £7,139 from devolved budget and £1,000 from community health and wellbeing budget.
Lullington Homewatch / £140 for room hire and running costs / Approve £140 from community health and wellbeing budget
Neighbourhood Team / £410 for community tea / Approve £410 from devolved budget.
Claremont Community Association / £440 for publicity and running costs a including insurance / Approve £440 from community health and wellbeing budget.
Salfordian Hotel / £1,560. For accommodation / meals for a set number of people, to be chosen by community committee / Refuse.
Salford Sea Cadets / £143. Part cost for Claremont / Weaste area for canoe /
safety equipment / Approve £143 from community health and wellbeing budget.
Neighbourhood Manager / £1,000. Part cost for clear up in Weaste cemetery. / Approve £1,000 from devolved budget subject to match funding becoming available.
ELIM Kids Club / Approval to use an under spend of £56.77 from a previous application on purchase of Craft materials / Approve.


M. Walbank provided information regarding the establishment and operation of the Neighbourhood Partnership Board for Claremont / Weaste.

He reported that the first meeting of the Board had taken place on 16 September, 2008, and that this had taken the form of a Development Session for members. He indicated that the next meeting was scheduled to be held on 3 November, 2008, and that an update report would be submitted at the next meeting of this Committee.

RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted.


C. Roberts, Greater Manchester Police, provided an update report in respect of crime and anti-social behaviour issues within the Neighbourhood Management Area, including –

- the success of the ‘Proms in the Park’ event

- events and activities relating to the ‘Not In My Neighbourhood’ programme

- the introduction of a ‘How to Avoid Becoming the Target of Crime’ leaflet

- a recent increase in instances of crimes in the ‘Burglary Dwelling’ category.

He also circulated details of the crime figures for the area which provided information on the current recorded crime figures with comparative data for 2007 and also for the Ordsall and Langworthy area for the same periods.

Discussion took place in respect of a number of issues, including -

- an incident of armed robbery at the Shopping Giant on Irlams o'th’ Height

- instances of ‘Cash In Transit’ Crimes and work being undertaken to prevent their occurrence.

RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted.


(a) Salford Royal Hospital

V. Ivison provided an update report in respect of issues relating to Salford Royal Hospital.

Councillor Ainsworth reported -

(i)  that contractors working on behalf of the Salford Royal Hospital NHS Trust had caused damage to the flower beds at the Hope Shops on Eccles Old Road;

(ii)  that trade was being lost by the Hope Shops on Eccles Old Road owing to the loss of the lay-by facilities adjacent to them.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted.

(2) THAT V. Ivison raise the issues in (i) and (ii) above at the meeting of the Hospital Liaison Group to be held on Wednesday, 15 October, 2008.

(b) Height

(i) Bolton Road - Road Safety Issue

B. Patten provided details of an incident which she had witnessed where a bus travelling into Manchester along Bolton Road had stopped at the bus stop at Doveleys Road. The bus had been full of passengers, including many students travelling to Pendleton College. Many of the passengers had disembarked at this stop and proceeded to cross Bolton Road in front of the bus which was still at the stop.

Concerns were raised that this type of incident happened on a regular basis and, with the heavy usage of the road, there is a probability that an accident will occur.

Members noted the potential for a serious traffic accident should these incidents continue.

It was noted that this issue was not easily remedied as it was complex in nature.

M. Walbank indicated that the Environment Task Group had this item on its Agenda and work was being undertaken to take the issue forward.

RESOLVED: THAT the Environment Task Group be requested to investigate this issue and submit a report to a future meeting of this Committee.

(ii)  Joan Nolan

B. Patten placed on record her thanks to Joan Nolan who had recently retired as a member of the Claremont Community Association following a number of years for the support shown, and for the work she had undertaken for, the local community.

(iii) Lightoaks Park

S. Dirir provided details of the continuing work which she and the ‘Save Lightoaks Park’ Group were undertaking within the area in respect of the site of the former Oakwood High School.

She indicated that -

-  over 3,000 signatures had been collected on the petition in respect of the site of the former Oakwood High School

-  she would be having a further meeting with Sir Peter Heywood in December, 2008, to discuss the matter.

RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted.

(c) Weaste

Former Weaste Cricket Ground

Residents from Wortley Avenue attended the meeting. Their homes back on to the former Weaste Cricket Ground which is currently being used by Salford City Reds as an additional car parking facility for match days.

It was noted that in order to form the car park, the grass and a layer of top soil was removed and a layer of hard core put in its place and that they were not aware ofany drainage facilities being put in place.

It was reported that during periods of wet weather, large areas of water (in some cases up to 2 feet deep) formed and this then subsided by flowing into the adjacent gardens.

Photographic evidence of the problem was made available to members attending the meeting.

Councillor Ainsworth speaking in support of the residents indicated that he had spoken with an officer fromUrban Vision and that he had been informed that this issue may constitute a Statutory Nuisance.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted.

(2) THAT the Area Co-ordinator contact the Strategic Director of Sustainable Regeneration to request that (a) any appropriate action be taken, working with Salford City Reds, to resolve this problem and (b) an update report in respect of the issue be submitted at the next meeting of the Community Committee to be held on 11 November, 2008.

(d) New Weaste

Councillor Ainsworth commented on the long-standing problems which had been encountered along Eccles New Road with power outages affecting Street lighting and traffic bollards.

He indicated that proposals had been agreed that that ‘Self Lighting’ Bollards would be placed along the affected section of Eccles New Road but that this work had not yet been completed.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted.

(2) THAT the Area Co-ordinator contact the Strategic Director of Sustainable Regeneration to request that an update report in respect of the issue be submitted at the next meeting of the Community Committee to be held on 11 November, 2008.

(e) Pendlebury

No report.

(f) Parks

The minutes of the Park Walkabout held on 8 October, 2008, were circulated for the information of members.

RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted.

(g) Hope

Councillor Ainsworth commented on the delays to the implantation of Phase 3 of the Hope Hospital Residents’ Parking Scheme.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted.

(2) THAT the Area Co-ordinator contact the Strategic Director of Sustainable Regeneration to request that an update report in respect of the issue be submitted at the next meeting of the Community Committee to be held on 11 November, 2008.


M. Walbank submitted the minutes arising from the meeting of the Environment Task Group held on 9 October, 2008, which had been convened to discuss the Central Salford Environmental Audit.

Members provided details of four additional areas to be included on the list of priority sites.

RESOLVED: (1) THAT the report be noted.

(2) THAT, with the inclusion of the additional areas to be included on the list of priority sites, the list be submitted for consideration by the Central Salford Urban Regeneration Company and Salix Homes.


V. Ivison gave details of meetings and events she had attended during the past month as in her role as Chair of the Community Committee.

RESOLVED: THAT the matter be noted.


(a) Carers Information

K. Fairhurst indicated that a leaflet providing information for carers in the city was available for members.


RESOLVED: THAT the next meeting of this Committee be held on Tuesday, 11 November, 2008, at All Hallows RC Business and Enterprise College, Weaste Lane, Salford at 6.30 p.m.

